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发表于 2022-3-25 02:58:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
                # Available tokens:
                # $faction  faction of other fleet ("Hegemony", "Tri-Tachyon", "Pirate", etc)
                # $fleetName name of other fleet ("Scout", "Security Detachment", etc)
                # $firstName first name of other fleet's commander
                # $lastName last name of other fleet's commander
                # $fleetOrShip "fleet", "ship" if only one ship in fleet, "fighter wing" if only one fighter wing (and nothing else)
                # $repairedShipList list of names of the ships that were successfully repaired after being disabled
                # $crewLost Approximate number of crew lost during the last engagement, i.e. "4", "around 100", or "no".
                # $marinesLost Approximate number of marines lost during the last engagement, i.e. "4", "around 100", or "no".
                # $crewRecovered Number of crew recovered after winning the entire encounter.
                # $marinesRecovered Number of marines recovered after winning the entire encounter.
                # $numLifeSigns Approximate number of crew + marines on ship about to be boarded. Can also be "no".
                # $boardingTaskForceShips List of names of the ships in the boarding task force.
                # $boardingCrewLost
                # $boardingEnemyCrewLost
                # $boardingMarinesLost
                # $boardingEnemyMarinesLost
                # $boardableShipName "ISS Something or Other"
                # $boardingTaskForceShipName "ISS Something or Other", name of the first ship in the boarding task force
                # $creditsLooted
                # $flagship On flagship selection
                # $crashMothballList
                # battles with allies
                # Tokens:
                # $alliedFactionAndTheirAllies "Hegemony forces and their allies"
                # $enemyFactionAndTheirAllies}"Hegemony forces and their allies"
                # $yourForcesWereOrYourSideWas         




发表于 2022-3-25 08:26:58 | 显示全部楼层
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