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[md]# [Starsector 0.95.1a (Released) Patch Notes][link-blogpost]
# 远行星号 0.95.1a (已发布) 更新日志
于2021年11月8日翻译,译者:**`jn_xyp`**, **`AnyIdElse`** ,**`Rody_`**
> 特别感谢 @Adm!n 和 @AnyIDElse 协助翻译本文!
> 请注意,本文中新出现名词的译名均为暂译,不能代表远星汉化组的意见
## Hotfix #3 -RC6 (December 20, 2021, 5:15pm EST) 补丁 #3 RC6 版本
> 本部分由 AnyIDElse 翻译
### Balance/other changes 平衡性/其他改动
- Made officer XP gain slightly faster; significantly faster for the first couple of level-ups
- Officers that gain a level solely as a result of this may need to gain some XP before the level-up "kicks in"
- Reduced frequency of sensor ghosts somewhat
- Polarized Armor: reduced max armor bonus back down to 50%
- Combat Endurance: increased hull regen level to 50% (was: 25%)
- Neural Link:
- Now also resets the cooldown on the ship's system on transfer
- And adds a charge if the system has regenerating charges
- This effect has a per-ship cooldown equal to double the amount of time shaved off the cooldown/charge regen
- This effect does not trigger unless the system is on cooldown and/or has less than full charges
- Shield Shunt:
- Reduced armor bonus to 15% (was: 25%)
- Can no longer be built into a ship as an s-mod
- High Scatter Amplifier:
- Now reduces base beam range past 200 units by 50%, e.g. 600 -> 400 and 1000 -> 600
- Breach SRM: reduced armor damage to 250 (was: 300 in -RC5, 200 in 0.95a)
- Light Dual AC: reduced range to 600 (was: 700)
- Range of Light AC remains at 700
- Railgun: reduced ordnance point cost to 7 (was: 8)
- Ballistic Rangefinder: increased cost to 10/15/25 (was: 6/9/15)
- Xyphos fighter wing: increased cost to 18 (was: 15)
- Level 5 sleeper pod officers are now treated as regular officers re: bonus to number of elite skills etc
- Level 7 sleeper pod officers are still unaffected (but generally have more elite skill anyway)
- Updated High Intensity Laser sprite
- Termination Sequence:
- Increased damage to 1200 energy / 600 EMP (was: 1000/500)
- Reduced flux/use to 600 (was: 1000)
- Made AI more conservative with its use
- Starting Wolf variant: separated Ion Cannon and PD Lasers into separate weapon groups
- Battles with multiple engagements: you can now recover crew/marines lost in the non-final engagements
- Modding: added SubmarketUpdateListener
- Automated ships with AI cores installed will now instantly drop their combat readiness if it exceeds their new maximum value once the game is unpaused
- Manticore: reduced flux dissipation to 250 (was: 300)
- Falcon:
- Increased top speed to 80 (was: 75), improved acceleration/deceleration substantially
- Reduced supplies/recover and supplies/month to 14 (was: 15)
- Increased flux dissipation to 400 (was: 350)
- Eagle:
- Increased flux dissipation to 600 (was: 525)
- Increased flux capacity to 11000 (was: 10000)
- Eradicator (P): increased supplies/recover and supplies/month to 17 (was: 15)
- Adjusted IR Pulse Laser and Dual Flak stats minutely to get nicer DPS and flux/second numbers
- Reduced Faulty Power Grid flux penalty to 15% (was: 20%)
- Character screen: sounds for selecting Combat skills now progress in intensity based on number of Combat skills the character has |
- 使副官获取经验的速率更快些许,前几级的升级速率显著增加
- 由此,副官仅需要更少量经验即可升级
- 略微降低了传感器幽灵的出现频率
- `极化装甲`:随硬幅能水平增长而提升的装甲计算值 100% -> 50%(又改了回去)
- `作战耐力`:结构修复水平 25% -> 50%
- `神经接口`:
- 现在还将在转移操作权时使目标舰船的战术系统立刻冷却完毕
- 此外,若目标舰船的战术系统有充能、可恢复充能且充能未满,则为其恢复1次充能
- 不过这两个效果有冷却时间,冷却时间为有效减免的两倍
- 这两个效果不会在目标舰船冷却完毕且满充能的情况下触发,不会浪费冷却
- `护盾分流`:
- 舰船装甲值增加 25% -> 15%
- 不再能用故事点内置
- `高散射增幅器`:
- 效果改为将光束射程大于200的部分减免50%,例如600射程的光束射程将变为400、1000射程的光束射程将变为600
- `破舱 SRM`(系列武器):对装甲的代码伤害 300 -> 250
- `轻型双管自动炮`:射程 700 -> 600
- 但是`轻型自动炮`这个单管版本射程不变
- `轨道炮`:装配消耗 8 -> 7
- `弹道测距仪`:装配消耗 6/9/15 -> 10/15/25
- `希腊剑`:装配消耗 15 -> 18
- 冷冻舱里找到的5级副官现在被视为毫无特异点的副官,不会有超常数量的精英技能、诸如此类。
- 不过冷冻舱里找到的7级副官依然是雅利安超人
- `高能量激光`:贴图更新
- `终结序列`:
- 单发伤害 1000 -> 1200
- 单发EMP 500 -> 600
- 每发幅能产生 1000 -> 600
- AI现在会更谨慎地使用它
- 雇佣兵开局送的那艘`野狼-级`护卫舰:略微调整了一下武器组
- 包含了多次撤退的连续战斗:现在撤退的那些战斗中损失的船员或陆战队,也会按比率在战后重新集结至你的舰队
- 安装了AI核心的自动舰船将立刻将CR降低至它们应当被降低至的水平,而非慢慢下滑
- `狮蝎-级`:幅能耗散 300 -> 250
- `猎鹰-级`:
- 最大速度:75 -> 80
- 与加速度与减速度相关的机动性也略微增加
- 部署所需/每月维护补给 15 -> 14
- 幅能耗散 350 -> 400
- `雄鹰-级`:
- 幅能耗散 525 -> 600
- 幅能容量 10000 -> 11000
- `根除者(P)-级`:
- 部署所需/每月维护补给 15 -> 17
- `IR 脉冲激光炮`和`双管高射炮`:降低了个位数级别的DPS,主要使数字更规整
- `缺损电网`:幅能属性惩罚 20% -> 15%
- 在人物界面点战斗技能的音效现在会随着已选技能数的增多而提高音调,增加些许氛围
### Bugfixing Bug 修复
- Fixed issue with Cryosleeper colony growth bonus being limited to 10% regardless of proximity
- Fixed issue with gas giants not getting the "High Gravity" conditions as they should (fix only affects new games)
- Fixed issue with Legion (XIV) ships still spawning in the same constellation
- Fixed issue with mercenary hired during a month after being in debt trying to leave immediately
- Fixed hang cause by knowing every rare weapon, ship, and fighter blueprint and a certain mission being offered
- Fixed issue with Phase Field fleetwide detectability reduction not immediately re-calculating on transponder status change
- Fixed issue with finding too many marines in sleeper pods sometimes
- Fixed UI soft lock caused by pressing Escape on the map and clicking on a star/planet with a very exact timing
- Fixed issue with custom production ship quality sometimes being too low
- Fixed Apogee not showing up in faction fleets or for sale
- Fixed issue with resolutions below the lowest-supported 1280x768 being shown in the launcher
- Can still override to a lower resolution in settings.json if this is desired
- Fixed AI issue that could cause certain all-burst-fire-weapon ships to vent very, very unsafely
- Fixed issue with marines joining your fleet from the bar event not having experience
- Fixed issue that caused fleetwide skills to sometimes apply the incorrect bonus when the player has Derelict Operations or Support Doctrine
- Fixed issue with ship overload overlay rendering in too-wide an area, especially noticeably affected fighters
- Fixed Coordinated Maneuvers description to correctly indicate it affects all sizes of ships with officers
- Fixed issue with it being possible to complete some station bounties by simply entering the battle and leaving
- Fixed issue that could cause some auto-generated variants to end up with Safety Overrides and no weapons
- Fixed issue where a star system with destablized jump-points would remain uncolonizeable even after they restabilized
- Fixed issue where a cut-off system could be colonized directly from the survey screen after finishing a survey
- Fixed issue where mouseover sounds for the "laid in course" widget's buttons played when the widget was not visible
- Fixed issue where non-drone-fighters could be fitted onto automated carriers by shift-clicking |
- 修复了冷冻舱设施总是使殖民地规模增长速率提升10%,而不受各类应有限制的问题
- 修复了某些气态巨星没有高重力特性的问题
- 修复了大量`军团(XIV)-级`在边缘星域可能会堆积着生成在同一处地方的问题
- 修复了雇佣副官会在玩家处于欠债状态但资产不为负时可能立刻消失不见的问题
- 修复了在学习了一切可学蓝图并完成了某些任务后将产生的某个问题
- 修复了`相位力场`重新计算舰队传感截面时会有延迟的问题
- 修复了休眠仓有时候会开出太多陆战队员的问题
- 修复了在大地图按下ESC然后掐着时机突然点向星球会导致的界面锁死问题
- 修复了有时候自定义生产舰船的质量低到不正常的问题
- 修复了`至高点-级`有时候不会出现在各势力舰队里的问题
- 修复了分辨率低于1280x768的显示屏可能会使游戏启动器显示异常的问题
- settings.json里新增了关于这一条的某些设置条目
- 修复了某些带了大量爆发开火武器的舰船会在自动驾驶的情况下随地乱V的问题
- 修复了关于购买陆战队员的酒吧事件不会提供经验的问题
- 修复了玩家点出了`废船行动`或`支援学说`后其他舰队成员有时加成不太对劲的问题
- 修复了舰船装配界面有时候区域会太宽的问题
- 修复了`协调机动`描述不正确的问题
- 修复了能以进入战斗后立刻撤退的方式来白嫖某些空间站赏金的问题
- 修复了某些自动随机生成的装配会给一艘船装上安超然后什么武器都不上的问题
- 修复了某些有不稳定跳跃点的星系在将跳跃点稳定后依然被视为不可殖民的问题
- 修复了某些不与超空间直接联系的星系可以在某些界面绕开限制而进行殖民的问题
- 修复了非无人驾驶的战机可以被用shift+左键装进无人舰船的甲板的问题
- 修复了大地图导航时某些按钮的音效不正确播放的问题
## Hotfix #2, -RC5 (December 11, 2021, 9:20pm EST) 补丁 #2 RC5 版本
- Fixed crash caused by destroying [REDACTED] station and then destroying a fleet
- Command transfer shuttle pod no longer available for custom production orders
- Increased base value of `Hyperion` to 95,000 (was: 40,000) |
- 修复了在击败余晖空间站后,再击败另一支舰队会导致游戏崩溃的问题
- 自定义生产订单中,不能再生产用于转移指挥的穿梭机
- `亥伯龙-级`的基础价格 40,000 -> 95,000
## Hotfix #1, -RC4 (December 11, 2021, 4:00pm EST) 补丁 #1 RC4 版本
- Fixed dev options showing up in jump point dialogs
- Fixed wrong prompt text in skill screen
- Fixed issue with tooltip for certain d-mods saying "decreased by null"
- Fixed background flicker on new game creation
- Fixed issue with "explore the ruins" option showing up twice on gas giants
- Fixed issue with "`Standard Bomb Bay`" being available for custom weapon production
- Fixed issue with things (such as gates and research stations) occasionally being found inside stars
- This fix requires a new save
- `High Scatter Amplifier`: no longer compatible with `Advanced Optics` (sorry); reduced OP cost
- Fixed modding issue with Damper Field AI no longer working for different shipsystems
- Regular ship systems should be fine without changes
- Added "uses_damper_ai" tag (in `ship_systems.csv`); only if the system can be right-click
- System can still be on 'F' if it has this tag
- Rolled back to version of OpenAL used in 0.95a due to problems on some systems |
- 移除了跳跃点交互选项中残留的开发内容
- 修复了技能界面的错误提示文本
- 修复了某些D-插提示文本中显示“减少了 null”的问题
- 修复了在创建新游戏时的背景闪烁问题
- 修复了“探索废墟”选项会在气态巨行星上出现两次的问题
- 修复了`标准炸弹发射架`可以出现在自定义生产订单中的问题
- 修复了游戏实体(如星门和研究站)偶尔会生成在恒星内部的问题
- 要避免这个问题,需要开新档
- `高散射增幅器`不再与`先进光学器件`兼容,减少了前者的装配点需求
- 修复了在Mod制作过程中,`阻尼力场`AI在其它战术系统中不工作的问题
- 其它常规战术系统应该不受影响
- 在`ship_systems.csv`添加了 "uses_damper_ai" 标签,适用于战术系统可以右键激活的情况
- 加了这个标签以后战术系统仍然可以按`F`激活
- 回退了 OpenAL 的版本到 0.95a,以避免某些系统中的问题
## Changes as of December 10, 2021
## 截至2021年12月10日所做的修改:
### Ships 舰船
- `Venture`:
- Increased ordnance points to 115 (was: 110)
- Reduced required crew to 80 (was: 125)
- Reduced max crew to 300 (was: 350)
- Increased cargo capacity to 600 (was: 350)
- Increased fuel capacity to 180 (was: 120)
- Reduced supply cost to deploy and per month to 14 (was: 15)
- Adjusted stock variants
- Reduced base cost to 70,000 credits (was: 110,000)
- `Fury`:
- Increased base cost to 115,000 credits (was: 75,000) |
- `企业-级`:
- 装配点数 110 -> 115
- 最低乘员数 125 -> 80
- 最大载员 350 -> 300
- 货舱容量 350 -> 600
- 燃料容量 120 -> 180
- 部署所需/每月维护补给 15 -> 14
- 调整了该舰船的变体在市场上的出现频率
- 舰船基础价格 110,000 -> 70,000
- `狂怒-级`:
- 舰船基础价格 75,000 -> 115,000
### Hullmods 船插
- Reduced OP cost of `Converted Fighter Bay` to 2/4/6/10 (was: 3/6/9/15)
- `改装飞行甲板`的装配点 3/6/9/15 -> 2/4/6/10
### Combat 战斗系统
- Toned down grunginess of fighters from carriers with Defective - Manufactory and Converted Hangar
- 降低了生产自有永久性损伤的航母或改装机库战机的受损程度
### Bugfixing Bug 修复
- Fixed issue where orbital station loadouts on player colonies would always be the "stock" loadouts if the station was joining the battle in support of the player rather than the other way around |
- 修复了当空间站主动加入支援玩家战斗时,其总是使用默认装配(而不是势力特色装配)的bug
## Changes as of December 03, 2021
## 截至2021年12月3日所做的修改:
> 本部分由 AnyIDElse 翻译
### Campaign 生涯模式:
- Patrols that suspect smuggling and want to do a cargo scan will not pursue the player into hyperspace
- Added some mercenary-related info to officer tooltip in fleet screen |
- 意图搜查玩家货舱的反走私巡逻队现在不会追到超空间里了
- 为舰队信息栏额外添加了一些与雇佣副官相关的信息
### Skills 技能系统:
- `Fighter Uplink`:
- Reduced fighter top speed bonus to 20% (was: 25%)
- Both skill effects increased by 1.5x if the carrier has an officer in command
- `Carrier Group`
- Effect is increased by 1.5x if the carrier has an officer in command
- `Impact Mitigation`:
- Changed elite effect to +50% maneuverability for capital/cruiser, +25% if smaller
- `Polarized Armor`:
- Increased effective armor bonus based on hard flux level to 100% (was: 50%) |
- `战机传讯`:
- 战机最大速度加成 25% -> 20%
- 对于携带了副官的航母,其技能加成的数值将会变为正常情况下的150%
- `航母集群`:
- 对于携带了副官的航母,其技能加成的数值将会变为正常情况下的150%
- `冲击缓解`:
- 精英效果改为:对于战列舰或巡洋舰+50%机动性能,对于驱逐舰或护卫舰仅为+25%机动性能
- `极化装甲`(0.951的新技能):
- 随硬幅能水平增长而提升的装甲计算值 50% -> 100%
### Ship AI 舰船AI:
- Improved broadside ship ability to close with their target |
- 提升了侧舷AI接意图靠近其目标时的表现,使其更能参与战斗
### Ships 舰船:
- Updated older sprites for several ships
- `Legion`: changed armor to 1650
- `Hyperion`:
- Phase Teleporter cooldown increased to 10 seconds
- Changed deployment/base maintenance cost back to 15
- `Mora`: increased ordnance points to 125 (was: 115)
- `Wayfarer`:
- Increased ordnance points to 55 (was: 45)
- Increased cargo capacity to 150 (was: 100)
- `Glimmer`, Atlas Mk.II - changed hardpoint-functioning slots that were erroneously turrets to hardpoints |
- 为某些舰船重绘了贴图
- `军团-级`:
- 装甲值 1500 -> 1650
- 相比之下,`攻势-级`的装甲值是1750
- `亥伯龙-级`:
- `相位传送器` 冷却时间 3s -> 10s
- 部署点和每月补给 20 -> 15 (重新回调至0.95水平)
- `莫拉-级`:
- 装配点 115 -> 125
- `远行者-级`:
- 装配点 45 -> 55
- 货舱大小 100 -> 150
- `小精灵-级` 与 `阿特拉斯 MK.II-级`: 对几个设置错误的插槽/炮塔类型进行修正
### Weapons/Fighters 武器与战机:
- `Reality Disruptor`: reduced OP cost to 30 (was: 35)
- `Rift Cascade Emitter`:
- Significantly increased rift damage
- Successive rifts are bigger and deal more than the initial ones in the chain
- Updated older sprites for some weapons
- `Sabot SRM`: reduced EMP damage to 200 (was: 400)
- `Hurricane MIRV`: reduced number of submunitions to 9 (was: 11)
- `Squall MRLS`: increased ammo to 160 (was: 100)
- `Swarmer SRM`: increased ammo to 80 (was: 60)
- `Atropos (Single)`: reduced OP cost to 1 (was: 2)
- `Atropos Rack`: reduced OP cost to 3 (was: 4)
- `Harpoon (Single)`, Sabot (Single):
- Changed to (Double)
- Ammo increased to 2, with a 10 second reload delay
- OP cost increased to 2
- Longbow Bomber retains the single-shot version
- `Cryoblaster`: un-nerfed somewhat (damaged set to 1400)
- `Rift Beam`: increased range to 600 (was: 400)
- `Salamander MRM`: new sound
- `Pilum LRM`:
- Range reduced to 4000 (was: 10000)
Damaged changed to 500 fragmentation plus 500 EMP (was: 500 HE)
- Added a second stage that's faster (Harpoon-level speed) and triggers on approach
- Increased hitpoints to 150 (was: 50)
- Has a chance to fire off a shield-piercing EMP arc dealing 500 EMP damage
- Chance based on target's hard flux, same as for other shield-piercing effects
- Other stats mostly unchanged - still very slow (except for 2nd stage), low OP cost, ammo regen
- Overall goals:
- Make it into a useful very-long-range support weapon
- But not one that benefits excessively from being fielded in huge numbers
- `Perdition Bomber`:
- Increased wing size to 3 (was: 2)
- Increased OP cost to 20 (was: 15)
- Slightly increased `Atropos Torpedo` flight time to reduce the amount of time it duds when fired at maximum range
- `Cyclone Reaper Launcher`: reduced full fire cycle time to 10 seconds (was: 16) |
- `现实干扰器`: 装配点数消耗 35 -> 30
- `裂隙洪流发射极`:
- 显著地提升了每次裂隙爆炸的伤害
- 每次后续生成的裂隙爆炸都会比其前一个裂隙爆炸范围更大、伤害更高
- 为某些武器重绘贴图
- `赛博 SRM`(系列武器): EMP 效果: 400 -> 200
- `飓风 MIRV 发射器`: 每发主弹体可分裂成的子弹体数: 11 -> 9
- `暴风 MRLS `: 备弹量 100 -> 160
- `蜂群 SRM`: 备弹量 60 -> 80
- `阿特罗波斯鱼雷(单发)`: 装配点数消耗 2 -> 1
- `阿特罗波斯鱼雷(双发)`: 装配点数消耗 4 -> 3
- `鱼叉 MRM (单发)` 与 `赛博 SRM (单发)`:
- 现在改成了各自的`(双发)`版本
- 两发之间有10秒冷却间隔
- 装配点数消耗设为2,即为双倍
- `长弓-级`轰炸机携带的依然是`赛博 SRM (单发)`
- `低温冲击波`: 单发伤害 1600(0.95数据) -> 1250(0.951 上一次改动) -> 1400(0.951 本次改动)
- `裂隙射线`: 射程 400 -> 600
- `火蛇 MRM 发射器`(系列武器): 发射音效重做
- `短矛 LRM 发射器`:
- 射程 10000 -> 4000
- 伤害类型改为`破片`,且现在还将有500接触式EMP效果
- 在靠近目标时,会切换为速度和`鱼叉 MRM`类似的高速模式
- 弹体血量 50 -> 150
- 除了接触式EMP,弹体击中护盾时还可能产生穿盾电弧,造成500EMP
- 产生穿盾电弧的概率与目标的硬幅能水平正相关,这与`离子束`或者`速子长矛`的机制类似
- 其他大多数属性保留原样不变
- 总而言之:
- 它现在更加有用、至少能打着人了
- 而且不需要大规模发射也能产生效果
- `堕落-级 轰炸机`:
- 每联队的轰炸机数量 2 -> 3
- 装配点数消耗 15 -> 20
- `阿特罗波斯鱼雷`(系列武器): 实际射程略微增加,以避免它们飞不到面板数据射程就熄火
- `旋风型死神鱼雷发射器`: 冷却时间 16s -> 10s
### Hullmods 船插:
- `Defective Manufactory`, `Converted Hangar`:
- Fighter damage taken penalty reduced to 25% (was: 50%)
- Fighter speed penalty reduced to 25% (was: 33%)
- `Compromised Armor`: reduced penalty to 20% (was: 30%)
- `Degraded Shields`: damage taken increas is now 10% (was: 15%)
- `Shield Conversion` - Omni
- Reduced arc penalty to 25% (was: 33$)
- Now also reduces shield upkeep by 25%
- `Shield Shunt`:
- Removed EMP resistance bonus
- Now increases armor by 25% |
- `受损的制造工厂` 和 `改装机库`:
- 战机所受额外伤害 50% -> 25%
- 战机所受速度惩罚 33% -> 25%
- `受损装甲`: 装甲值降低幅度 30% -> 20%
- `护盾发生器老化`: 护盾效率惩罚 15% -> 10%
- `全角护盾发生器`:
- 护盾角度削减 33% -> 25%
- 现在还将额外减少 25% 护盾维持消耗
- `护盾分流器`
- 不再提供任何EMP减免
- 而是改为提供 25% 舰船装甲值
### Modding Mod制作(未翻译):
- Added to ButtonAPI:
- void highlight();
- void unhighlight();
- boolean isHighlighted();
- void setHighlightBrightness(float highlightBrightness);
- float getHighlightBrightness();
- Added to SettingsAPI:
- CustomPanelAPI createCustom(float width, float height, CustomUIPanelPlugin plugin);
- int getMissionScore(String id);
- LabelAPI createLabel(String text, String font);
- Fixed issue with going back from map to an intel that has a large description
- The Longbow now uses the sabot_fighter weapon, which is still single-shot
- "canSplitEarly" parameter in MIRV-type weapons is now respected (previously: always could)
- Added to TooltipMakerAPI:
- void setAreaCheckboxFont(String areaCheckboxFont);
- void setAreaCheckboxFontDefault();
- Added debrisSmall, debrisMedium, debrisLarge to mirv behavior spec to control the amount of debris when the missile splits
- Default values are 11, 5, 3
- Added "officerXPRequiredMult" to settings.json
- Fixed issue with SoundPlayerAPI.playCustomMusic() crashing if sound was disabled in the launcher
- CampaignUIAPI.showCoreUITab() should now work when docked at a market. Should.
- Added to TextPanelAPI:
- void addImage(String category, String key);
- void addImage(String spriteName); |
### Miscellaneous 杂项:
- Changed default music volume for a fresh install to 50%
- Added `"renderShieldJitterEffect"` config value to settings.json
- Possible workaround for driver-related "using `Heron`'s system drops the framerate" issue |
- 将设置里默认的背景音乐音量设为50%
- 在`settings.json`里添加了`renderShieldJitterEffect`条目
- 对于某些因使用了奇怪驱动而导致游戏出现渲染问题的玩家也许会有用
### Bugfixing Bug修复:
- Fixed issue that could cause inconsistent weapon switching in certain kinds of alternating weapon groups
- Fixed issue with `Shock Repeater` being unable to target station armor modules and similar
- Fixed issue where some contact missions (and GA missions) would prefer to send the player to already-explored systems instead of the opposite
- Fixed issue with mercenary you've convinced to stay despite financial woes trying to leave again later the same month
- Fixed issue with "deliver VIP" mission at the `Galatia Academy` not having a time limit
- Fixed issue that caused collision checking to look at a higher-than-needed number of potential collisions
- Actual performance impact hard to quantify; likely quite minor under most circumstances
- Fixed issue affecting probability of low/high gravity conditions on small/large planets |
- 修复了设为轮流发射的武器组有时并不会正常地切换其武器发射顺序的问题
- 修复了例如`震荡中继器`无法击中空间站装甲模块的一系列问题
- 修复了某些联络人任务(还包括某些Galatia学院任务)倾向于将任务地点设为玩家已探索过的星系而非未探索过的星系的问题
- 修复了某些雇佣军官即使是在玩家选择将其留下也会错误地离开玩家舰队的问题
- 修复了某些Galatia学院提供的“运送VIP”任务没有时间限制的问题
- 修复了某些会导致额外不必要碰撞检测的问题
- 所以这略微提升了性能,不过提升幅度不是很大
- 修复了`低重力`和`高重力`星球环境条件被星球大小因素影响地不够大的问题
## Changes as of November 05, 2021
## 截至2021年11月5日所做的修改:
### Campaign 生涯模式:
- Custom production mission (except for arms dealer) no longer offered at player's colonies
- Scuttling ships with s-mods you've built in will now grant bonus XP
- The total bonus XP from building in the hullmods and from scuttling the ship is 100%
- Ships with s-mods that you didn't build in do not grant bonus XP when scuttled
- This bonus XP is also gained of a ship with s-mods you've built in is lost and not recovered
- Story raids made more difficult
- Light-years map legend no longer shown in star system map view, only in hyperspace
- Dialog for picking elite officer skills now allows picking multiple skills at once
- Officers at or beyond max level and with maxed out elite skills can be "retrained"
- Elite skills changed
- Personality changed (+- 1 step)
- Costs 1 story point and grants 100% bonus XP
- Works on level 7 cryopod officers
- Significantly increased XP required for officers to level up
- Uncoupled story point gain rate after reaching maximum level from what the actual maximum level is
- Only matters if the maximum level is increased beyond the vanilla maxium
- Before this change, doing this would make story point gain at max level significantly slower
- Significantly increased XP required to go from level 1 to level 5
- Somewhat less significantly increased the XP to go from level 5 to 10, as well
- Officers found in sleeper pods:
- Now either level 5 or level 7 (no level 6)
- Level 7 pod-officers have 5 elite skills
- Number of level 7 ones is limited to 4 per Sector total
- If less than that spawn during Sector creation, they can be found in new derelict ships
- Increased mercenary officer contract duration to 2 cycles (was: 1 cycle)
- Increased max number of recoverable ships to 24 normal/24 "difficult" recovery (was: 16 and 16)
- Reduced variability in loadouts in AI-controlled fleets and in general improved their quality
- Missions will present the player with a map showing the initial destination/mission target's location
- Can also open the intel screen when this map is shown
- Significantly reduced supply cost to stabilize cargo pods
- Interdiction Pulse: now slows the fleet using the ability instead of stopping it
- Added slipstreams to hyperspace
- New slipstream systems form in hyperspace twice per cycle
- Can drastically speed up travel and cut fuel use
- Loosely follow certain patterns that can be figured out
- Added sensor ghosts to hyperspace
- Raiding:
- Fixed issue that was causing too many blueprints to be found on smaller colonies
- Blueprint drops no longer entirely based on which are already known
- Fixed case where having more marines could sometimes increase casualties for the same raid
- Stability penalty now based on number marine tokens committed to raid
- Fixed issue that was preventing repeated raids from reducing the availability of supplies (and other commodities) at pirate and Pather bases
- Reduced the base number of commodities (supplies etc) from raiding by 80%
- Functionally, raiding is now *much* more profitable where there is excess on the market
- And stops being profitable for a given commodity once that excess goes away
- Amount of deficit caused by raiding is unchanged
- Reduced number of commodities gained when raiding a commodity that has an "excess" on the market
- Still highly profitable
- Fixes exploit of selling to create an excess, then raiding back more than was sold
- Reduced marine casualties from raids
- Fixed issue where multiple custom raid objectives would show up when only one of them should have given the context
- Fixed issue with "time until commotion dies down" text not being highlighted in some cases
- Post-battle "consider ship recovery" option will now use the story color when only "difficult" recovery is available
- During post-battle ship recovery, if ships on your side were lost, continuing without recovery will go through a confirmation dialog
- Distress calls will no longer be generated from a system with disrupted jump-points
- Commerce: reduced base income bonus to 25% (was: 50%)
- Trade fleet departure intel will not be deleted after fleet's departure if it's marked important
- Production report intel will not be deleted for at least 30 days and not at all if marked important
- Star system that becomes permanently inaccessible REDACTED will now become accessible again after around a cycle
- Removed "major events" tag from intel as it wasn't actually used by anything
- Arms dealers:
- Significantly increased probability of arms dealers being found in bars
- Improved inventory available
- For example, a "very low" importance dealer would have a good selection of small weapons of one type
- No longer restricted to just "rare" ships/weapons/fighters
- Ships will have high production quality regardless of colony the order is placed in; at most 1 d-mod
- Reduced markup cost to 200% (was: 300%), and to 150% when at 100 relationship (was: 200%)
- Added the new colony-related items to Tech Mining's initial finds
- Slightly reduced drop date of colony-related items from various salvage
- Added Fullerene Spool to Eventide (this ensures Sindria's fuel production is in full swing)
- Population growth penalty shown in hazard rating tooltip now accounts for colony size
- Removed low stability requirement from "mercs and the run" bar event so it should show up more frequently
- Cancelling an in-progress industry upgrade now only refunds 75% of the cost (unless the progress is zero)
- Increased length of time patrols are willing to pursue for
- Primarly, this makes it more possible to distract them and go around
- Added "introduce false readings" option to sensor arrays
- Patrols and similar fleets may go to investiage these
- Added new mission that takes the player to the Galatia Academy
- Interacting with abandoned stations (such as the one around Asharu) now plays the salvage/survey music
- Toned down high end pirate bounties (far too many capital ships due to an oversight)
- Limited maximum supply use for being over capacity to 50 per day per type of capacity, i.e. 150 total
- Various campaign missions: added text showing currently available credits where it was missing
- Campaign tutorial: made initial quicksave instruction more difficult to miss |
- 生产订单类任务不会刷在玩家的殖民地上了(军火商提供的除外)
- 凿沉有固化船插的船会获得额外的经验值加成
- 将船插固化到船上和凿沉产生的经验加成加起来正好可以获得一个新的剧情点
- 如果船插不是由你内置的(例:捞起来就有),那么凿沉不会提供经验值加成
- 如果由你内置了船插的船被击沉了且捞不回来,也会提供经验值加成
- 增加了剧情中突袭任务的难度
- 星图在星系内不再显示光年比例尺,只在超空间中显示
- 在军官的“学习精英技能”界面上可以一次学习多个技能了
- 对于达到满级并且精英技能达到上限的军官,可以进行“重新训练”
- 可以更换精英技能
- 可以改个性(每次向更激进或谨慎调整一级)
- 也可以应用于冷冻舱中解救出来的军官
- 显著增加了军官升级所需的经验
- 在玩家等级达到原版上限后,取得剧情点的速度不再随级别上升而下降
- 只有在改高了等级上限后生效
- 在此之前,改高技能上限之后会让故事点的获得变得极其缓慢
- 显著增加了从1级升到5级的所需经验
- 不那么显著地增加了从5级升到10级的所需经验
- 从冷冻舱中找的军官会:
- 是5级或者7级(原来是6级)
- 7级老冰棍拥有5个精英技能
- 整个星区最多有4个7级老冰棍
- 如果一开始生成的数量不足4个,那么会在后续生成的遗弃舰中刷出
- 雇佣军官的合同期从1年延长到2年
- 将一场战斗中可被“标准恢复”和“强制恢复”的舰船数量从16/16提升到24/24
- 减少了AI舰队的装配随机性,总体上提高了装配质量
- 接任务的界面上会展示标有任务起始地或目的地的地图
- 在任务界面上也可以打开网络信息窗口了
- 大幅减少了稳定货物吊舱轨道所需的补给
- 发射`阻断脉冲`只会减慢发射者舰队的速度,而不是让其完全停下
- 给超空间中添加了超空间滑流
- 滑流的布局每年刷新两次
- 可以大幅提升航速,减少燃料消耗
- 分布遵循某种模糊的规律,可以被总结出来
- 给超空间中添加了传感器幽灵
- 突袭机制:
- 修复了导致在小殖民地找到巨多蓝图的bug
- 掉落的蓝图现在不总是和已知的蓝图有关
- 修复了有时候在同样情况下派遣更多陆战小队导致更大伤亡的bug
- 突袭造成的稳定性减少现在与派遣的陆战小队数量有关
- 修复了一个bug,该bug导致对卢左或海盗基地的再次袭击不能进一步降低其为恐怖活动提供的补给
- 减少了80%的商品类战利品(例如补给)产出基数
- 不过在实际游戏中,抢劫一个有过剩产出的市场将会产生**大得多**的利润
- 但一旦过剩情况结束,这种收益就会消失
- 突袭仍然会导致商品出现短缺
- 减少了抢劫过剩商品获得的战利品数量
- 但仍然很赚钱
- 修复了先使劲卖,导致商品过剩,然后再抢,能抢回来更多这一骚操作
- 减少了突袭造成的陆战队伤亡
- 修复了一个bug,该bug导致好几个不应同时出现的自定义袭击目标同时出现
- 修复了一个bug,该bug导致“直到骚动平息的时间”文本没被高亮
- 战后如果只有用“强制恢复”才能捞到船,那么的“考虑恢复舰船”按钮将会显示为剧情点数的颜色(绿)
- 在捞船过程中,如果没有捞己方炸掉的船,将会在下一步前要求确认
- 如果星系的跳跃点已被干扰,那么其中就不会生成求救信号
- 建筑`贸易中心`对殖民地收入的加成:50% -> 25%
- 对于“贸易舰队将从某处出发”的信息,如果将其标记为重要,那么在舰队出发后仍会保留
- 生产报告类信息会被至少保留30天,如果将其标记为重要,则一直保留
- 因为[数据删除]原因而变得不可访问的星系将会在约一年后重新开放
- 移除了网络信息中的“重大事件“分类,因为根本没人用
- 对于军火商类联系人
- 大大增加了在港口酒吧中的出现概率
- 优化了军火商的库存构成
- 例如,一个“非常低”重要性的军火商可能会有丰富的某类小型武器库存
- 不再只卖“稀有”舰船、武器和战机
- 对于船舶生产订单,无论在哪个殖民地进行生产,都会有较高的质量;最多一个D-插
- 生产订单溢价:300% -> 200%,如果与对方势力关系达到100,则 200% -> 150%
- 首次对遗弃殖民地进行挖掘将有机会产出与殖民地有关的新物品
- 轻微减少了殖民地相关物品在各种打捞行动中的爆率
- 为霸主的 Eventide 殖民地添加了`富勒烯线轴`,来确保辛达的燃料生产能全速运行
- 殖民地所在星球危险等级的提示信息中,人口增长惩罚部分的数值将会跟随人口规模变化而更新
- 除非还没开建,否则中途取消殖民地设施的建造只返还75%的资金
- 增加了巡逻舰队跟随要拦截目标的时长
- 主要是为了方便把他们引开以便行动
- 给`传感器阵列`添加了“写入虚假读数”的选项
- 巡逻队和其它舰队可能会前往虚假读数所指示的位置进行调查
- 添加了将玩家引导到 Galatia 学院的任务
- 与废弃空间站(例如Jangala旁边Asharu上那个)交互时,会播放打捞/探索音乐
- 削弱了高等级海盗赏金舰队(因为之前的疏忽导致主力舰过多)
- 对于舰队的每一类资源(货舱、燃油、船员),其超载造成的补给消耗增加限制为50/天,也就是说,各类超载最多可以造成150/天的额外补给消耗
- 对于各类生涯任务:在对话中显示当前拥有的星币数量
- 生涯教学:让一开始的快速保存提示更显眼
### Skills 技能系统:
- Note: this list is not comprehensive, but should cover the main changes
- Skill effect text now shown at full brightness
- Unless the player has the skill but not its elite effect, in which case the latter is dark to make it clear it's not unlocked
- Rearranged skills in a different tier structure for each aptitude, retaining 2 top-tier picks in each
- Choose enough skills in lower tiers to unlock the next tier
- Can skip a tier by taking more skills in lower tiers instead
- Skills within a tier are no longer mutually exclusive
- Reaching the top tier requires 4 points, plus 1 more to actually take a top-tier skill
- Taking the second top-tier skill requires spending 2 more points in lower tiers, plus 1 more for the skill, for 8 points in the aptitude total
- This replaces wrapping around entirely
- Skills that have been made elite and reassigned can be re-made elite at no cost
- Elite skill levels are generally a bit more powerful
- All skills can be unassigned, there are no more permanent skills
- Unassigning skills that gave additional s-mods will result in s-mods being removed (the player can choose which for the ships in their fleet)
- Unassigning skills that boosted officer level/elite skills will result in either the officer becoming a mercenary on a new contract, or losing excess skills
- And so on
- There is a mechanism for mods to "undo" the effects of any custom skills not covered by this
- And a built-in handler for the "ship over maximum ordnance points" case
- Gunnery Implants: reduced recoil reduction to 25% (was: 50%)
- ECM/Electronic Warfare:
- Generally reduced bonuses to be more in line with the new maximum impact of 10%
- ECM Package: reduced to 1/2/3/4% (from 2/3/4/5%); OP cost redcued/adjusted proportionally
- [REDCATED] ECM: reduced values
- Electronic Warfare skill: reduced per-ship bonus to 1% (was: 2%)
- Gunnery Implants: reduced bonus to 4/2/1% (from 6/3/1%)
- Sensor Array: retains its +5% bonus; becomes comparatively more significant
- Automated Ships:
- Rampart: reduced deployment cost to 15 (was 25)
- Radiant: increased deployment cost to 60 (was: 40)
- Improved description of skill and Automated Hullmod to explain the -100% penalty and the skill offsetting it
- Automated ship points threshold for full +100% CR bonus increased to 100
- AI cores now act as multiplier on ship's deployment points instead of being a flat point cost
- Gamma Core: 2x, Beta Core: 3x, Alpha Core: 4x
- Radiant with an Alpha Core and +30% CR from other sources gets 50% max CR
- AI cores no longer conribute to deployment points in human-led fleets (safety interlocks.)
- Special Modifications: removed, effects assigned elsewhere
- New technology skill: Cybernetic Augmentation, +2 elite officer skills
- New technology skill, top tier: Neural Link
- Allows rapid transfer between two ships with the Neural Interface hullmod
- Transfer is instant if combined DP is 50 or below
- Uses "switch view to target" key for transfer
- Both ships benefit from the player's personal combat skills at all times
- Flux Regulation:
- Bonus capacity/dissipation bonus reduced to 10%
- Now also increases maximum vents and capacitors by 5
- New industry skill, personal: Ordnance Expertise
- +2 flux dissipation per ordnance point spent on weapons
- Elite: +20 flux capacity per ordnance point spent on weapons
- New industry skill, personal: Polarized Armor
- Increases the maximum armor damage reduction to 90% (from 85%)
- Based on the current flux level:
- Increases effective armor for damage reduction only by up to 50%
- Reduces EMP damage taken by up to 50%
- Elite: +25% flux dissipation rate while venting
- Field Repairs:
- Moved periodic d-mod removal effect elsewhere
- Removed d-mod removal on recovery effect
- Increased deployment point thresholds and reduced repair effect magnitude
- Added effect: recovered ships start with 30-40% hull and combat readiness
- Bulk Transport: burn bonus increased to +2 (was: +1)
- Containment Procedures: increased point threshold, reduced crew loss bonus
- New top-tier industry skill: Hull Restoration
- All of your ships always recoverable if lost
- 75-90% chance to avoid d-mods (based on deployment points value, higher = lower chance)
- +5% maximum CR per s-mod
- Repairs d-mods roughly once a month
- Additional chance to quickly repair one d-mod on a newly acquired ship, higher chance if more d-mods
- New-ish combat skill: Combat Endurance
- Most of the effects of Reliability Engineering (which is removed)
- Removed "ship is always recoverable" effect since all ships with officers now are
- Elite effect: limited hull repairs during combat
- Helmsmanship:
- Elite effect also grants a flat +5 to top speed
- Point Defense:
- Reduced bonus damage to fighters to +50% (was: 100%)
- Elite effect: increased PD range bonus to 200 (was: 100)
- Systems Expertise:
- Elite effect: added 25% overload time reduction and 50% malfunction chance reduction
- Missile Specialization:
- Elite effect: added +10% damage dealt by missile weapons
- Removed Ranged Specialization
- New combat skill: Ballistic Mastery
- +10% ballistic weapon range and damage
- Elite effect: +50% ballistic projectile speed
- New combat skill: Field Modulation
- Replaced Shield Modulation and Phase Mastery
- Has some of both of those skills' effects
- Fighter Uplink: moved to Leadership, added 50% target leading accuracy bonus
- Crew Training: removed peak time bonus
- Weapon Drills:
- Renamed to "Tactical Drills"
- Reduced damage bonus to 5% but increased deployment points threshold
- Added 50% bonus to raids and 25% marine casualties reduction
- Wolfpack Tactics:
- Removed 0-flux and command point bonus to flagship if it's a destroyer
- Changed peak time bonus to be +50% instead of +120 seconds
- Half of peak time and damage bonuses now applies to destroyers
- New top-tier Leadership skill: Best of the Best
- Increases maximum number of s-mods by 1
- Deployment points increased as if starting the battle already holding a comm relay
- Removed Auxiliary Support
- Damage Control:
- Removed "ship is always recoverable" effect since all ships with officers now are
- Elite: hull damage over 500 points in a single hit has the portion above 500 reduced by 40%
- Impact Mitigation:
- Elite effect now increase max armor damage reduction to 90% (from its base value of 85%)
- Removed Colony Mangement, Space Operations, Planetary Operations
- Increased base number of admins the player can hire to 3 (was: 2)
- Admins now have either no skills or Industrial Planning
- Added new "Hypercognition" skill for Alpha Core admins
- Has a reduced version of the effects of Space Operations and Ground Operations
- AI fleet officers get assigned skills based on the ship they're on, with respect to the suitability of:
- Energy Weapon Mastery
- Ballistic Mastery
- Missile Specialization
- Field Modulation |
- 注:这个列表并不完全,但应该涵盖了重要的技能改动
- 技能效果的描述文本现在以正常亮度显示
- 除非玩家学习了某个技能但未学习其精英效果。这时精英效果的描述文本会以暗色显示,以表明该效果是锁定的
- 对每个分类下的技能进行了重新排序和分级,但保留了每个分类有2个顶级技能的设定
- 学习足够数量的低级别技能来解锁高级别技能
- 可以通过学习更多的低级别技能来跳过某个级别的技能
- 同级别下的不同技能不再互斥
- 解锁某分类的其中一个顶级技能需要已经在该分类下花费4点技能点(不包括学习该顶级技能的1点)
- 解锁第二个顶级技能需要在此基础上再在该分类下花费2点技能点(不包括学习该顶级技能的1点),总计需在该分类下花费8点技能点。
- 这些改动将完全代替以前“按顺序把一个分类的技能全部学会”的技能系统
- 若将某项技能点到精英级后重新分配了技能点,可以不花剧情点再次将该技能点到精英级
- 总体上,精英级技能稍微变强了
- 所有技能都可以被重新分配,不再有永久技能
- 重新分配增加固化船插上限的技能,会导致固化船插被移除(玩家可以选择具体移除哪个船插)
- 重新分配增加军官等级/军官精英技能上限的技能,会导致军官变成雇佣军官,或导致军官失去溢出的技能
- 如此如此
- 对于那些增加了自定技能的mod,有一个新的机制来“撤销”重新分配这些技能的加成
- 还新增了内置的处理机制,用于应对“舰船装配点超出上限”的情况
- `火控植入`:减少后坐力的效果 50% -> 25%
- 电子战/`电子对抗`:
- 总体上降低了电子战加成数值,以适应新版中10%的电子战效果上限
- `电子对抗组件`:电子战加成2/3/4/5% -> 1/2/3/4%;所需装配点数适当降低
- `[数据删除]电子战`:加成降低
- `电子对抗`:每艘舰船的电子战加成 2% -> 1%
- `火控植入`:(精英效果)电子战加成 6/3/1% -> 4/2/1%
- 传感器阵列:加成不变(5%),相比以前的版本,占领传感器阵列现在显得更加重要
- `无人战舰`:
- `堡垒-级`: 部署花费 25 -> 15
- `辐射-级`: 部署花费 40 -> 60
- 优化了技能描述以及`全自动舰船`船插的描述,更好地解释为什么该船插的效果是-100%战备上限,以及该技能如何抵消这个减益
- 无人舰船战备值的部署花费软上限变更为100,超过上限将减少战备
- AI核心现在是在部署花费基础上的乘数,而非定值加数
- 伽马核心:2倍,贝塔核心:3倍,阿尔法核心:4倍
- 例:一艘由阿尔法核心驾驶的`辐射-级`,且由其他途径获得+30%战备上限后,战备上限为50%
- AI核心军官不再影响作战时玩家方的部署点计算
- `特殊改装`:技能被移除,效果移至其他技能
- 新增技术类技能`模控增强`:+2精英技能上限
- 新增技术类顶级技能`神经链接`:
- 允许在两艘装有`神经接口`船插(注:应该是新增船插)的舰船之间快速转移指挥
- 如果两艘船的部署消耗之和低于50,转移指挥可以瞬间完成
- 使用“接通视频信号”键进行转移
- 两艘船都受到玩家的个人作战技能加成
- `幅能调节`:
- 幅能容量/幅能耗散加成降低至10%
- 现在+5幅能寄存器和耗散通道上限
- 新增工业类个人技能`装配专精`:
- 每在武器上花费1点装配点,就+2幅能耗散
- 精英效果:每在武器上花费1点装配点,就+20幅能容量
- 新增工业类个人技能`极化装甲`:
- 将最高装甲减伤从85%提升至90%
- 基于当前幅能水平:
- 装甲减伤时计算的
- 降低受到的EMP伤害50%
- 精英效果:+25%主动耗散速率
- `现场维修`:
- 每段时间移除D-插的效果移至别处
- 上调了部署点数软上限,降低了维修效果
- 新增效果:新打捞的舰船初始有30-40%的船体值和战备值
- `大宗物流`:大地图航速加成 1 -> 2
- `密闭流程`:上调了部署点数软上限,降低了“减少船员损失”的加成效果
- 新增工业类顶级技能`船体修复`:
- 玩家的所有舰船若停机或摧毁,可在战后被打捞
- 有75-90%的概率避免产生D-插(概率基于部署点,部署点越高概率越低)
- 每有一个固化船插,+5%战备上限
- 大约每月修复一次D-插
- 有额外概率修复新获得船只上的一个D-插,D-插越多概率越高
- 继承了大部分`可靠工程`(已移除)技能的效果
- 去掉了“所有船只停机后可打捞”的效果,因为现在凡是有军官指挥的船都总能捞
- 精英效果:在战斗中对结构进行有限的修复
- `操舵技术`:
- 精英效果:额外+5最高航速
- `点防专精`:
- 对战机伤害加成 100% -> 50%
- 精英效果:点防射程加成 100 -> 200
- `系统专精`:
- 精英效果:过载时间减少25%,故障几率减少50%
- `导弹特化`:
- 精英效果:导弹类武器伤害+10%
- 移除`远程特化`技能
- 新增战斗类技能`实弹大师`:
- 实弹武器伤害和射程+10%
- 精英效果:实弹弹丸飞行速度+50%
- 新增战斗类技能`相场调制`:
- 替代`护盾调制`和`相位大师`
- 包括两个老技能的一些效果
- `战机传讯`:转换为领导类技能,并增加了对已锁定目标的 50% 精度加成
- `船员训练`:移除了对峰值时间的加成
- `武装演习`:
- 改名为`战术演习`
- 伤害加成减少到5%,但增加部署点
- 增加了50%的突袭加成,减少25%陆战队伤亡
- `狼群战术`:
- 如果旗舰是驱逐舰,则移除技能对0幅能和命令点数的加成
- 峰值时间加成 120秒 -> 50%
- 对驱逐舰的峰值时间和伤害加成减半
- 新增领导类顶级技能`万里挑一`:
- 固定船插数量上限 +1
- 在战斗开始时,给予相当于占领一座通讯中继站的部署点加成
- 移除`辅助支援`技能
- `损伤管制`:
- 去掉了“所有船只停机后可打捞”的效果,因为现在凡是有军官指挥的船都总能捞
- 精英效果:当受到单次大于500点的伤害时,超过500的部分减少40%
- `冲击缓解`:
- 精英效果:最大装甲减伤增加到90%(没有技能是85%)
- 移除`殖民管理`,`太空行动`,`地表行动`技能
- 玩家初始可雇佣殖民地管理员个数 2 -> 3
- 自由管理员现在要么没有技能,要么有`工业规划`技能
- 阿尔法 AI 核心管理员拥有新技能`极限认知`
- 是`太空行动`和`地表行动`的削弱混合版
- 根据所指挥舰船的不同,AI核心作为军官可以根据情况,自动选择以下技能之一:
- `能量大师`
- `实弹大师`
- `导弹特化`
- `相场调制`
### Combat 战斗系统:
- Officer skills now shown on target reticle when the target ship is targeted
- Ordering a full retreat will now retain any direct/regular retreat orders already given
- Ships with officers or AI cores in command, or with any s-mods, are (almost) always recoverable
- Adjusted placement of "defend" objectives for enemies/allies defending a station
- Was: one defend order behind the station
- Now: two defend orders at angles behind the station
- More easily able to support the station without getting in the way
- "Defend" assignment can now be placed on friendly ships
- Right-clicking a powerful group of ships onto a friendly will also create this assignment
- Default keybinding for "direct retreat" changed to "E"
- Made changes to "show video feed"
- Added a "quick feed" shortcut (default: Q) that shows the feed while the key is held down
- The pause state of the game will be remembered when leaving a video feed
- For example if the game is unpaused, it will not become paused as a result of using the feed
- Pressing F again will no longer cycle the video feed source but will instead close the feed
- Pressing F or Tab or Escape or any other means of exiting out the regular video feed will go back to the command map instead of some of them going back to the combat screen
- View offset will be reset when showing a feed so the switched-to ship will always start at the center of the screen |
- 当按`R`键锁定舰船时,将会在瞄准框上显示目标舰船的军官技能
- 下达全面撤退命令时,会保留先前已经下达给舰船的直接撤退或是常规撤退命令
- 有军官或AI核心驾驶的舰船,或是有任何固化船插的舰船,几乎总是可以在停机后被恢复
- 调整了AI在守卫空间站时的命令下达位置
- 原本是命令友方在空间站后方集结并守卫
- 现在是在空间站侧后方的两个位置集结并守卫
- 可以更好地支援空间站,而不是被空间站挡住
- “防守”命令也可以以友方舰船作为目标了,而不仅是集结点
- 选择一组强力舰船并右键一艘友方舰船,就会命令他们“防守”(注意不是现在的“护航”)该船
- “直接撤退”命令的默认键位改为`E`
- 对“接通视频信号”进行了一些修改
- 添加了“快速接通”快捷键,默认是`Q`,只有当按住时才会切换到视频信号
- 在离开视频信号时,会保持游戏的暂停/继续状态
- 例如,如果在查看视频信号时取消了暂停,那么退出以后也不会再暂停
- 在视频信号中按`F`会直接关闭信号,而不是在不同船之间循环切换
- 在视频信号中按`F`、`Tab`或`Esc`键现在都会返回指挥界面,而不是有的回到战斗界面有的回到指挥界面
- 视角偏移在切换到视频信号时会重设,也就是说当切换到一艘船时,船总处于屏幕的中心
### Ships 舰船:
- Added elite low-tech Heavy Frigate, Vanguard-class
- Burn Drive system, Damper Field (on right click) instead of shields
- Heavily armored but reasonably fast;
- Built-in "Rugged Construction" hullmod
- Reduces effect of d-mods by 50%, adds 50% chance to avoid new d-mods when lost
- Almost always recoverable
- Vanguard (P) version: same as the base version
- Added low-tech Fast Cruiser, Eradicator-class
- Accelerated Ammo Feeder system
- Higher fuel cost per light year, higher burn
- Eradicator (P)
- System replaced with Burn Drive, deployment cost reduced
- Primary combat cruiser in pirate fleets
- Added low-tech Destroyer, Manticore-class
- Large ballistic turret and some other support mounts
- Built-in Ballistic Rangefinder hullmod (see Hullmods section for details)
- Canister Flak ship system - high-explosive area damage around the ship
- Manticore (P) version: same as the base version
- Dominator:
- Increased ordnance points to 200 (was: 190)
- XIV version gets +10 OP as well
- Increased flux dissipation to 500 (was: 450)
- Substantially increased hitpoints
- Reduced shield upkeep to 0.4 (was: 0.5)
- Hound: added "Rugged Construction" built-in hullmod
- Cerberus: added "Rugged Construction" built-in hullmod
- All derelict drones: added "Rugged Construction" built-in hullmod
- Kite (S) now has 30 ordnance points
- Tempest:
- Replaced "High Energy Focus" ship system with "Termination Sequence"
- Turns one of the drones into a high-damage guided missile
- Falcon (P): increased deployment cost and supplies/month to 20 (was: 15)
- Fury:
- Increased deployment cost and supplies/month to 20 (was: 15)
- Added to high tech blueprint package
- Hyperion: increased deployment cost and supplies/month to 20 (was: 15)
- Afflictor: increased deployment and maintenance costs to 10 (was: 8)
- Afflictor (P): reduced deployment and maintenance costs to 6 (was: 8)
- Shade (P): reduced deployment and maintenance costs to 6 (was: 8)
- Wolf (P): reduced deployment and maintenance costs to 4 (was: 5)
- Omen: increased deployment and maintenance costs to 6 (was: 5)
- Brawler: reduced deployment and maintenance costs to 5 (was: 6)
- Scarab: reduced ordnance points to 55 (was: 60)
- Lasher: added built-in "Ballistic Rangefinder" hullmod (see Hullmods section for details)
- Legion: substantially increased armor and hitpoints
- Drover: fixed issue that caused returning bombers not to relaunch instantly while system was active
- Apogee: removed from high tech blueprint package
- Atlas Mk.II: increased burn level to 7 (was: 6)
- Prometheus Mk.II:
- Increased burn level to 7 (was: 6)
- Reduced supply cost to 30 (was: 32)
- Increased hull to 15000 (was: 11000)
- Increased armor to 1500 (was: 1300)
- Ordnance points increased to 240 (from: 220)
- Vigilance:
- Increased flux dissipation to 180 (was: 130)
- Increased flux capacity to 2000 (was: 1900)
- Changed turret type from energy to hybrid
- Reduced top speed to 110 (was: 130)
- Increased shield arc to 150 (was: 120
- Increased hull to 1500 (was: 1000) |
- 新增低科重型护卫舰,`先锋-级`
- 战术系统为`烈焰驱动器`,无盾,右键激活`阻尼力场`
- 重装甲,但跑的比较快
- 内置新船插`坚固耐用`
- 减少50% D-插负面效果,减少50%停机后获得D-插的概率
- 几乎总是能捞起来
- `先锋(P)-级`:与普通版本一致
- 新增低科高速巡洋舰,`根除者-级`
- 战术系统为`加速填弹器`
- 高燃料消耗,高大地图速度
- `根除者(P)-级`
- 战术系统为`烈焰驱动器`,减少部署点
- 作为海盗的主力巡洋舰
- 新增低科驱逐舰,`蝎尾狮-级`
- 有大实弹插槽和其它一些辅助挂载点
- 内置新船插`弹道测距仪`(详见下文“船插”部分)
- 新战术系统`霰炸高炮系统`:在舰船周围产生范围高爆伤害
- `蝎尾狮(P)-级`:与普通版本一致
- `统治者-级`:
- 装配点 190 -> 200
- 十四军团版本 200 -> 210
- 基础幅能耗散 450 -> 500
- 大幅增加船体生命值
- 护盾维持消耗 225 -> 200
- `猎犬-级`:内置新船插`坚固耐用`
- `地狱犬-级`:内置新船插`坚固耐用`
- 所有derelict无人船(绿粽子):内置新船插`坚固耐用`
- `风筝(S)-级`:装配点 25 -> 30
- `暴雨-级`:
- 战术系统由`高能聚焦系统`替换为新战术系统`终止进程`
- 将其自带的无人机转换成一颗高爆导弹
- `猎鹰(P)-级`:
- 部署点和每月补给 15 -> 20
- `狂怒-级`:
- 部署点和每月补给 15 -> 20
- 加入到高科蓝图包
- `亥伯龙-级`:部署点和每月补给 15 -> 20
- `折磨-级`:部署点和每月补给 8 -> 10
- `折磨(P)-级`:部署点和每月补给 8 -> 6
- `阴影(P)-级`:部署点和每月补给 8 -> 6
- `野狼(P)-级`:部署点和每月补给 5 -> 4
- `预兆-级`:部署点和每月补给 5 -> 6
- `斗士-级`:部署点和每月补给 6 -> 5
- `圣甲虫-级`:装配点 60 -> 55
- `征伐-级`:添加内置新船插`弹道测距仪`(详见下文船插部分)
- `军团-级`:大幅增加装甲和船体生命值
- `赶牛人-级`:修复了一个bug,该bug导致在启用战术系统`后备部署`时,返航的轰炸机无法立刻装弹起飞
- `至高点-级`:从高科蓝图包重移除
- `阿特拉斯 Mk.II-级`:大地图航速 6 -> 7
- `普罗米修斯 Mk.II-级`:
- 大地图航速 6 -> 7
- 每月补给 32 -> 30
- 船体生命值 11000 -> 15000
- 装甲值 1300 -> 1500
- 装配点 220 -> 240
- `哨兵-级`:
- 基础幅能耗散 130 -> 180
- 基础幅能容量 1900 -> 2000
- 武器插槽类型 能量 -> 混合(能量/实弹)
- 最高航速 130 -> 110
- 护盾角度 120 -> 150
- 船体生命值 1000 -> 1500
### Phase ships 相位船:
- Campaign stealth bonus is now a multiplier based on the sensor strength of the top 5 phase ships
- Revenant/Phantom no longer count as combat ships for purposes of deployment-points-total-based skills
- Phase cloak reduces top speed as hard flux goes up, down to 33% speed at 50% hard flux while phased
- New hullmods:
- Adaptive Phase Coils: increases hard flux level for minimum speed to 75%
- Phase Anchor:
- Reduces phase cloac activation flux cost to 0
- Increases soft flux dissipation and weapon cooldown/charge regen by 2x while phase
- One ship *per battle* can execute an "emergency dive" maneuver instead of being destroyed
- Counts as retreated instead and loses an extra deployment's worth of CR
- High ordnance point cost and can not be built in
- Quantum Disruptor: removed charges, now just has a 30 second cooldown
- Mine Strike: reduced range to 1000 (was: 1500)
- Improved how the omni shield AI prioritizes mines
- Fixed AI issue that could cause phase ships to perform their attack runs suboptimally
- And could occasionally cause them to hover inside the target ship
- Increased durability (hull and/or armor) of phase ships significantly, especially smaller ones
- (Phase capital ship stats unchanged) |
- 生涯中舰队获得的隐身效果加成,是基于舰队中探测距离排前5的几艘相位船探测距离的一个乘数
- `幽魂-级`和`魅影-级`不再算作战斗舰船,不再参与到根据部署规模生效技能的计算中
- 在进入相位模式时,相位船的速度随着硬幅能的增加而下降。当硬幅能达到50%(或更高)时,速度降至最慢,相当于原速的33%
- 新船插
- `自适应相位隐形`:只有当硬幅能达到75%(或更高)时,速度才降至最慢,相当于原速的33%
- `相位锚定`:
- 将进入相位状态瞬间产生的幅能降至0
- 在相位状态中,增加两倍软幅能耗散和武器冷却/重装速度
- **每场战斗中**,一艘有该船插的相位船可以在即将被摧毁时执行“紧急下潜”,避免停机
- 战后算作撤退,并额外失去相当于部署一次所需的战备
- 有很高的装配点需求,不能内置作为固化船插
- `量子干扰`:从按充能次数使用改为每次冷却30秒
- `空雷突袭`:有效范围 1500 -> 1000
- 优化了全角护盾AI优先防御空雷的方式
- 修复了一个可能导致相位舰AI以次优方式发起攻击的bug
- 该bug有时也会导致相位船在目标舰船船体内晃悠
- 大大加强了相位船的耐久(船体生命值/装甲),尤其是对于小型相位船
- (相位主力舰耐久保持不变)
### Weapons/fighters 武器与战机:
- Support fighters will now prefer attacking the target of the ship they're escorting
- Light Assault Gun: increased range to 700 (was 600)
- Light Autocannon, Light Dual Autocannon
- Increased range to 700 |