Posted December 12, 2023 by Alex in [Development](https://fractalsoftworks.com/category/development/) |
2023 年 12 月 12日,Alex 所著。
I've been doing a bunch of work adjusting skills in the last couple of days. Since it's so fresh in my mind, and since there were a lot of changes, it seemed like it might be interesting to talk about the reasoning behind each change – nothing huge, just a sentence or two describing the thought process. This is an extremely unplanned/impromptu post, and it (probably?) won't be a very long one. *[Editor's note: this turned out to be overly optimistic.]* I'll try to organize things roughly in the order that I made the changes, so you get a little more of a real view into how this type of work goes sometimes. |
First, a bit of a step back. While there are 4 different skill categories, or “aptitudes” (combat, leadership, tech, industry), there are two broad types of skills – ones that boost the ship you're piloting, and ones that boost… everything else. From other ships in your fleet (usually *including* your flagship, though not boosting it as much as personal skills), to things like colonies , campaign travel and so on. |
首先,想想现状是怎么样的。目前一共有 4 条技能树 —— 准确来说是技能条 —— 分别是战斗、领导、科技、工业,大体上分为两种,一种直接增益你的座舰,而其他包括战斗内舰船增益、生涯舰队增益、殖民地增益在内的全部技能都归类于另一种。
Coming at it fresh, it might seem “obvious” that skills that boost your fleet are way better than skills that boost your flagship. Boosting more things is clearly better than boosting fewer things! This is perfectly reasonable, but like many obvious things, it turns out to be wrong – or at least, more complicated than that. |
Under the control of a good pilot, personal-ship skills make a huge difference, and your flagship can make an outsized impact on the battle. However, the amount of difference it makes is dependent on the player's piloting skill. A player that's better in piloting will get a lot of mileage out their flagship being stronger. A player that's not so good at it – or one that just elects to command their fleet and doesn't even try to pilot a ship themselves – won't. |
在玩家或 AI 适当的发挥之下,座舰技能可以发挥出很强大的效果,各路手操神仙的旗舰更是达到了摧枯拉朽的程度。不过,座舰技能的效用总体而言更取决于玩家的手操技巧,擅长手操的玩家往往能把一个座舰技能的增益发挥地淋漓尽致,而不擅长手操的玩家 —— 甚至某些只点舰队技能且完全不去手操的玩家 —— 则基本无法发挥座舰技能的强度。
The point I'm trying to make here is that the balance between these two types of skills is inherently player-skill-dependent (or, preference dependent, in the case of a player that just wants to command their fleet). This means that there's no specific value where Personal Ship Skill A will be “balanced” when compared to Fleetwide Skill B. Rather, what we're adjusting here is the amount of piloting skill a player needs to have to make the personal-ship skills worthwhile. |
(There have been suggestions to split the skills to use two separate pools of points so they don't compete with each other. I don't want to go off on a tangent about this, so I'll just note that I am aware of this and feel strongly that it's not the way I want to go with it. I think this sort of balance and the build decisions that come of it – that evolve as the player's skill and game knowledge evolve – is interesting.) |
With that, enough setup! Let's dive in. |
First up: I've had a long-term TODO item to improve the “elite” effects of the piloted-ship skills. In brief: those skills each have a special bonus you can unlock. Your officers can only get a limited number of those (more on that later), but you-the-player can unlock all of them. It's meant to make it feel like there's a particular reason to pilot a ship yourself – you can't just get the same bonuses from an officer – but as it stands, the bonuses aren't quite up to the task. |
Mostly, this is fairly straightforward. Not trying to do anything fancy, just slinging a few more bonuses around. |
Ballistic Mastery improves ballistic weapon damage and range. The elite effect increases projectile speed – a “soft” bonus (i.e. it's hard to quantify), though quite good in practice. Still: let's just throw in an extra 5% damage here, why not. It feels good to have something tangible to go with the soft bonus, to feel like you're always benefitting in a concrete way. |
实弹大师提高武器伤害和射程。它的精英效果是提高射弹 (不含导弹) 的弹体飞行速度,这个效果虽然实际上强度相当可观,但在数据上不那么可视。既然要加强,那若是让它还能额外提高 5% 射弹伤害会如何?为难以评估的软性增益辅之以可计算的硬性增益,这下够一眼盯真了吧。
Target Analysis gives increasingly larger damage bonuses to larger ships – 10% to destroyers, 15% to cruisers, etc. Its elite effect is doing more damage to enemy weapons and engines, knocking them out more quickly – good, but also a bit of a “soft” bonus. Just doing more damage to cruisers and capital ships is frankly good enough for the baseline effect, so: moving the bonus damage to destroyers to the elite portion of the effect, and adding a new 5% bonus damage to frigates for good measure. |
目标解析对更大的舰船提供更大的伤害增益,分级增益数据相信各位早就背出来了这里就不赘述了。它的精英效果是对武器和引擎造成更多伤害,能更快让敌人失去反制能力 —— 挺好,但这个增益也只不过是个软性增益。我认为仅对巡洋舰和主力舰增伤就已经很符合这个技能的主旨了,所以我把对驱逐舰增伤从基础效果里砍掉然后放到了精英效果里,顺带给精英效果再加上了 5% 对护卫舰增伤。兄弟们我做得对吗?
(Side note: I'd love to throw around numbers that *feel* more impressive than 5% here and there. And, sure, in some places that works out. But the way combat works, a few 5% bonuses here and there really, really add up.) |
顺带一提,5% 增伤看上去可能不是很起眼,但它真的很多!超级多!
Systems Expertise is a weird one, I just had trouble coming up with a nice bonus for it, so it ended up as a grab-bag of underwhelming effects like reducing malfunctions and overload duration. Not very exciting, no-one plans to overload. So, alright. Nuking the grab-bag of bonuses is a given, but what to replace it with? It *is* a top-tier skill, so it ought to be strong. How about 10% less damage taken? Just, overall. It's a thematic fit – being an expert in all of the ship systems could conceivably enable you to secure them more effectively. It's not a super *exciting* bonus, but frankly, skills can't afford to do that too much – go too wild with that, and the AI has a hard time with it, and so do players that are surprised by a particular enemy ship having a given skill. |
系统专精就很怪了。我当初想了半天也想不出来给它个什么精英效果,所以最后就随便降了点故障概率和过载时长。好吧好吧我的问题,肯定没人想多过载几次,所以没什么大用...用什么东西换掉它呢?作为红线顶级技能,它应该很强,那就降点舰船所受伤害得了,10% 差不多就可以了。让我想想我该怎么把设定圆回去...呃,你是一个一个一个...嗯...舰船系统的专家,所以你大概...可以更有效地维护舰载系统,然后劈里啪啦呼噜哗啦,就这样了。这个增益说到底看上去也不算太惹眼,毕竟技能也不应该强得过分 —— 如果数值拉得太高,AI 决策就可能出现问题,而玩家碰上太硬的钢铁飞砖也肯定会大受震撼。
(译者注:你是不是觉得降低 10% 所受伤害很不随便?)
Helmsmanship is just broadly a bit weak – nothing really wrong with it. So, a quick boost to the percent speed bonus the base effect provides, and another boost to the flat speed bonus the elite effect provides (up to 15% and 10 su respectively), and, done. Again, not trying to do ground-breaking things here – rather, making “safe” changes that shouldn't break things but still nudge everything in the desired direction, when taken all together. |
操舵技术它就是单纯地有点弱而它的设计没什么问题。所以我们首先把它的基础效果从 10% 速度提高改成 15%,再把它的精英效果从 5 速度提高改成 10,搞定。再次强调,我们不会在这里搞出什么大新闻,只往我们需要的方向做一些保守的、尽可能避免破坏事物运作的规律的数据调整,这样效果就很好了。
Combat Endurance has a fun elite effect – you regenerate hull (up to a limit) once it drops below 50%! This isn't something you can do by other means, and it's a cool ability to have, but it still suffers from requiring you to be “losing” too much before it activates. So: let's make it regenerate hull whenever it drops below 100%. That happens often enough that it's not really a “losing” state anymore. And it has the benefit of keeping a ship with a larger hull buffer for as long as possible, so it's also stronger after this change, even though the total maximum amount of hull regeneration is the same. |
战斗耐力目前的精英效果就已经很有意思了,当你船体的结构值低于 50% 的时候,就可以缓慢地恢复它。除此之外原版没有任何方式可以在战斗中恢复结构值,很酷,但它疑似在生效之前要求你 受损 地有点多了,所以...我们直接把维修阈值拉到 100%。这样它就会更早触发,相当于把结构值看作是某种伤害缓冲区且拉长了一倍,对结构值较多的舰船而言效果显著,可以避免被什么东西直接两下干穿。所以总体而言哪怕没有提高可恢复的数量,这个改动也提高了它的强度。
Gunnery Implants has a bonus to the fleet's ECM rating, a higher one for small ships. This… let's set this one aside for now; how ECM works needs another look first. |
火控植入的精英效果是提高 ECM 等级,在小船上提高地多一些。这个不太好说,下文再展开来谈。
Damage Control is another skill with an elite effect that's fun but requires you to be losing – if you take massive hull damage in a single hit, it gets reduced a lot. So if you play well and don't make mistakes, you're going to see no benefit from the skill, yay. Also if an enemy officer has it, you might be scratching your head when you torpedo their ship and it has way less impact than expected. (See: prior point about not really having that much latitude to go wild with these effects.) |
损伤管制的精英效果也很有意思,而且也是在你 受损 时才触发。如果你被一发 DPH 超高的什么东西打了,那么实际伤害会降低不少。所以,如果你打得不错、不犯错误,那这个效果其实一点用都没有,耶!
So… executive decision time, nuking that effect from orbit, too. I *like* it, but it's got to go. What to do instead, though? Don't want to stack more damage reductions onto this skill, it already kind of *does* that. How about a nice +15% damage to enemy hull? It makes sense that knowing all about damage control would also let you know how to count *enemy* damage control efforts. |
所以我们决定把它砍掉!我还是挺喜欢这个效果的,但它是该随风而去了。那这里该摆上一条什么东西呢?我不想让这个技能的效果过度地偏向于减伤,毕竟它的基础效果就已经很减伤了,所以...要不提高 15% 对敌方舰体造成的伤害吧。接下来是圆设定环节,就比如...呃,你很清楚怎么有效地控制损伤,所以就可以...利用弱点反治其身?
Except, hmm. This kind of means that other damage-reducing skills should also maybe provide a small damage bonus against their chosen type of defense, too. At first this felt like a rabbit hole, but there are only two more skills like this. |
Field Modulation boosts shields (and phase cloak), and tacking on a 5% extra damage to shields to the elite effect feels just about right. |
相场调制的效果就是对护盾和相位乱七八糟增幅一通。接下来我们再让它提高 5% 对护盾造成的伤害,太对了!
Impact Mitigation – the armor-boosting skill – has a strong elite effect (boosting ship maneuverability – the thematic connection is being able to angle the ship to distribute the impacts). So it gets a more modest “10% increased hit strength” – that's something that factors into the armor damage reduction calculation. Given the already-valuable elite effect, this extra boost more of a nod to the theme of these three skills boosting offense slightly than being a substantial boost in its own right. (With that: the rabbit hole turned out to be fairly shallow.) |
冲击缓解 —— 主要增幅装甲 —— 它的精英效果还挺强大的,大幅提高舰船机动能力可以让你真正意义上地去摆角度缓解冲击。所以我们给它再加上 10% 的穿甲力提高,可以更好地对抗装甲减伤机制。考虑到它原有的精英效果就已经很强力了,所以这个增益顶多算个添头,只是为了和上面两个技能的精英效果保持一定程度上的一致。这样三个技能就都攻防一体了,舞台也不怎么大嘛。
Ordnance Expertise increases the ship's flux stats (in brief, flux builds up when you fire weapons, the more of it you can dissipate, and the higher your ship's capacity, the more weapons fire you can sustain). Its elite effects isn't flashy, but it's good enough. The baseline effect, +2 flux dissipation for every ordnance point spent on weapons, though… well, it's too strong. This skill is almost an auto-pick on an officer, but more problematically, it changes the balance of the game by letting ships fit too many offense-focused weapons and making things like point-defense less valuable. There are other factors involved here, for sure – some overall reduction in weapon flux generation, a few new low-flux weapon options, other means available for improving flux stats – but Ordnance Expertise is part of the picture, too. So the baseline effect gets a modest reduction – 1.5 instead of 2 points. It doesn't need to be nerfed into the ground, just enough that other skills might be more competitive against it, so I think it makes sense to start with a conservative change. |
军械大师提高舰船的幅能属性,更高的幅能容量能让你的火力更持久,更高的幅能耗散能让你的火力更强。它的精英效果还挺朴实无华的,而且也已经很好了...相比之下,它的基本效果每武器装配 +2 幅能耗散是不是有点太强了?非 BAN 必选啊,耗散随武器增多而提高这怎么能行,游戏平衡都给它打破了!点防御武器就是因为安装输出武器的代价太低而式微的!虽然确实是我调整数据让武器产生幅能越来越低,但你军械大师难道就一点错都没有吗?砍了砍了,改成每武器装配 +1.5 幅能耗散。这就顺眼多了嘛,和其他技能相比还是有很强的竞争力的。
(译者注:你要不要仔细想想点防御武器式微和你的那什么 DEM 有没有关系?)
A few other skills – Point Defense, Energy Weapon Mastery, Polarized Armor – seem like they're in a fine place to begin with. |
Missile Expertise – the other top-tier Combat skill, alongside Systems Expertise – I'd already toned down the elite effect of, some time ago. Unlike the others, it was way too strong, boosting missile DPS by 50% *and* increasing their hitpoints, resulting in even higher effective damage output. |
导弹特化...和系统专精相对应的另一个顶级技能,它的精英效果反而被削弱了。它真的太强了,提高导弹 DPS 50% 还提高了弹体血量,总体而言提高输出的能力有点过头。
ECM 大修
At this point, the elite skill effect pass was done, with the exception of Gunnery Implants, and it was time to tackle the ECM rating/Electronic Warfare mechanics. |
现在,精英效果差不多就已经改完了,不过刚才没怎么细谈火控植入,因为现在要给它、电子对抗以及 ECM 机制单开一章。
In brief: each fleet gets an ECM rating (from ships, skills, etc). These are compared, and the loser's weapon range is reduced by the amount they lost by, capped to 10% maximum. The problem is that if an enemy fleet has really high ECM, then having a little ECM doesn't help you even a bit- they have enough to max out your penalty regardless. And the main current endgame enemy – the [REDACTED] – have very high ECM. So it's extremely binary, either put nothing in it, or absolutely max it out using every trick in the book. Anything in between is pointless. This isn't good! |
之前的效果是这样的:战场的每一边都有其 ECM 等级,ECM 会来自于舰船或舰队技能之类的杂七杂八的来源,两边之间进行数字比大小,较小的那一方会因而降低武器射程,上限为 10%。可是问题来了,如果对方的 ECM 高到离谱,那么在合理范围内小叠一点 ECM 对你而言没有任何作用,数值碾压导致你直接吃下全部射程惩罚让你前功尽弃。然而经常与你打交道的主要敌人之一 [余晖] 就拥有极高的 ECM,所以总的来说这就让决策变成了二极管,要么一点不沾,要么直接拉满。这不对!
(译者注:你:叠出 90% ECM)
There have been some excellent suggestions made on the forum. (Argh, I can't find the thread now! I even had the link in my TODO list, but deleted it after making the changes.) Anyway, the main point of that specific suggestion was to have one side's ECM reduce the other side's weapon range, so that both sides end up with reduced range, and one side having more ECM doesn't cancel the other out. |
Frac 论坛上就提出了一些很好的建议,虽然我完全忘了那个帖子是哪,而且还一不小心把它从备忘录里删了,但总之 —— 这个建议的意思是让 ECM 直接减少对方的武器射程,不会互相抵消。
That's good, but there's still a thorny question as to how you might make higher ECM values worth it. If 10% ECM rating maxes out the enemy range penalty, then having more isn't worth it. One option is to have diminishing returns on it, so that as your ECM rating goes up, the range penalty approaches the maximum value more and more slowly. This is harder to explain, though, and for the player to evaluate at a glance. If e. g. at some point getting 5% more ECM gives 0.25% increased range penalty, then… that's still basically useless, just in a complicated way. |
儿臣深得朕意,朕准了!不过还存在一些比较棘手的问题,比如这个建议本身就很二极管 —— 堆满 10% ECM之后多出来的那些部分就浪费了。一个也许比较有用的方案是让它的收益递减,随着 ECM 的提高,对对方施加的射程惩罚越来越慢地接近最大值。然而这不够直观,对玩家而言也太复杂了。比如当你再提高 5% ECM 却只能再施加 0.25% 射程惩罚...算了吧,没用的。
But, well – the point here isn't necessarily a “perfect system”. Rather, a system that works well for the ECM rating numbers you're likely to encounter in-game. With that in mind, the new ECM rules: |
总之...好吧,关键不在于把它做得很完美,而是把它做得更能展示 ECM 旁边那几个数字的对抗关系,毕竟你也大概率要在游戏里对它研究一番。所以我们大改了 ECM 机制:
- ECM rating cuts enemy range by **half** of the rating, maximum 10%, so this maxes out at 20% ECM rating |
- ECM 将直接降低敌方全体舰船的武器射程,降低量为我方 ECM 数值的一半,在 ECM 触及 20% 时达到降低量的上限 10%。
And, actually, that's it. That's the new baseline ECM rule. Unless you're investing heavily into ECM, you're not likely to see values higher than this. And if you *are*, chances are you have the Electronic Warfare skill, which is where a few added rules come in. |
行了,就是这样。除非你盯着 ECM 开始叠叠乐,否则你的 ECM 大概都会落到有效增长区间内。如果你真开叠了,那你大概是点了电子对抗技能,这个技能的改动我们马上就要讲到。
(译者注:这意味着极少量 ECM 也可能有效,反对内卷从你我做起)
Electronic Warfare is another skill that needed some help – all it would do is increase the ECM rating by 1% for each ship you have deployed. Just changing up the ECM rating mechanics is enough to give this skill more value/meaning, but it'd be really nice to spruce it up some, make it something that's actually fun to take. And, since the skill lets you reach higher ECM rating values (i.e. quite doably above 20%), it should provide some benefit when you do. |
电子对抗是另一个需要调整的技能,它目前的效果就只是让所有部署的舰船提供 1% ECM。由于 ECM 机制已经改了,所以它本身的意义也相应地产生了变化,不过我更希望给它再整点新活,让它变得更有意思一点点。况且,它往往会让你的 ECM 变得特别高,高到超过 20%,所以应该提供一点超高 ECM 专属的优势。
- The EW skill lets your ships capture combat objectives much more quickly, and from a longer range |
- 首先,电子对抗让你的舰船占点速度更快、占点距离更远。
Five times more quickly, to be exact, and from 1000 longer range. Another “soft” effect, but being able to capture objectives more quickly and reliably is huge. Imagine sending a frigate to capture a Comm Relay, an enemy frigate gets there at the same time, they have a bit of a fight, neither side able to chase the other off for long enough to complete the capture. Or, instead, as both frigates approach, yours captures the relay almost immediately, before they are even in contact, and you're able to deploy additional ships right away. |
严格来说,速度提高了五倍,距离提高了 1000。这个效果也比较软性,但效果绝对显著。当你让一艘护卫舰去占领一个通讯中继器的时候,如果一艘敌方护卫舰几乎同时到达那里,那么它们就会在店内对射,双方都无法快速解决另一方;但如果点了电子对抗,那么当双方还在互相靠近时,你的护卫舰就已经占领了点位,这时候搞不好双方都没有开火。这样你就可以直接部署更多舰船了。
The high-values-provide-a-benefit part: |
然后是超高 ECM 那部分:
- With the EW skill, ECM rating values above 20% reduce the maximum range penalty from enemy ECM, by **half** of the excess ECM rating |
- 电子对抗还会让你 ECM 超过 20% 的那部分去抵消因对方 ECM 而导致的射程惩罚,比例也是每 2% 我方 ECM 可以抵消 1% 惩罚。
So if you have 30% ECM rating, the maximum range penalty you'd suffer is 5%. At 40%, the penalty is countered entirely. |
比如当你有 30% ECM,你超出 20% 的部分是 10%,可以抵消抵消 5% 射程惩罚。而当你有 40% ECM 的时候,超出 20% 的部分是 20%,可以抵消 10% 射程惩罚,此时无论对方 ECM 叠多高你都不受射程惩罚。
(译者注:这个改动让玩家不必盲目地去叠 ECM,而且对于余晖级 ECM 也有一战之力,可能是本次博客中唯一较为合理的改动了)
Which does mean that values above 40% are wasted, but they're not very likely unless you're really aiming to get them, and if they don't help, why would you be? It also means that if the enemy fleet has 40% ECM rating and Electronic Warfare, then having an ECM rating between 0 and 20% does not help you any – the range penalty gets cancelled out completely by enemy ECM. Less than ideal, but enemy fleets won't often have a rating that high, and overall we still have a *much* wider range of ECM values that matter. |
虽然浪费 ECM 的情况依然可能发生,但你大概不会有意识地去叠到超过 40%,因为你很清楚 ECM 的效用上限就是 40%,对吧?除此之外,这也意味着如果对方拥有 40% ECM 和电子对抗技能,那么你的 ECM 最好大于 20%,因为 20% 以内的那部分不会有效用。虽然这样还是不太理想,但大多数敌方的 ECM 通常不会那么高,总体而言 ECM 更能适用于各种情况了。
Going back to Gunnery Implants and its elite bonus – increasing your fleet's ECM rating is nice, though now the bonus is only half as valuable because half of the ECM rating becomes the range penalty. At the same time, I don't want to increase the bonus since that would make higher ECM rating values easier to reach and we'd be back where we started as far as the problem of “useless” ECM numbers – just, with larger numbers. So: Gunnery Implants already increases weapon range by 15%. Let's give it an extra 5% as the elite effect. This might be too strong, actually; it might be worth considering toning the base effect down to 10% alongside that change. Something I'm still keeping an eye on! |
现在可以回去谈谈火控植入技能和它的精英效果了 —— 增加 ECM 强度现在是非常可观的加成,哪怕射程惩罚是 ECM 的一半而以前直接等于 ECM。我不想直接拉高它提供的 ECM,毕竟这会让 40% 效用上限太容易被叠出来,进而导致 ECM 数值膨胀重新出现之前的尴尬问题。不难注意到火控植入的基础效果是提高 15% 武器射程,那么就让它的精英效果再提高 5%。搞不好有点太强了,所以我在想要不要让它的基础效果降低到 10%,着重关注!
This is another technology skill that didn't quite work out. What it does is increase the number of elite skills your officers have by 2. This is a good bonus, and it's more valuable now that the elite skill effects are stronger, but there are still two problems. |
模控增强是另一个不太对劲的的蓝技能,它现在的效果就是让副官可以点的精英技能 +2。真是简单粗暴,而且我们刚刚加强了一波精英技能所以它现在也更强了,然而它也有着这么两个问题...
One, making officer skills elite costs “story points”. (Without getting into detail, the key thing is that it's a fairly limited resource – you can always get more, but that can take a while.) The problem is that two more elite skills for every officer you have adds up to *a lot* of points |
And two, it gives officers too many elite skills! If you recall, the point of those is to make the player feel a little more special. But with all of the possible officer-elite-skill boosters, you end up with officers that have 4 out 6 skills elite (or, 3 out of 5). |
So, what to do here? First off, the effect is actually nice, but we can tone it down to 1 elite skill. That solves both problems, and honestly, with elite skills being stronger, the skill might be powerful enough as-is. |
所以我们该如何力挽狂澜呢?首先,这个效果本身不错,但应该把它的 +2 改成 +1,这样精英技能的数量就少下来了,两个问题全解决了。而且平心而论,精英技能这么加强一圈下来之后,现在的一个精英技能应该抵得上之前的两个。
But it feels a little empty with just that. It'd be fun to give the skill another effect. And, continuing with the theme of making taking personal-ship skills better, maybe something that contributes to that, too. At first I was thinking of just simply tacking on some kind of piloted-ship effect to an otherwise fleetwide skill, but that didn't feel quite right. Then, I got an idea! |
What if the skill gave an additional bonus based on the number of piloted-ship skills you have? Something like: |
- Affects all ships with officers, including the flagship |
- 影响舰队中所有带有副官的舰船,包括玩家旗舰
- +1% damage dealt per piloted-ship skill you have |
- 玩家每有一个座舰技能,受影响的舰船造成的伤害 +1%
- -1% damage taken per piloted-ship skill you have |
- 玩家每有一个座舰技能,受影响的舰船受到的伤害 -1%
The actual effect is generic, but I think it needs to be, at least for the concept to make sense. The idea is, you're better at making combat augmentations based on your actual combat skills. So either it's something generic like this – or it'd be something where the bonuses are based on the specific skills you have. The latter would involve basically re-engineering the skill system to support that, so: not happening. |
There are still a few minor problems here, though. One, “piloted-ship skill” doesn't read very well. We could say “combat skill” but that might imply “skills under the Combat aptitude” rather than “skills that benefit your personal ship in combat”. Luckily, all piloted-ship skills can be made elite – it's an intrinsic property of this kind of skill – so we can just say “elite skill” instead. Since that's a term directly used in the game, in many places, that should make it clear. And requiring the skill to be elite'd is not a significant mechanical change; you'd want to do that anyway. |
(译者注:不过事实上它可能并不如废船之类需要献祭自己的灵魂的流派那样强,大量增益意味着你需要在投入蓝线 5 个技能点的同时把剩下的技能点尽可能地放到红线去,补正未必有绿线顶级或黄线顶级高)
The other problem is a 1% bonus just sounds weak and boring. This I think we can get around by just rephrasing it: |
而另一个问题就是 1% 加成看上去太弱了,实在是很没劲。但起码文案要有气势,所以我们换个描述方法:
- +X% damage dealt (1% per elite skill you have) |
- +X% 舰船造成的伤害(玩家每有一个座舰技能,效果提高 1%)
Or something similar, where X would be the number of elite skills you currently have. A slightly bigger number, and saves you the trouble of counting up the skills – win/win! |
是吧,立刻就很有气势了,X 的位置会实时替换为你的精英技能的数量,看上去比 1% 大了不少。赢,赢两次!
For fun, let's double this bonus for the flagship only. … and, coming back to it sometime later: let's only double the “damage dealt” part. Too much stacking of “damage taken” reduction has the potential to get out of hand. |
(译者注:为了找点乐子,FOR FUN,原文原话)
But now, new problem: the skill is probably too strong for where it's at (the third tier of tech). Luckily, one of the top-tier tech skills – Neural Link – doesn't quite pull its weight as a top-tier skill – so let's swap them. |
Another tech skill that needed a little something. Probably part of a pattern, but one that ends here! |
In this case, it's on-paper a strong skill – switch between ships instantly! Apply your personal skills to two ships at once! But in practice – it works, but it also doesn't live up to its top-tier billing. The “apply skills to two ships” part is fine and good, but the fancy maneuvers that come to mind when you hear “instant switching between ships” are mostly too hard to pull off. |
Moving it down a tier resolves that, I think – it's still a strong skill, it still works. There's just less pressure on it to perform at the absolute top level – and on you as a player, to utilize it to that degree. |
While I was there, I took the opportunity to clean up the wording on the skill, and the associated hullmods that make it “work”. For example, the skill tooltip now emphasizes applying your skills to two ships at once – a key aspect of the skill that was a little buried before. |
所以趁着我还有点想法的时候,我整理了一遍它的描述文本,以及实际上让它起效的那两个舰船插件 —— 比如,技能描述文本现在会强调你的个人技能会同时应用于你的座舰和链接舰船上,这非常重要,但以前基本没提过。
However, another aspect of the skill is that it lets you personally control automated ships! Normally, you have to install an AI core in one (well, you don't have to, they just get way better if you do) and they fight on your side, but you can't pilot it yourself. Except for with this skill! |
而另一个重要的效果是,它能让你直接驾驶全自动舰船!那些船更适合装上 AI 核心,当然也可以不装,反正在通常情况下你无法这么干,但在点了这个技能之后就有可能了。
To do that, though, you have to get both top-tier tech skills – Automated Ships (which lets you have those in your fleet in the first place) and Neural Link. This means a heavy skill investment in tech, leaving less points for personal-combat skills, so, there's a tradeoff. |
But if you can pick up Neural Link and Automated Ships right off the bat – without an extra investment in tech – this tradeoff is no longer there, and the balance shifts. The question is, is that ok? |
The way you're able to pilot an automated ship is with the “Neural Integrator” hullmod. So if we say that it's *not* ok, an easy solution is to make this hullmod be unlocked by Cybernetic Augmentation – the newly-minted top-tier tech skill – instead. It fits well enough thematically. |
To answer that question, though – we've got yet another rough spot to polish up. (This is one case where I'm not going in chronological order – I actually made *this* change pretty early on, maybe even before the elite skill effect changes.) |
为了解答上文的问题,我们还需要再做出一点小小的改动 —— 实际上这个改动在我们决定调整精英技能之前就已经做出了。
The Neural Integrator hullmod has a very high ordnance point cost, meaning a ship sacrifices a lot to have it – weapons, firepower, flexibility. This is mostly tuned around the *Radiant*-class battleship it lets you personally control. It is *extremely* powerful in player hands, and this serves to rein it in a bit. Unfortunately, with the addition of a *Nova*-class battlecruiser – that that ship has fewer ordnance points, but is saddled with the same cost, so it's hit really hard and is not really worth using with Neural Integrator. |
神经集成器所需的装配点非常高 (译者注:高?),这意味着一艘安装了它的舰船已经牺牲了许多 —— 比如本能利用这些装配点的武器、幅能和机动性。这些全部都是为了打造一艘能让你开的辐射-级战列舰而调整的,毕竟它在玩家的手中强到毁天灭地,这种限制有助于让它不那么过分。不幸的是,在最近一次更新中加入的新星-级战列巡洋舰惨遭波及,天生较少的装配上限让它很难在装了神经继承器之后再干些什么,让它基本上不值得手操。
So: instead of having an extreme OP cost, let's change NI to increase the ship's deployment points instead, say by 20%. Since it's percentage-based, the cost is affected more in proportion to the ship's power, making the Nova a little more competitive. And this also reins in the power of the Radiant a bit more. |
With that change, I think it's ok to have the option to manually pilot an automated ship be more readily available, without a full tech skill point investment. At least, that seems worth experimenting with – and the option to move the NI unlock up a tier is always there. |
And, finally, we come to Hull Restoration – an extremely useful top-tier Industry skills. It repairs your ships over time, getting rid of d-mods (otherwise-near-permanent/very expensive to remove penalties, e.g. “glitchy sensors” etc), and lets you (mostly) recover your ships without getting new d-mods if they're destroyed. |
终 —— 于,我们该看看船体修复了,这个插件本就非常有用,它能随着时间推移缓慢修复你舰队里的 D 插,并极大幅度减少你在在战后恢复舰船时所新增的 D 插。
The complaint about this one is that as you get into the endgame, it doesn't help you much in combat. The counter argument is that with this skill, you can afford to lose ships (since you can recover them so easily), and this unlocks more aggressive and potentially stronger playstyles! The counter-counter argument is, why do this if you could invest in skills that make you stronger more directly and just not lose ships in the first place? |
I think there's some truth in both the counter and the counter-counter argument. With that in mind, what sort of in-combat bonus would make sense here? The general idea should still be “you can afford to lose ships”; that's the overall flavor of Industry. So, I don't want to the skill to boost ships directly. How about this: |
我觉得这两种观点都挺说得道理。所以得给它加点合理、有意义的战斗增益。增益的总体观念应该是 损失舰船并非不可接受 ,与黄线的总体风格相符,所以...看看这个:
- Pristine or near-pristine ships (with at most 1 d-mod) have their deployment point cost reduced by 10% or 5 points, whichever is less |
- 无 D 插或拥有 1 个 D 插的舰船将降低 10% 或 5 部署点,取决于哪个降低幅度小
This maintains the feel of the skill – it's about using (and sometimes losing/recovering) pristine ships, and you get to use more of them at the same time. It also combines nicely with several other top-tier skills. For example, when used with Support Doctrine, you get even cheaper unofficered ships. |
这保持了这个技能的一贯风格 —— 鼓励你大量使用全新的舰船,而哪怕它们最近炸过一次也问题不大。它还与许多其他顶级技能完美搭配,比如配合辅助学说,可以让你的无副官舰船变得更加便宜。
(I've also removed the “increased combat readiness” part of the skills; with this change, it was just cluttering things up.) |
我还移除了提高舰船 CR 的效果,这样整个技能就比较清晰直观了。
And speaking of Support Doctrine, it's another skill that I thought might need a little help. I'm not actually a hundred percent on this one, so it's more “see how it goes”, but – it's a top-tier leadership skill that competes with “Best of the Best”, which is *really* good (that one lets you build more things into your ships, plus has some other bonuses). |
既然刚刚提到了辅助学说,那刚好来谈谈这个同样需要一点调整的技能。其实我不太确定这个技能一定要调整,但是作为绿线顶级技能,它得和万里挑一竞争,而万里挑一可真不那么好惹,毕竟 S 插和一些其他什么增益的强度是很高的。
Support Doctrine, on the other hand, gives your ships-without-officers the effects of some skills, and makes them cheaper to deploy. Right now it gives the non-elite effects of 3 skills; the change is to give it a 4th – Ordnance Expertise. This *might* make it too close to an officered ship – an unaugmented officer can have 5 skills, one of them elite. On the other hand, the Support Doctrine skills are not hand-picked by the player and it's not an amazing combination – just a mix of things that are generally useful to almost any ship. And, if you're picking it up, you'll likely also pick up the skill that gives you stronger officers, along the way. |
而与之对应地,辅助学说给你的无副官舰船批发 3 个技能,并降低它们所需的部署点。就目前而言,它提供操舵技术、损伤管制和战斗耐力 —— 而这次调整将让它还提供军械大师,共 4 个技能。
这看上去可能让受它影响的舰船几乎等效于一艘搭载了副官的舰船,毕竟默认情况下一个副官最多能获得 5 个技能并精英化其中的 1 个,然而实际上并不一样,毕竟这 4 个技能是固定的,而且叠起来也不怎么强,不过是泛用而已。况且哪怕你点了辅助学说,你大概也会自己养几个更强的副官,所以它的实际影响并不算大。
So, not sure about this change – it's one that I'll keep an eye on during playtesting, for sure. |
(P. S. I forgot one! It's not a combat skill or a top-tier skill, so it fell through the cracks. “Containment Procedures” is a skill that reduces fuel use and lets you recover more fuel. Basically its job – as an industry skill – is to help you run a larger fleet, which the industry aptitude as a whole encourages. It's works for that, but the fuel reduction bonus it gave is “50% or 25 units, whichever is less”. The 25 units part is fine. The problem is with the 50% part – it really trivializes fuel costs early on, skewing the feel of exploration in a way it was never meant to. So: the change there is reducing it to 25%, while keeping the endgame usefulness just about the same.) |
噢 —— 差点忘了,还有个又不是战斗技能又不顶级的技能,实在不怎么起眼所以漏介绍了。密闭流程,这个技能可以降低舰队所需燃料并从打捞中得到更多燃料。作为一个典型的黄线技能,它有助于让你运营更大的舰队,而且实际作用也很可观。它的效果是降低舰队所需燃油 50% 或 25,取决于哪个降低幅度小。25 的那部分问题不大,但 50% 的那部分就有点夸张了,它在前期降低燃油消耗的力度疑似有点极端了,所以改成了 25%,这样改让它的后期作用不受影响。