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发表于 2024-3-9 19:45:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mod Bug汇报
游戏版本: 0.95.1
Mod版本: [md]### 游戏信息 游戏版本: 0.95.1a-RC6 ### 系统信息 操作系统:Microsoft Windows 10 专业版 版本:10.0.19045 暂缺 Build 19045 总可用内存:`15.86G` **警告:未找到游戏默认Java运行时** 虚拟机参数:java.exe -XX:CompilerThreadPriority=1 -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=30 -XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt -Djava.library.path=native\windows -Xms8192m -Xmx8192m -Xss2048k -classpath janino.jar;commons-compiler.jar;commons-compiler-jdk.jar;starfarer.api.jar;starfarer_obf.jar;jogg-0.0.7.jar;jorbis-0.0.15.jar;json.jar;lwjgl.jar;jinput.jar;log4j-1.2.9.jar;lwjgl_util.jar;fs.sound_obf.jar;fs.common_obf.jar;xstream-1.4.10.jar -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.saves=..\saves -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.screenshots=..\screenshots -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.mods=..\mods -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.logs=. com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher 堆栈初始大小(`-Xms`):`8192m` 堆栈最大大小(`-Xmx`):`8192m` ### Mod信息 |Mod名称 |Mod版本 |已启用 | |-|-|-| |LazyLib |2.7b |是 | |zz GraphicsLib |1.6.1 |是 | |MagicLib |0.46.1-rc03|是 | |-鬣犬矿业- |1.96 |是 | |178's Misc Flags |1.0 |是 | |[ 审判联盟]Apocalypse Alliance |0.6.6 |是 | |[C](扩充)更多的船体插件More HullMods 1.11.1|1.11.1 |是 | |[SAD]血腥无政府主义者 |1.2 |是 | |A New Level of Confidence |30 2.1 Fast|是 | |ac alice ship pack |0.4a |是 | |Adjusted Sector |0.5.1 |是 | |Adversary 乌托邦保卫者 |1.1.0 |是 | |Apex设计集团 |1.0.10C |是 | |Better Colonies 更好的殖民地 |1.73 |是 | |cjy的玩具箱 |0.2.0d5-fix|是 | |Concord |3.1.1b |是 | |Console Commands |2021.3.26|是 | |FlanshwrightLib |0.4a |是 | |Fluff船包 |0.2.3-1 |是 | |FSF军事公司[a111164_ExtendPack] |3.13 |是 | |Gensoukyou Manufacture [幻想工造] |0.6.2_rc5, in dev|是 | |Gia机娘头像包 |1.0.4 |是 | |Grand.Colonies |1.0.d |是 | |Gundam UC |0.5.1 |是 | |HMI反派势力 [HMI Supervillains] |0.0.4a |是 | |Industrial.Evolution |3.0.e |是 | |Iron Shell 铁壳 |1.181 |是 | |J GEEK Federation |0.7.5 |是 | |Leading Pip |1.9.1 |是 | |Logistics Notifications 物流报告 |1.4.4 |是 | |LunaLib |1.6.0 |是 | |Mk.II中微子探测器 |1.3.0 |是 | |MnemonicSensors |0.2.2 |是 | |MOD溯源[WhichMod] |1.2.1 |是 | |Nes'SAW |1.8b |是 | |Nijigen Extend |0.3.2 |是 | |Officer Extension 军官扩展 |0.4.3 |是 | |P9殖民领 |0.55 |是 | |Planet Search 星体搜索界面 |1.2.0 |是 | |Progressive S-Mods |0.8.7 |是 | |prv 星工场 |v25.1 |是 | |prv的左径船包 |v1 |是 | |prv的额外内容 |v3 |是 | |SC Portrait Pack |1.0.0 |是 | |Scan Those Gates 人之领巨构扫描器 |1.5.0 |是 | |Secrets of the Frontier 前线秘闻 |0.13.1 |是 | |Seeker - 未知接触 |0.51 |是 | |Slightly Better Tech-Mining 更好的技术挖掘|2.7.3 |是 | |SpeedUp |0.7.2 |是 | |Starfarers Workshop |1.5.1 |是 | |Sylphon RnD |1.0 |是 | |Tartarus Portrait Pack |1.2 |是 | |timeless |0.01 |是 | |Transponder Off |1.2.2 |是 | |United Aurora Federation |0.7.2a |是 | |Vayra's Sector |3.2.1 |是 | |Xinghuo legend 星火传奇 |0.12 |是 | |Zer0Morph的派系旗帜包 |1.0 |是 | |一个商人的传奇 |0.0.5 |是 | |世界之树科研殖民地[Scy Nation] |1.65 |是 | |中微子公司:怀旧版 |1.87-RC3|是 | |人之领历史学会[Domain Historical Society]|0.3a |是 | |伊甸流亡舰队 [I.C.E.] |0.4.3 |是 | |六边形护盾 |1.1.0 |是 | |兽耳助手! |0.6 |是 | |内置船插增益 [Better Deserved S-Mods] |1.53 |是 | |凯尔捷夫技术官僚 |1.9 |是 | |动态调整技能限制 |0.2.0 |是 | |势力争霸 [Nexerelin] |0.10.5 |是 | |北极星之首 [Polaris Prime] |0.3.2 |是 | |博尔肯基金会 [Foundation Of Borken] |0.6.1 |是 | |卡特贸易公司(CFT) |1.0 |是 | |卡连 |1.5 |是 | |卢德拓展 [Luddic Enhancement] |1.2.5l |是 | |厄雷修斯技术综合体 |1.3.0 |是 | |古达兰慕 [Gudalanmu] |0.22 |是 | |地貌改造 & 空间站建设 |8.1.4 |是 | |地质协会 [Kantech] |0.4.3 |是 | |外环带联盟 Outer Rim Allience |0.94rc1 |是 | |大豆船包(BigBeans Ship Compilation) ||是 | |奇异科技改造 [Exotica Technologies] |1.1.5 |是 | |女武神组织[Valkyrians] |2.2.1 |是 | |始地王国 [Kingdom of Terra] |0.13.1 |是 | |少女与战车 头像包 |v0.951 |是 | |布莱顿联盟 [Brighton Federation] |0.0.2c |是 | |思想烙印清除工具 |1.0.0 |是 | |恶魔航电 [Diable Avionics] |2.64 |是 | |战役加成 |1.1.1 |是 | |战斗骚话[Combat Chatter] |1.12 |是 | |扩展纪元拓展 |1.4.10 |是 | |捕获军官船员 |1.0.4 |是 | |无人舰队拓展 & 幽灵部队 |0.4.2 |是 | |无此组织(NSO) - 相位舰队 |0.3.2 |是 | |星系检索网络 |2.6.1 |是 | |星舰传奇 [Starship Legends] |2.1.2 |是 | |星际帝国 [Interstellar Imperium] |2.5.2 |是 | |星际联邦[Star Federation] |0.99 RC3|是 | |普拉斯里蒂废品大师(Prasrity Scrapmaster) |0.2.7 |是 | |智械黎明 美化包 |0.0.1 |是 | |暗影重建局 [Shadowyards] |0.9.5-rc4|是 | |月度晶孔补给 |1.0.0 |是 | |未殖民星系扩展 [UnColonized System Expansion]|0.3.4 |是 | |标量科技解决方案 |0.8.4 |是 | |楼兰军工综合体 |1.8.0 |是 | |沃尔科夫工业集团[VIC] |1.4.3 |是 | |泰兰船包 |0.8.4 |是 | |海盗拓展 [Underworld] |1.7.1 |是 | |海鲜船包 [Seafood Shipworks] |0.0.7f |是 | |火炬舰队与死亡军武 |0.16rc2 |是 | |炫目繁星 [Dazzling Stars] |1.1.0 |是 | |烤乳猪船包0.95适配版 |1.3 |是 | |玛雅苏兰海军 |8.3.9 RC2|是 | |畅饮美酒 Substance Abuse |1.0.k |是 | |穿越者设计局 [Traverser Design Bureau]|1.3.0 |是 | |系统标识 [System Marker] |0.1.3-RC1|是 | |红条骑士团 |1.0 |是 | |罗伊德联盟Roider Union |1.4.4 |是 | |羊头航务局-军备计划[Goat_Aviation_Bureau]|0.5.6 |是 | |联合研究院 |0.1 |是 | |自动指令 |1.1a |是 | |自定义殖民地图像和描述 |1.1.a |是 | |舰船/武器拓展 [Ship/Weapon Pack] |1.13.0 |是 | |舰船目录 / 装配编辑器 [~Ship Catalogue / Variant Editor]|1.7.0 |是 | |舰队行动历史[Fleet Action History] |1.0.8 |是 | |蓝海渔业[BlueSeaFisher] |0.98b1.4|是 | |蜜柑族群 |0.2.3b |是 | |补漏措施 |v 1.2.2 |是 | |装配Li解 [Variant Acknowledged] |0.2.2 |是 | |详细战斗报告[Detailed Combat Results] |5.2.3 |是 | |超空间跳跃 |2.2.1 |是 | |趋光拓展 [ApproLightPlus] |0.6.3 |是 | |趋光议会 [ApproLight] |1.2.0 |是 | |跳帮作战 [Boarding Attack] |1.0.0 |是 | |辉影能源公司[Shadow-Light Power Company]|1.0.0 |是 | |达索-米高扬设计局 |1.6a |是 | |迷赛尔科技 |0.66 |是 | |速子特勤局 |0.2 |是 | |重生[UNGP] |2.0.0 |是 | |锡罕帝国 [Xhan Empire] |2.4 千眼 |是 | |锻造生产(Forge Production) |1.0.3 |是 | |阿卡涅西斯之遗 |v1.9.11 |是 | |陷阵之志头像包 | |是 | |雇主加成[Commissioned Crews] |1.999999ggg|是 | |面板欺诈船插 |0.4.2a |是 | |靶子[Practice Targets] |1.41rc2 |是 | |风险矿业公司 [Hazard Mining Incorporated]|0.3.5f |是 | |骤雨军事公司 [Arma Armatura] |2.06 |是 | |麦哲伦保护国 |1.5a |是 | |黑石船坞 [Blackrock Drive Yards] |0.9.5b2 |是 | |A New Level of Confidence |20 2.1 |否 | |A New Level of Confidence |20 2.1 Fast|否 | |A New Level of Confidence |25 2.1 |否 | |A New Level of Confidence |25 2.1 Fast|否 | |A New Level of Confidence |30 2.1 |否 | |A New Level of Confidence |40 2.1 |否 | |A New Level of Confidence |40 2.1 Fast|否 | |Common Radar |2.5 |否 | |More Military Missions 军事任务扩展 |0.2.2 |否 | |More Planetary Conditions 更多的行星环境|2.2.0 |否 | |Take No Prisoners 战俘营地 |0.14.4 |否 | |TheDarkSix的舰船武器包 |1.0 |否 | |UI大修——arcaea RmuIAr |1.0a |否 | |XInvade |0.0.1 |否 | |圣殿骑士团 [The Knights Templar] |0.9.9d |否 | |机械虚空船厂 |0.53 |否 | |相位力量增强包(Phase Power Enhancement Package)|3.26 |否 | |精英怪 [Infernal Enemy] |2.0a |否 | |航母战术 |0.1.4b |否 | |遗迹探索 Relic Exploration |0.1.4a-RC18|否 | (以上内容由 远行星号 报错信息收集工具 自动生成,生成工具版本 `1.1.2`). [/md]

    7860 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.roider_midway.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    7917 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.goat_painting.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    7917 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.goat_test.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    7950 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.goat_battlo.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    7984 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.goat_hard.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8017 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.PlanA.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8049 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.PlanA01.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8081 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.PlanB.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8113 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.PlanC.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8144 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.PlanD.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8145 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.swp_duelofthecentury.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8145 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.swp_magnificent7.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8146 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.swp_nowitness.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8146 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.swp_stainedglass.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8147 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.swp_custombattle.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8148 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.swp_randombattle.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8148 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.swp_tester.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8149 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.swp_arcade.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8149 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.SCVE_Vanilla.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8149 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.SCVE_Mods.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8150 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.SCVE_Custom.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8151 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.SCVE_Validate.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8185 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.BSF_trainingground.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8221 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.BSF_Secret_manufacturing.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8257 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.BSF_BigSeaFighting.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8257 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.MIKPreview.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8289 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.filgap_shiptests.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8321 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.filegap_hideandseek.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8355 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.filgap_intothemist.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8389 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.filgap_relic.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8390 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.KnightDev.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8391 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.ApproLight_AL_vs_Random.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8392 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.ApproLight01.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8392 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.ApproLight02.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8393 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.ApproLight03.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8393 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.ALm_decapitationstrike.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8393 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.ALm_timetransmutation.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8495 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.ALm_clearthelowlife.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8495 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.ApproLightDev.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8496 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.slpc_mission_dev.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8496 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.istl_threecaballeros.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8496 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.istl_heavyiron.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8496 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.istl_mothershipconnection.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8496 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.istl_devilbelt.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8497 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.istl_goosechase.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8497 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.istl_theyshallnotpass.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8497 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.istl_hellsownsun.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8530 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.afistfulofcredits.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8530 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.al_kingofthehill.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
    8530 [Thread-6] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore - Class [data.missions.al_hunterkiller.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.



    发表于 2024-3-10 00:50:49 | 显示全部楼层



    GMT+8, 2024-12-23 01:13

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