2.5 (November 16, 2018)Updated to be compatible with Starsector 0.9a
Added the Squall to the missile lock icon exclusion list
Missile renderer changes:
- Changed missile contact colors to make them easier to distinguish from ships
(default dark purple for enemy and burnt out missiles, dark green for allied,
orange for missiles that are locked onto the player ship)
- Added "enemyMissileColor" and "friendlyMissileColor" to radar_settings.json
2.4c (May 05, 2017)Temporarily hide ship debris (will write a proper renderer for it later)
2.4b (April 21, 2017)Fixed choppy radar animations when time dilation ship systems are in effect
2.4 (April 21, 2017Updated to be compatible with Starsector 0.8a
Campaign radar is disabled by default now that vanilla has its own radar UI
- Enable by setting "showCampaignRadar" to false in data/config/settings.json
2.3b (March 16, 2017)Switched version file hosting to Bitbucket
Combat Readiness renderer changes:
- Fixed timer bar being misaligned by a single pixel
2.3 (November 10, 2016)Bumped up default radar size by 25% (was 1/5 of display height, now 1/4)
Slightly lowered default radar transparency (was 70%, now 65%)
Reversed direction of radar ring fade, now more transparent towards center
- To use the old setting, enable "reverseRingFade" in radar_settings.json
Added "showMemoryUsage" setting to radar_settings.json (disabled by default)
Fixed SpriteBatch position issues when used with non-centered SpriteAPIs
Removed Slick2D geometry classes (now unused, see ShipRenderer changes below)
Added data/config/radar/excluded_missile_locks.csv:
- Missiles in this file will not be drawn orange when targeting the player,
nor will a missile lock icon be shown
Campaign nebula renderer changes:
- Custom campaign terrain with the tag "radar_nebula" will be drawn as nebulae
- Added slight alpha level variations to visually break up the nebula tile map
Combat asteroid renderer changes:
- Fixed asteroids being drawn when the player flagship is destroyed
Missile renderer changes:
- Fixed flares using the wrong settings, obeys flareContactSize setting now
Ship renderer changes:
- Completely rewritten; now draws ships using their sprite, not collision
bounds, for perfect accuracy - this includes fighters as well
- Shields are now drawn underneath ships
- Minimum render sizes for ships and fighters (independent of zoom level; by
default a ship will never go below 8 pixels wide, nor a fighter below 6)
This should fix small ships becoming nigh-invisible at max zoom
- Bumped up default maxShown setting to 100 (was 60)
- New settings:
- "renderMode", controls whether ships/fighters are drawn using their sprites
or as simple triangles. Valid options: SPRITES, SIMPLE_FIGHTERS, SIMPLE_ALL
- "minShipSize", minimum size in pixels a ship will be rendered at regardless
of current zoom level (no more invisible ships at max zoom)
- "minFighterSize", same as above, but for fighters only
- "simpleIcon", the sprite used when a simple render mode is used. By default
this is the same triangle used for fleets in the campaign radar
New combat renderer: NebulaRenderer
- Equivalent to campaign nebulae renderer
2.2 (December 25, 2015)Empty rows in radar CSVs are ignored correctly
Added to radar_settings.json:
- "radarSize", determines the size of the radar as a fraction of the display
height, defaults to 0.2 or 20% display height. Keep in mind that the radar
adds 10% of its diameter as padding to the side/below.
- "allyColor", the color of teammates in battle
Increased default "maxShown" settings due to optimizations to sprite rendering
Added getAlliedContactColor() to CommonRadar interface
Added isPointOnRadar() to CommonRadar interface
Added ReloadRadar console command (only if Console Commands mod is enabled)
Battle progress renderer changes:
- Allies have their own section of the bar
Combat ship renderer changes:
- Allied ships have their own color
New campaign renderer: NebulaRenderer
- Handles nebula and deep hyperspace, does not show hyperspace storms yet
New optional renderer: MemoryUsageRenderer
- Appears to the left of the radar in both campaign and combat
- White portion of bar is fraction used of max allocatable memory
- Gray portion of bar is fraction allocated of max allocatable memory
- Shows heap memory on left, non-heap memory on right
(heap is the value most users will want to keep an eye on)
- Disabled by default, enable in the relevant CSVs in data/config/radar
New utility class: SpriteBatch
- Aids in efficiently drawing a sprite many times in a row
Miscellaneous optimizations and improvements
2.1 (November 19, 2015)(thanks to MesoTroniK for spritework and extensive help testing new features)
Updated to be compatible with Starsector 0.7a
The "maxShown" setting has been enabled for all renderers, defaults increased
Added "verticesPerCircle" setting, increase this for smoother radar rings
Asteroid renderer (both campaign and combat) changes:
- Uses a sprite now, should look much smoother
- Scaled based on their true size, not a flat value multiplied by zoom level
Campaign fleet renderer changes:
- Uses a sprite now, should look much smoother
- Unknown (transponder off) contacts are shown in neutral colors
- Fixed issue where player fleet would flash bounty colors if a faction was
paying for kills against their enemies and was hostile towards the player
Planet renderer changes:
- Uses vanilla map icons instead of polygons
- Differentiates between planets and stars
Battle objective renderer changes:
- Fixed pop-in issue when objective is at the very edge of radar
- Added a slight tinge to the center of the objective diamond
- Changed render order to be drawn below other combat entities
Combat readiness renderer changes:
- Bar is dimmed until you have started losing combat readiness
- Remaining peak CR timer is shown as a white line down the middle of the bar
Combat ship renderer changes:
- Separated ship and shield rendering
- Increased transparency of shields
- Added smoothing to shields (might cause artifacts on some cards, let me know)
- Bumped default shield segment count from 18 (?!) to 64
- Transparency of ship contacts is based on the alpha of the actual sprite
- Ships with custom right click ship systems won't be momentarily
transparent on the radar when using them now (ex: Exigency Incorporated)
- Fighters taking off or landing on a carrier should fade in/out
- Removed "phasedShipAlphaMult" setting, added "minShipAlphaMult"
(ships with 0 alpha will be completely invisible regardless of this setting)
- Polygon triangulator is now a config file option, added the other Slick2D
triangulator implementations
- Fixed bug causing shields to have the wrong number of segments
- Bumped default fighter contact scaling from 175% to 225% actual size
- Use sprite size instead of collision radius for calculating fighter size
(this should fix the issue with shield drones and their oversized radius)
- Fixed issue where a fighter's shields weren't being scaled
Missile renderer changes:
- Uses a sprite now, should look much smoother, sprite shows facing of missile
- Differentiates between missiles and flares
- Missile contacts are the same size at every zoom level
- New settings: "missileContactSize" and "flareContactSize"
2.0 (October 04, 2015)Radar framerate is now separate from Starsector's framerate, defaults to 20 FPS
Merged radar settings into a single file, data/config/radar/radar_settings.json
Combined campaign and combat radars into one codebase
Replaced CampaignRadar and CombatRadar with a generic CommonRadar interface
Added excluded_ships.csv, can exclude single hulls or ones with certain prefixes
Added excluded_missiles.csv, can exclude missiles by their projectile ID
Added RadarSettings class to retrieve loaded renderers and radar settings
Added getCurrentSightRadius() to CommonRadar interface
Improved icon for relays in the campaign
All renderers now support a "maxShown" setting where valid
Campaign fleet renderer changes:
- Fleets with a bounty on their head are now shown as gold on the radar
(faction-level bounties flash between gold and their regular color so you
won't accidentally chase/attack a friendly faction)
Combat progress renderer changes:
- Relative fleet balance calculation is no longer based on information that
the player can't obtain in-game, is instead now based on the ship's fleet
point costs (with a 75% penalty to calculated strength for civilian ships)
New combat renderer: MapBorderRenderer
- Displays retreat zones in yellow
- Displays gravity barrier line in red
- Displays out of bounds in grey
New combat renderer: ShipRenderer
- Replaces ShipSimpleRenderer and ShipPolygonRenderer
- Draws proper polygons for ships instead of approximations like old system
- Will fall back to approximations on ships that can't be triangulated (only
the Paragon in vanilla and a handful of ships in existing mods)
- To draw ships as triangles instead (like with the old ShipSimpleRenderer),
change "simpleMode" to true in radar_settings.json under "shipRenderer"
- Shields are drawn filled, can be reverted to the old behavior by changing
"drawSolidShields" to false in radar_settings.json under "shipRenderer"
New utility class: DrawQueue
- Aids in efficiently drawing many primitive shapes multiple frames in a row
- Handles native buffer allocation/data/resizing automatically
- Uses VBOs if the user's card supports them (hint: it does)
New utility class: ShapeUtils
- Calculates vertices (as float arrays) for common shapes
All interfaces are now fully documented (see javadoc.zip in mod folder)
Miscellaneous optimizations and improvements
1.1f (March 06, 2015)Fixed a bug that caused intermittent radar corruption in the campaign
Lines and points on the radar should look much sharper now (thanks Alex)
1.1e (February 12, 2015)Stations and planets with the "comm_relay" tag aren't considered relays
The campaign radar won't draw anything with the tag "radar_nodraw"
1.1d (December 09, 2014)Hopefully fixed a bug where campaign radar components would occasionally vanish
1.1c (December 03, 2014)The radar is no longer drawn over menus or when the HUD is turned off
Greatly increased the speed of the battle progress bar animation
Fixed crash in ShipPolygonRenderer when rendering ships that lack bounds
Radar no longer reactivates when the player's ship is fully destroyed
1.1b (October 23, 2014)Campaign fleet renderer changes:
- Fleets are only colored red if they are hostile towards the player
Battle progress bar changes:
- Doesn't show initial relative fleet strengths in a simulation battle
- Ignores ships still in picker in simulation battles
- Doesn't count the reserves of a fleet in full retreat
1.1 (October 21, 2014)Updated to support Starsector .65a
Station rendering fixed in campaign
Comm relays are now included on the campaign radar
Zooming is now done using +/-, toggling the radar on/off is still K by default
Zooming in/out is now animated