v2.7 -Save Compatible with v2.6
-Fixed a typo in the Particle Emitter - Ty madbadger2 for noticing and letting me know
-Added a new unlocked JYD hullmod for civilian ships - Exploration Refit - Similar to militarized subsystems in removing civ penalties but increases sensor range and cargo space
-Lowered the Pather interest in the Scrapyard from 3 to 1 - It was above the Workshop's interest level of 2 which did not make sense
-Added introduction text if you start as JYD - requires a new game start to see this (duh?) :) - Ty Timid for showing me how to do this
-Replaced the 10 old portraits with all new ones that better fit the JYD and game aesthetic - Previous ones were from another game and did not really fit the Star Sector style
-Added 10 new portraits to the lineup giving them a total of 20 - 10 female and 10 male all in JYD brown and gold - Gives them more variety so you do not see faces doubled up
-Replaced the Massive with an entirely new size appropriate image - One of my first attempts at kitbashing and my most complained about ship - About time that bloated mess was replaced ;)
-Same weapon and fighter loadout but now midline using the parts that the Reliable and Fluffy are made from - they now have a big sister!
-Touched up the Fetching's color palette and reduced it's size- I want JYD ships to look a bit battered since they are a mining faction but it needed some corrections
-Raised the DP and supply use of the Irksome to 6 - Should have done that when I added the burn drive since it far more offensive now
-Changed the hullmod on the Industrious variant from dedicated targeting core to missile racks and one Asteroid Breaker to a Shard AF - As a missile platform, no idea why I had a core on it
-Added a new weapon exclusive to the Industrious, the Asteroid Launcher - Using electrometric force along it's rails it launches an asteroid that conveys Kinetic as well as EMP damage - TY Hopefall for the idea
-Added 20 more loading tips from the Culture series, really read more Ian M banks. - TY FrownTown for the kind words on discord and inspiring me to add more
-Added 10 more ship names - because who doesn't like a dad joke? - Well Timid likes them at least :)
-Added an image to the forum OP of all the new portraits
-Added the new hull mod summary to the image on the forum OP
-Updated the respective images on the forum OP for the Fetching and Massive - Take a peek if you are interested |