2019.2.6 更新:根据官方论坛内容修正部分条目,包括 “免费”速度 、“爆发输出大量弹丸的武器”
2019.2.4 更新:根据paXxx的回复修正了战斗货舰等条目的翻译,以及一些杂项
2019.2.2 更新:根据Sirenqi提出的建议修改了部分用语和翻译,根据官方论坛的内容确定了部分之前存疑的内容,并增加了原贴后文回复中的部分内容
Starsector 0.9.1a (In-Dev) Patch Notes
« on: January 31, 2019, 12:29:07 PM »
Changes as of January 31, 2019
• REDACTED derelict now only appears in more interesting star systems with more potential for habitation
• 现在【数据删除】的遗弃物只会在更加适合居住,因而更有趣的星系中出现。(没太理解作者到底指的是余辉舰队、domain勘探器、开矿/研究空间站或者是拾荒舰队)
• Adjusted price of (P) ships to account for their lack of built-in d-mods
• 调整了(P)船只的价格,以符合它们缺少内置d插的特性(?)
• Ships with "Militarized Subsystems" no longer get increased maintenance from capacity-increasing logistics hullmods
• 现在安装了“军事化子系统”的船只不会再因为安装提升容量的后勤插件(指扩展货仓、燃油箱、船员宿舍)而消耗额外的补给了
o And can have Safety Overrides
o 并且也能够安装安全超载了
• Intel planet list: replaced "value" column with planet survey class
• 网络信息中的星星列表界面:把“星球价值”一栏替换为调查数据等级
• Added "free port" to several pirate colonies
• 为数个海盗殖民地添加了“自由港”属性
• Free port:
• 自由港:
o Stability penalty goes from 1 to 3 over time instead of being fixed at 3
o 稳定性惩罚从之前的固定为3改为随时间逐渐从1递增到3
o Accessibility bonus goes from 5% to 25% (was: 10 to 50)
o 可到达性加成改为从5%递增到25%(之前是10%到50%)(也就是减半了)
• Fixed commodity tooltip issue in "market share" screen
• 修正了市场份额界面中的商品提示问题(没太理解具体指的什么)
• Buffalo (A), Kite (A): replaced "Militarized Hegemony Auxiliary" with "Militarized Subsystems"
• 水牛(A),风筝(A):“霸主军事扩展”插件改为“军事化子系统”插件
• Officer picker dialog now shows personality for officers over current maximum
• 现在选择军官界面会展示超过军官数目上限之后,多余的军官的性格了(之前会被一行红色的超过上限提示盖住)
• Changed item outline color in industry screen to better highlight installed items
• 改变了殖民地工业设施安装的物品(纳米锻炉、同步核心等)的轮廓颜色以突出安装了哪些物品
• Player faction should no longer use combat freighters instead of a portion of combat/freighter ships in patrols etc
• 现在玩家势力不会再使用战斗货舰 (大概指的是骡子?或者巨像三兄弟?) (取代战斗舰船), 改为在巡逻队组成界面中增加一个战斗舰船/后勤舰船比例的选项 而不是像之前那样战斗舰船/货舰混合出现在巡逻队中。
o May still use combat freighters in place of combat ships, if priority settings allow it
作者在楼下的回复(有人提了一个大意为“我可以让舰队中的货舰都变成战斗货舰,但是不要换掉我的战斗舰船,或者是如果你一定要货舰或者油船的话,为什么不用这只可爱的至高点呢”的问题):It means that if you don't have Hounds, Mules, Ventures, and other such prioritized, and have a set of combat ships prioritized, the former should not show up in your fleets anyway in the "combat freighter" role. Which tends to look to a player as the priority flags being ignored.(The other stuff is not possible, no; and there's no concept of "combat tanker" in fleet-building code.)
这意味着如果你没有猎犬、骡子、企业或者其他这样的战斗货舰,并且有一组以战斗为主要功能(战斗优先的)船只,那么前者不会再在你的舰队中以战斗货舰的角色出现。现在它会倾向于遵从玩家的指示(如果战斗货舰优先的选项被关掉的话) 如果没有把猎犬、骡子、企业这类武装商船设置为优先生产,并且优先生产了一大堆战舰,那么这些武装商船由于本身是‘武装商船’的身份无论如何都不会出现在舰队中,所以看起来没有遵循玩家自己设置的优先生产命令。(另一种情况是不可能的,不;同时在舰队生成代码中没有战斗油轮的概念(或许mod需要注意下这个?))
o 如果比例设置允许的话,殖民地仍然可能使用战斗货舰来代替战斗舰船 如果(在管理界面)被设置为优先生产,那么武装商船还是可以以战舰的身份出战。
• Orbital Works: added ship quality bonus to tooltip
• 轨道工房:在设施说明中增加了舰船质量增益的说明
• Colonies:
• 殖民地
o Industries separated into "Industries" (Mining, Farming, etc) and "Structures" (Spaceport, Orbital Station, etc)
o 工业设施现在分类为“工业”(采矿设施,农田等)和“建筑”(太空港,轨道空间站等)
作者在下文的回复中列出了工业设施:Farming, Mining, Tech-Mining, Refining, Light Industry, Heavy Industry, Fuel Production.农田,采矿设施,科技采矿设施,矿石精炼器,轻工业,重工业,燃料生产设施。
· Type shown in tooltip and "add industry or structure" dialog
· 类型会在设施说明和“添加工业设施或建筑”中展示
· "Industry" type also highlighted in colony screen (solid background behind name)
· “工业”类型会在殖民地界面突出显示(在名字后面加一个固定的背景)
o Maximum number of industries limited to a value based on colony size
o 现在最多能建造的工业设施数目会被限制为一个基于殖民地规模的值
· From 1 at size 3 to 4 at size 8 and above
· 规模3时只能建造一个,规模8时可以建造4个(个人倾向于是一个递增而非跃变的设计……不然根本没法玩)
o Only one ongoing construction project (new industry or structure, NOT upgrades) per colony
o 现在每个殖民地只能同时建造一个设施(新的工业设施或者建筑,但是设施升级不受影响)
· Can queue more construction projects
· 但是会提供一个待建造队列
o Doubled population growth required to increase colony size
o 提升殖民地规模所需的人口增长值翻倍(也就是现在的30%growth在0.9.1a只有15%了)
o Doubled population growth incentive cost
o 殖民地人口增长投资翻倍
o A colony with no industries receives an additional growth penalty (unemployment etc)
o 没有工业设施的殖民地会有额外惩罚(比如说失业)(excuse me?)
o Upkeep reduction from REDACTED core reduced to 25% (was: 50%)
o α,β-AI核心带来的维护费减少效果从50%削弱至25%
o Total upkeep for a colony is reduced by up to 25% based on demand filled by in-faction sources
o 殖民地总维护费可以根据需求被势力内来源满足的程度减少,最高减少25%
o Income from exports no longer counts demand at player colonies for total market value
o 现在玩家殖民地的需求带来的出口额不会再计入收入中
o Income at non-player-owned colonies no longer shown as it's no longer accurate
o 现在非玩家所有的殖民地的收入不会再展示,因为它们不再精确(本来也没什么用啊orz)
o When the player establishes a new colony, it automatically begins construction of a Spaceport, free of extra cost
o 现在当玩家建立殖民地时,殖民地会自动开始建造一个空港,并且不需要额外花费资金。
o Significantly increased the build time for most industries, structures, and their upgrades
o 大幅提高了大部分设施的建造和升级时间
· Some examples:
· 例如(单位:天):
· Farming: 30 -> 60
· 农田:30 -> 60
· Heavy Industry: 60 -> 120
· 重工业:60 -> 120
· Megaport: 30 -> 150
· 巨型港口:
• Tech-Mining:
• 科技采矿设施:
o No longer supplies economic units of commodities
o 不再提供经济性商品产出(应该是可能会给你往仓库里扔东西,但是不会再计入殖民地产出)
o Increased monthly drops for smaller ruin sizes
o 在小规模废墟上每月的产出减少幅度增加
• Added administrators to the larger core world colonies
• 为核心星区的一些大型殖民地添加了殖民地管理员
• Target of REDACTED mission no longer spawns right next to a black hole
• 【数据删除】任务(应该是指星球护盾和取得α核心)的目标不会再生成在黑洞旁边了
• Pirate and Pather bases should no longer spawn next to a black hole
• 海盗和左径空间站也不会生成在黑洞旁边了
• Added "danger level" indicator to fleet tooltips
• 为舰队信息栏(指移到舰队那个圆圈上弹出的窗口)添加了“危险等级”指示
• Added bar event to aid in locating Pather base
• 添加了确定左径基地所在地的酒吧事件
• Luddic Path bases show up under "Colony threats" tag when targeting player colonies
• 目标为玩家殖民地的左径基地会在“殖民地威胁”标签下展示
• Patrols:
• 巡逻队:
o Will no longer prevent play from docking when engaged in battle
o 当处于战斗之中时,不会再阻止玩家入港(怀疑原文有误,play疑为player)
o Or more than 1000 units away
o 或者是在1000单位距离之外的时候
• "Deserter" pirate bounty fleets now use faction-specific weapons/fighters, instead of drawing from the usually-inferior pirate set
• 叛军海盗赏金舰队现在会使用特定势力的武器/战机,而不是从海盗系列中选取(通常来说后者都比较烂)
• Taking over or destroying a comm relay/nav buoy/sensor relay in a system where the owning faction has no colonies will no longer have any impact on your reputation
• 现在当你占领或摧毁星系中的一个通讯中继器/导航浮标/传感器阵列时,如果原本拥有它的势力在此星系中没有殖民地,那么你将不会受到关系惩罚
• Removed stack size limit of 1000 from player cargo
• 移除了玩家货仓中物品堆叠数量最大为1000的限制(好评!)
• Maximum quantity that can be picked up using slider increased to 5000
• 使用滑条可以拉取的物品数量最大值提升至5000
• Can now see CR level of stored ships
• 现在可以看到储存的船只的CR了
• Pirate bases:
• 海盗基地:
o Can no longer repeatedly spawn in the same system without some time passing
o 现在如果不经过足够的时间,海盗基地是不会在同一个星系里反复生成的
o Reduced likelihood of player colonies being targeted by pirate bases that are very far away
o 降低了非常偏远的玩家殖民地成为海盗目标的可能性 降低了距离玩家殖民地非常遥远的海盗基地将玩家殖民地设为(袭击)目标的可能性
• Increased average interval between patrol spawns to 2 weeks (was: 1 week)
• 提升了巡逻队的平均生成间隔:1周 -> 2周(这个具体可以看下论坛里会长写的巡逻队生成机制,这里的时间间隔不是精确的)
o Also affects combat fleets from pirate and Pather bases
o 同样也影响到海盗了左径基地中的战斗舰队
o As before, the interval is reduced significantly when an existing patrol returns
o 和之前一样,如果之前的巡逻队成功返回,那么这个时间间隔会大幅降低
• Increased respawn delay for REDACTED fleets
• 余辉舰队的重生间隔提升
• Added unique icon for comm sniffer intel item
• 为窃听器的消息添加了特殊图标
• Industrial Planning: level one now reduces upkeep by 10% instead of reducing demand
• “工业规划”技能:现在1级时的效果改为降低10%维护费(之前是降低需求)
• Reduced time-scaling of person bounties
• 降低了针对个人的赏金的持续时间(?)
• Intel UI (including map) now takes up more space if available
• 现在网络信息(包括地图)的界面会在条件允许时占据更多屏幕空间
• Jump-point dialog warning about fleets on the other side now only shown if there's enough fuel to jump
• 现在跳跃点对话框对于另一侧舰队的警告只会展示是否有足够的燃料来进行跳跃(???不是很理解这是什么操作) (点击)跳跃点(时出现的)关于另一侧有舰队的警告对话文字,现在只会在玩家有足够的燃料进行跳跃时才会显示
• Raids/expeditions/etc that are being organized (i.e. not yet assembling) will be aborted if the colony is either destroyed or its military base is disrupted
• 组织中的(也就是还没有提示正在集结的)突袭/远征等现在会被摧毁殖民地或者摧毁军事基地设施的行为打断
• Made "Missile Autoforge" hullmod visible on station modules and REDACTED
• 让空间站和【数据删除】(推测为余辉空间站)的“导弹自动工厂”插件可见(我说我的中科技空间站的飓风怎么用不完)
作者的回复说明这个插件是空间站本体的:Right - this is more about the one REDACTED that has the hullmod, really.
• Navigation skill: now modifies individual fleet member fuel use (rather than fleetwide)
• 导航技能:现在减少燃油消耗的效果只对驾驶的船只有效,而不是整个舰队(我不确定这条的正确性……暂时没有时间去翻原贴或者提问)
Navigation skill still cuts down fleet fuel usage, it's just that it's technically applying it to particular ships and not fleet as whole (but since fleet fuel usage uses now-reduced ship fuel usage values, it decreases as well), which results in it showing up in the tooltip, like the maintenance reduction does.
o Effect shows up in ship tooltip
o 这个效果会在舰船信息中显示
• Added Prometheus Mk.II to Pather fleets
• 为左径舰队添加了普罗米修斯MK.II(我记得大凤说过普罗米修斯的武器射界和装甲拿来战斗也勉强凑活来着……害怕)
• Added Atlas Mk.II to pirate fleets
• 为海盗舰队添加了阿特拉斯MK.II(为什么不和左径学学呢……)
• Starting relationship with Luddic Path changed to -65 (was: -50)
• 开局时和左径的关系从-50降到-65
• Salvaging: +50% bonus for rare items will no longer result in a full re-roll and will simply result in "more stuff" compared to without the skill
• 勘探:稀有物品打捞收获+50%的增益现在和无技能时相比,不会再影响所有物品,而是只影响“额外的东西”了(应该是指勘探时出现提示可能能捞到某些东西的对话时才生效) 这一条请参见下面9楼的内容,Sirenqi进行了详细解释,此处翻译有误
• Battelstations and Star Fortresses now have officers
• 现在战斗空间站和行星要塞有军官了
o Installing an Alpha Core on any level station still grants a level 20 officer with Gunnery Implants
o 为任何级别的空间站安装α核心仍然能保证有一个带有火控植入体技能的20级军官
• Made a few performance improvements
• 一些性能改进
• Punitive expeditions:
• 惩罚性远征:
o Fixed issue with wrong reason being displayed sometimes
o 修正了优势远征原因展示错误的问题
o Reduced strength of initial punitive expeditions sent
o 降低了一开始的远征舰队的强度
o Reduced high-end expedition space strength
o 降低了最大强度远征舰队的空间内战斗强度
o Increased high-end expedition ground strength
o 提升了最大强度远征舰队的地面战斗强度
o More variety in which colonies are targeted
o 作为远征目标的殖民地更加多样(也就是不会盯着一个不放了)
o Will no longer be sent out by the faction the player is commissioned by, if any
o 签订雇佣协议(如果有的话)的势力不会再对玩家进行远征了
o Will result in a 5-point reputation penalty when/if the expedition fails
o 如果远征失败,会导致5点的关系惩罚
· No reputation penalty for fighting the expedition's fleets
· 但是和远征舰队战斗不会降低关系(个人认为和上面那条无关,即不管是你亲自干掉远征舰队还是你的巡逻队干掉,战斗本身不会掉关系,但是远征失败总是会)
· Reputation cost to avert reduced to 20 points
· 通过关系避免远征需要的关系值降至20点
o Takes roughly twice as long for factions to build up towards sending an expedition
o 势力建造远征舰队所需的时间提升至两倍
o After 2-3 expeditions are sent (total, by all factions), no expeditions will be sent for 6 to 12 months
o 总计(计所有势力)被远征2-3次后,接下来的6-12个月内不会再被远征
· This does not include pirate raids or inspections
· 这不会影响到海盗突袭和AI检查
• Reduced the size of later-game pirate raids by half
• 后期海盗突袭的强度降低一半
• Fleet spawning:
• 舰队生成
o Will not produce fleets with more than 30 ships
o 不会再生成包含30艘船以上的舰队了
o Stronger fleets will have many more large ships
o 更强的舰队会有更多更大的船
· This increases both their ground-raiding strength and their effectiveness vs stations
· 这会同时提升他们的地面突袭能力和反空间站能力
• Can now abandon colonies up to size 4
• 现在可以遗弃4级殖民地了
• Fleet/station interactions:
• 舰队/空间站交互
o Destroying/disabling/forcing enough enemy ships to retreat during an engagement allows your fleet to disengage without being pursued
o 进攻时摧毁/停机足够数量的敌舰/使足够数量的敌舰撤退能让你的舰队安全撤退而不会被追赶
· Works when your fleet is over the disengage size limit, but not limited to this
· 在你的舰队规模大到超过可撤退水平时生效,但是不限于此
· Indicator in combat screen shows progress towards this
· 战斗界面中会有一个指示器显示进度,满值时可以触发上述行为
· Currently set to 40% of enemy fleet or 100 deployment points, whichever is lower
· 暂时设置成40%的敌舰队或者100部署点,取二者中较低的一个
o When a fleet that's "too large to disengage" engages an enemy station supported by other fleets:
o 当一个“大到无法撤退”的舰队进攻一个有其他舰队支持的空间站时:
· Can always disengage without being pursued
· 总是能在不被追赶的情况下撤退
· But, the enemy fleet will harass the retreat, causing a drop in CR
· 然而,敌舰队会骚扰你的撤退,导致战备降低
o Stations will no longer try to disengage when outnumbered
o 现在空间站不会再在实力不足时尝试撤退
o When joining an ongoing battle, allied fleets will prefer to pursue instead of harry/let go when possible
o 加入正在进行的战斗时,如果条件允许,盟友舰队会倾向于追击而非骚扰撤退/放敌人走
• When losing a battle: special items such as blueprints, AI cores, survey data, etc, no longer have a chance to be lost
• 当战斗失败时:特殊物品如蓝图,AI核心,调查数据等不会再丢失
• Patrols:
• 巡逻队
o Will no longer force the player to fight when weaker and stopping them for the transponder being off or for a cargo scan
o 当巡逻队战力不足时,它们在因玩家未打开应答器或进行货物检测是不会再尝试强制玩家战斗
• Music will no longer switch to another track when passing near a star system, actually entering it is required
• 现在接近一个星系不会再引起音乐切换,进入星系才会
• "Typical heavy patrol" on Doctrine & blueprints screen now more closely matches a typical heavy patrol
• 现在巡逻队&蓝图界面中的“典型的大型巡逻队”会更贴近一个实际的典型大型巡逻队
o Uses best ship quality in player faction
o 现在巡逻队会使用玩家势力中质量最好的船
o Uses appropriate number of tankers/freighters
o 使用合适数量的油船/货船
• Total battle size in vs-station battles is increased by the deployment cost of the station
• 含有空间站的战斗中,总战斗规模会加上空间站部署点
• Ships should find it much harder to go outside the map boundary
• 船只会觉得离开地图边界更难
• Can now left-click outside the hullmod picker dialog to dismiss it
• 现在可以在插件选择窗口外单击左键以关闭窗口
• Weapon tooltip:
• 武器信息:
o Now properly handles weapons with a very large interruptible burst
o 现在能正确处理 有着大型可打断的(?)爆发输出的武器了 可以爆发式发射大量弹丸(但是可以中途打断)的武器了
一个例子:风暴针刺,在0.9a RC10中,burst一栏会显示9999。
o Moved flux/second to be under damage/second
o 把每秒幅能说明移到了DPS说明的下方
• Stripping a hull will now force weapon groups to be reassigned on deployment if there are unassigned weapons
• 改装船只会强制未分组的武器在进入战斗时重新分组
• "Escape" battles: ships deployed on the flanks will start 4000 units closer to the top of the map
• “逃跑”战斗:地图上部署的船只离地图上方的距离近了4000单位
• Harbinger: changed 3 medium hardpoints to "energy" (was: "synergy")
• 先锋 预言者:三个协同中槽改为能量
作者自述的原因:It needed it, what with the 3x Typhoon Harbinger being the answer to any question.
• Increased refit time for most bombers by somewhere around 3-5 seconds
• 大部分轰炸机的整备时间提升了3-5秒
• Perdition: increased OP cost to 15 (was: 12), increased refit time to 15 (was: 10)
• 殒命:装配点从12增至15,整备时间从10增至15
• Phaeton, Starliner: reduced max burn by 1
• 辉腾,星际线:降低1点星际航速
• Gemini: increased max burn by 1
• 双子座:增加1点星际航速
Ship AI:
• Reduced aggressiveness when facing a station but given an order that targets something other than the station
• 降低了与空间站战斗时,指定空间站以外的目标时,船只的侵略性
• Will no longer use High Energy Focus or other weapon-boosting systems when all affected weapons are on cooldown
• 在所有受影响的武器均在冷却时不会再启动高能聚焦系统或者其他武器增幅系统
• Fixed some broadside AI issues
• 修正了一些宽泛的AI问题
• Fixed autopilot issue when "invert turn-to-cursor behavior" setting was checked
• 修正了启用“船头指向指针”选项时,自动驾驶会出现的问题
• Reacts more quickly to "primed" friendly mines
• 对友军已经启动的地雷会更快的反应
• Burn Drive:
• 烈焰驱动器:
o Should no longer be used when a ship has an assignment and is not facing towards the assignment target
o 当船只被指定一个目标,并且船头未指向目标时,它不会再使用烈焰驱动器了
· One exception being when trying to get away from an enemy behind the ship
· 一个例外是当船只试图离开其背后的敌舰时
o Will not burn towards targets that have the "Avoid" order
o 不会朝着被指定“躲避”的目标冲锋
• Improved behavior around borders
• 提升了船只在边界附近的行为
• Ships with limited fighters wings (no bombers and <=1 for cruisers and below, <=2 for capital) are more conservative about using these to engage the enemy
• 有较少战机(没有轰炸机,对巡洋及以下舰船为<=1队,对主力舰为<=2队)的船只 更倾向于下达“进攻”指令 在使用舰载机攻击时会更加谨慎。
• Fixed issue where carriers would occasionally "engage" their fighters on targets under fog of war
• 修复了有时航母会让它们的战机进攻战争迷雾中的敌人的问题
• Legion, Mora: will no longer hide behind combat ships
• 军团,莫拉:不会再躲在战斗舰船后面(别啊……这不是死的更快吗)
• Improved command obedience
• 提升了舰船对指令的服从程度。
• Fixed issue that could cause ship to back off from a target due to flanking - but insignificant - threats
• 修正了船只会因为侧翼较低程度的威胁而从目标撤退的问题
• Fixed several issues that could cause a ship with front shields to turn slightly away from the target, seemingly without a reason
• 修复了几个会导致装备前盾的船只不知为何轻微的将舰首从目标方向偏开的问题
• Fixed an issue that could cause REDACTED ships to wander around the battle map instead of engaging the player
• 修复了一个导致无盾粽子在战场上乱逛而不是进攻玩家的问题(导致我经常上一堆船全图搜索,烦死)
• Non aggressive/reckless officers will be more careful about maintaining range from the enemy
• 现在(此处有点疑问,原文为Non,但个人认为是Now) 非激进/鲁莽性格副官(即沉稳,谨慎,胆小等)会更注意保持和敌人的距离
• Made some tweaks to evasion logic that should make ships less likely to try to "pivot" around an enemy at too close a range
• 调整了一些参数使得“躲避”命令导致船只在距敌舰过近的距离上钟摆运动(即舰首指向敌舰,反复左右画圈移动)的可能性降低
o Should improve survivability
o 应该能提升生存能力
• Escort behavior overhauled
• 护送命令重做
o Does a better job positioning escorting ships to ward off flanking enemies
o 提升定位被保护目标,并驱逐侧翼敌人的效果
o Does a better job not getting in the way of the parent ship's fire
o 提升避免进入友军船只火力线的表现
o Does a better job handling broadside ships
o 提升处理侧舷开火船只的表现
· (Still more likely to get in their line of fire if escorting one)
· (然而,仍然很容易进入这类船只的攻击范围,也就是挡炮)
o Capital ships and cruisers with an escort assignment now only turn towards fighters if no other targets are in range
o 被下达“护送”命令的主力舰和巡洋舰现在只会朝向战机,如果范围内无其他目标
o Should fix a number of cases where a ship appears to be over-aggressive and dies for "no reason"
o 应该能修复数个导致船只不知为何变得极具侵略性并暴毙的情形
o Can more smoothly handle a larger number of frigates escorting the same ship
o 可以更顺畅的处理大量护卫舰护卫同一艘船的情形
o Much more consistent and predictable overall
o 总体来说更加一致,可预测了
• Ruins on a planet that's been bombarded are now properly flagged as "surveyed"
• 被轰炸过的行星上的废墟现在被正确的标识为“已调查”
• "Mild Climate" condition can now appear on certain habitable planets
• 条件“温和气候”现在可以在特定的宜居行星上出现了
• Fixed issue with "Open Market" from Commerce fully regenerating on re-opening the tab
• 修复了通过重新打开界面使得开放市场中的内容重新生成的bug 修复了玩家殖民地的商业中心设施所带来的“公开市场”会在重新打开界面时重新生成(所售商品/舰船)的问题
• Fixed player being unable to join battle involving their faction's forces if the player's faction had a friendly reputation with the enemy fleet's faction
• 修复了在玩家势力和敌军势力有着友好关系的情况下,玩家无法加入自己势力和敌军舰队的战斗的问题
• Fixed issue with d-mods being removed from ships for sale after saving and then loading
• 修复了SL之后可以以优惠价移除船只d-mod的问题 修复了(市场中)待售舰船上的D插件会在SL之后被移除的问题
• Ancyra now has a tariff and no longer has unusually low fuel (and other) prices
• Ancrya现在有关税了,并且也不会总是有低价燃料(及其他商品)了
• Autofit: fixed issue with not adding proper number of vents/capacitors based on target variant
• 自动装配:修复了没有根据目标装配方案自动增加合适的幅散/幅能容量点数的问题
• Fixed possible slowdown issue
• 修复了可能导致游戏变慢的问题
• Added Wayfarer to base blueprint set
• 在初始蓝图中添加了远行者-级
• Berserker-class ship now properly shows up in REDACTED fleets
• 狂战士级现在能正确的出现在无盾粽子舰队里了
• Recent Unrest condition now properly removed from colony when stability penalty reaches 0
• 条件“近期动荡”现在会在稳定性惩罚降至0时被正确移除
• Hopefully fixed issue loading UTF-8 text with multi-byte characters from mission descriptions etc
• 可能修复了加载战役描述中的多字节UTF-8编码文本的问题(现在我们知道了,并没有修好……)
• Fixed Custom Production screen crash caused by abandoning selected gathering point colony
• 修复了由于遗弃物品递送目的地所在的殖民地导致打开生产界面时游戏崩溃的问题
• Fixed a game-loading crash
• 修复了加载游戏时崩溃的问题
• Fixed slow memory leak caused by Commerce industry
• 修复了由商业设施导致的缓慢的内存泄漏问题
• Fixed issue where the main ship deployed in "run simulation" would not use the faction's doctrine for the autopilot personality
• 修复了模拟战中,己方部署船只自动驾驶时不会使用所属势力的性格特点(?)
• Fixed issue where pressing "S" without course widget showing would still adjust player fleet's destination
• 修复了没有箭头指示目的地的导航时按S仍然会改变玩家舰队目的地(也就是原地停下)的问题
• Ravelin-class drone: changed erroneous hardpoints to turrets in ship definition
• 半月堡-级无人机:在定义中把之前错误设置的固定插槽改为炮塔
• Fixed issue that could cause pirate fleets to be on the other side of a jump-point without the player receiving a warning prior to the jump
• 修正了一个导致跳跃点另一边有海盗舰队时,玩家不会受到警告的问题
• Auto-assign officers will no longer assign officers above the current maximum
• 自动安排副官时不会再安排超过上限的副官了
• Fixed officer tooltip not updating when changing officer assignments until fleet screen was re-opened
• 修复了更换军官后在重新打开舰队窗口前,军官描述不会改变的问题
• Fixed issue with "auto-assign idle officers" over-valuing civilian ships
• 修复了自动安排副官时对民用船过高估值的问题
• Fixed issue where hostile orbital stations could fight each other
• 修复了敌对的空间站可以互相打架的问题(乐趣-1?)
• Fixed issue where orbital stations could participate in battles very far from their visible location
• 修复了空间站可以加入看起来离他们非常远的战斗的问题
• Fleets issuing a distress call will now ask for correct amount of fuel
• 现在发出紧急呼救的舰队会索取正确的量的燃料了
• Fuel use/day indicator now properly accounts for "free" speed over burn level 20
• 现在“燃料消耗/每日”指示器能够正确计算“自由速度”(超过20航速)了
官方论坛用户SCC给出的解释如下:If you move at burn speed higher than 20, tooltip showed increased fuel usage, when it actually used as much fuel as fleet moving at 20 burn does (so going over 20 is "free"). 当你的星际航速超过20时,游戏界面展示的燃料消耗增加了,但是实际上的燃料消耗仍然和航速为20时相同(因此超过20的速度是“免费”的)
• Safety Procedures level 3 no longer reduces supply cost of Transverse Jump (affects tooltip only)
• 现在3级安全过程技能不会减少横轴跳跃所需的补给了(不过看起来原本这只是个描述错误)
• Industry picker dialog now shows correct upkeep values
• 设施选择信息框现在会正确显示当前维护消耗了
• Fixed issue where torpedoes and other AoE projectiles hitting a station's shield could damage other modules
technically behind the shield.
• 修复了鱼类等AOE抛射物攻击空间站时会伤害到护盾后的其他模块的问题(高科技空间站终于敢用了)
• Fixed an infinite credits exploit related to paying bribe
• 修复了一个支付贿赂时需要支付无限金额的而导致无法支付的问题
• Impact Mitigation 1: now properly applies +150 armor instead of +150% armor
• “冲击缓解”1级:现在正确的为船只增加150护甲而不是150%护甲
• Centurion-class frigate now only spawns in larger fleets (as was intended), instead of only in smaller fleets
• 百夫长-级护卫舰现在只会在大舰队中出现(和设计的一样),而不是只在小舰队中出现(Alex你是不是多写了个'!'……)
• Upgrading an industry now takes the correct amount of time, instead of being equal the build time of the industry being upgraded
• 现在升级一个设施会花费正确的时间,而不是花费和建造时间相同的时间
• No longer possible to make the "Orders" button on the Command tab enabled
• 不再启用命令界面的“命令”标签
• REDACTED mission: pilot will not show up at a colony with 0 stability
• 【数据删除】(行星护盾)任务:那个驾驶员不会再出现在0稳定度的殖民地了
• Fixed issue with Falcon (P) sometimes restoring to the base Falcon class
• 修复了有时猎鹰(P)在修复时会变为普通的猎鹰的问题
• Level 3 Missile Specialization now applies to mines
• “导弹专精”3级现在对地雷生效
• Fixed rare ConcurrentModificationException crash
• 修复了很少出现的ConcurrentModificationException异常导致的崩溃(不是很懂orz)
• Fixed bug that could cause orbital stations to end up with very sub-par weaponry
• 修复了导致空间站使用非常烂的武器的bug
• Fixed issue with uninhabited planets in core systems not getting planetary conditions
• 修复了核心星区未被殖民的星球缺少行星条件的问题
• Non-primary stars (and black holes etc) can no longer be colonized
• 非主星(天文学的知识我不是很了解,这里是字面翻译) (双星及多星系统的)伴星(以及黑洞等)现在不能被殖民了
• Custom production now properly assumes maxed out doctrine ship quality
• 自定义生成现在能正确估计根据指令生产的舰船的最佳质量了
• Fixed issue with player credits value for certain dialog interactions not being updated
• 修复了特定对话交互中玩家星币值没有及时更新的问题
• Fixed issue where getting survey data for a planet w/o directly surveying it rendered the survey mission incompletable
• 修复了未直接调查星球而获得调查数据导致调查星球任务无法完成的问题
• Fixed issue where combat readiness of ships in storage could be reset to 50%
• 修复了仓库中船只的战备被重置为50%的问题
• Undiscovered Luddic Path bases no longer show up in planet list
• 未被发现的卢德左径基地不会再在星系列表中出现了
• Fixed issue where planets or moons were appearing multiple times in binary/trinary/nebula star system overviews
• 修复了行星及卫星在双星/三星/星云星系概览中多次出现的问题
• Fixed issue with survey data occasionally and temporarily having a very low sell price (probably)
• 修复了调查数据有时会暂时只有非常低的售价的问题
• Fixed issue with pirate ambush fleets not being hostile when player is friendly with pirates
• 修复了玩家和海盗友好时,海盗伏击舰队不和玩家敌对的问题
• Fixed issue with comm sniffer count not updating properly on uninstalling (visual issue only)
• 修复了卸载窃听器时不正确显示的问题(只是视觉效果问题)
• Expeditions will no longer attempt to raid unraidable industries
• 远征舰队不会再尝试突袭不可突袭的设施
• Fixed issue where it was possible for a colony to decivilize without a warning being sent
• 修复了殖民地可能发生文明丧失时,警告未被正确显示的问题
• Fixed issue where ship quality at a market with ship production and extremely low accessibility was incorrect
• 修复了具有极低可到达性,且具有船只生产设施的市场不能正确显示舰船质量的问题
• Tech-Mining no longer generates cargo before it's finished building
• 科技采矿不会再在未建成时带来产出
• Fixed crash in custom production screen when gathering point colony has been destroyed
• 修复了物品递送目的地所在殖民地被摧毁时,打开自定义生产界面会导致崩溃的问题
• Can no longer "restore" ships at uncolonized planets
• 现在不能在未殖民行星修复舰船
• Fixed a few issues in ship deployment logic that caused capital-sized carriers to not be deployed as often as was appropriate
• 修复了几个舰船部署逻辑中的问题,它们导致主力舰级航母没有按照合适的部署频率进行部署
• Fixed crash related to Derinkuyu becoming decivilized or destroyed in the first couple of months
• 修复了Derinkuyu在最初的几个月变为文明丧失状态或被摧毁时导致的崩溃
• Fixed Helmsmanship 5%/1% issue
• 修复了“机动规避”技能中的5%/1%问题
作者在下文的解释:As was covered fairly exhaustively in the relevant thread (and possibly some PMs), it's 1% as it was supposed to be. Balance stuff entirely aside.
正如在相关主题(以及可能的某些PM)中相当详尽地介绍的那样,它应该是1%。 平衡性的事先不要管。
• Dismissing AI Core/Manage Installed Item dialogs with "enter" no longer eats the items in question
• 带有“确认”按钮的卸载AI核心/管理安装的物品对话界面不会再在询问期吞掉物品
• Fixed exploit allowing giving free assignments in combat
• 修复了导致战斗中获得免费的部署点的问题 修复了允许在战斗中给予(不用消耗指挥点数的)免费指派命令的漏洞
• Cancelling an assignment will now only close the command frequency if it's appropriate to do so
• 取消指派现在只会关闭命令频段(如果命令频段处于开启状态的话)(此前有个错误地消耗指挥点的bug)
• Ships produced by the player's colonies will use the proper ship name prefix configured for the faction
• 玩家殖民地生产的船只现在会正确的带有玩家势力的前缀
• Luddic Church will now properly use its ship skins
• 卢德教会现在会正确的使用它的船只皮肤
• Fixed occasional days-remaining disparity between list and detail info for person bounties
• 修复了偶发的个人赏金在列表和详情中剩余天数不一致的问题
• Default battle size now properly set to 300
• 默认战场规模现在正确的设为300
• Abandoning a colony no longer removes the "Decivilized" condition
• 遗弃一个殖民地现在不会移除“文明丧失”条件了
• Fixed issue that caused expedition raid strength to be lower than what was stated in the intel item
• 修复了一个导致远征舰队强度低于网络信息中所述的问题
• Fixed issue with Defecitve Manufactory not applying the standard d-mod cost reduction
• 修复了导致“有缺陷的制造工厂”d插没有正确地应用d插件带来的维护减少的问题
• Fixed issue with large fleets full of civilian ships ordering a full retreat shortly after starting a battle
• 修复了导致全部由民用船构成的大型舰队在进入战斗后不久即下达全军撤退命令的问题
• Fixed issue that could cause a fleeing fleet using Emergency Burn to stay within a certain range of what it was
fleeing from
• 修复了导致使用了紧急加速技能的逃跑中的舰队总是和其逃离目标保持某个特定距离的问题
• Fixed issue with Pather Cell attraction calculation of Heavy Industry
• 修复了重工业对于左径活动的吸引程度的计算(?)
• Fixed occasional music-related exceptions in the log when exiting the game
• 修复了退出游戏时在log中出现的偶发的和音乐有关的异常
• Fixed sell cost of ship weapons and fighter wing LPCs being incorrect (higher than the tooltip)
• 修复了卖出武器和战机LPC时价格异常的问题(比信息界面高)
• Converted Hangar can no longer be installed on a Colossus Mk.III
• 改装机库现在无法安装在巨像MK.III上了
- 殒命:现在正确的显示为低科技了,同时也修复了其他一些分类错误的问题
- 预言者:Alex表示相位长矛+相位船才是正义
- 修复了打捞残骸区导致的游戏崩溃的问题