* 修正和舰船防御系统id有关的问题 * 修正了一些有误的文本 * 修正了一些无人舰船相关的问题 * 更清晰地给出执行一些酒吧事件的条件
* 修正了关于AI核心忠诚度的问题 * 修正了一些会在酒吧事件进行时出现的问题 * 修正了与Mod"Sunrider"的兼容性问题 * 修正了神经链接相关问题 * 修正了本不能内置的船插变成内置船插的问题 * 修正可能出现并没有D插但名字带有D的船的问题 * 改动: 著名舰船事件中的舰船现在更可能拥有更多内置船插和特质 * 改动: 调整了关于著名舰船事件的措辞,来帮助玩家更好地确定其方位
* 更改忠诚度系统对无人舰船的描述 * 修改了忠诚度系统对 较弱 或 经常战毁并被恢复 的舰船的作用方式 * 修正了酒吧事件导致军官超出可指挥数量的问题 * 修复了一个问题,它导致具有特殊右键 (非护盾和相位) 的舰船获得相位相关特性 * 一些其它的小修正
* 修复无系统舰船获得特质时可能出现的问题 * 修复与 Ruthless Sector 不兼容的问题 * 降低了著名舰船事件出现的默认概率
* 存在对底层结构的调整,因此不兼容于旧版存档 * 完全移除战斗评级系统 * 舰船获得的特性根据每艘船的独特ID事先确定 * 在默认设置下,舰船在达到最高名誉值时会有1到4个负面特质 * 新添加可调整特质的事件 * 封存将无法重置舰船声望 (它们还会再度获得此前的特质) * 舰船现在根据经验值获取新的特质并和船员忠诚度提高,而非几率获取 * 忠诚度的降低不再取决于船体受损程度,取而代之地,当舰船停机时它会下降两个等级 * 特质成对出现,最好的特质只能在最后获取 * 将会显示舰船可以得到的下一对特质 * 忠诚度在一定水平以下时,舰船战备值会降低,撤换舰长可以解决这个问题 * 最低忠诚度现在是 "随时暴动",最高可以临时达到 "受到激励" * 调整了Settings文件里的可改动项 * Settings文件里的设置在每次读取存档时都会重新读取 * 添加"受到激励": 新的忠诚度等级,持续30-120天 * 添加荣誉主题: 有时候舰船获得的特性不是完全随机的,而是基于定制的概率表 * 添加7种酒吧事件,允许你: -将你舰船的一个特性随机转换为同类/同级的另一个 -牺牲忠诚度让负面特质变为正面特质 (一定忠诚度水平以上) -牺牲忠诚度移除一个D插件 (一定忠诚度水平以上) -以高价出售你战功赫赫的舰船 -雇佣一些慕名而来的船员,一定程度提高忠诚度 -雇佣军官,连同其忠诚的下属和舰船 -当舰船名声达到 "举世闻名" 后,可查看其服役总结,每次一艘船,且消耗一个故事点 * 添加随机的情报面板事件,将你舰船的一个特性随机转换为同类/同级的另一个 * 添加两个新的特质,仅出现于拥有能量/导弹槽位的舰船上
* Updated compatibility to Starsector version 0.95.1a * Fixed a version checking issue that prevented loading with Starsector 0.95.1
* Fixed the chance for loyalty changes not being calculated correctly: * The "improveLoyaltyChanceMult" and "worsenLoyaltyChanceMult" settings are no longer ignored * High loyalty now makes further loyalty improvements less likely, and loyalty reductions more likely * Low loyalty now makes further loyalty reductions less likely, and loyalty improvements more likely * Fixed: Damage taken by the new variants of the excelsior are no longer taken into consideration by rating calculations * Fixed enemy fleet traits not having any effect if no player ship has ever earned a trait * Fixed reputations not propagating to ship modules properly
* Fixed defending a station through the "consider your military options" dialogue resulting in a broken battle where you attack the station instead
* Fixed not checking sMods (hullmods made permanent with story points) when considering trait compatibility * Changed: Made a few trait/hullmod combinations incompatible (for example, shield traits are now incompatible with Shield Shunt) * Changed: Ship strength estimates are now based on deployment points rather than recovery cost * Changed: Loyalty can no longer be reduced unless a ship takes sufficient hull damage in battle. Less damage is required at higher loyalty levels * Added "considerNormalHullmodsForTraitCompatibility" setting (false by default) * Added a new, complicated, optional method of estimating ship strength (disabled by default) * Base strength estimate is based on adjusted fleet points (FP) rather than deployment recovery cost * sMods, dMods, and captain skills may be taken into consideration when estimating the strength of ships * Player level may be taken into consideration when estimating the strength of player ships * Eight new settings have been added to support this, along with a precise description of how strength is estimated in the settings file
* Fixed famous derelicts and flagships sometimes not being recoverable after being destroyed in battle * Fixed reputation hullmods temporarily being removed from ships with no ordnance points assigned on game load * Fixed a few immersion issues: * The names of factions that do not appear in the intel tab are replaced with "undesignated opposing force" * Prevented a certain special fleet with a certain special ship from having traits * Prevented a certain special faction from having traits (may change once more is known) * Changed: Civilian ships no longer get traits ("traitChanceMultForReservedCivilianShips" changed from 2 to 0) * Changed: Reduced the effect of enemy fleet traits ("fleetTraitEffectMult" reduced from 3 to 2) * Changed: Doubled effect of traits that affect CR recovery rate (Industrious/Lazy Crew) * Changed several settings related to levels to compensate for lower level caps in 0.95 * Increased "traitChanceBonusPerPlayerLevel" from 0.05 to 0.15 * Increased "traitChanceMultPerPlayerCaptainLevel" from 0.005 to 0.02 * Increased "traitChanceMultPerNonPlayerCaptainLevel" from 0.01 to 0.04 * Changed: Flattened the number of traits enemy fleets could get * Commanders will now grant 2 traits to their fleet at level one, plus one trait for every two additional levels (Previously it was one trait per level)
* Fixed damage dealt to stations not being counted toward ratings
* Updated compatibility to Starsector version 0.95a * Fixed various rare or minor issues thanks to engine improvements from 0.95a * Fixed max integrity not being counted correctly for some ships with modules, resulting in their damage taken frequently being erroneously reported as 100% * Changed: Distinct visuals and updated icons for reputation hullmods * Changed: Reduced how frequently remnant fleets have the "deadly" trait by half * Changed: Rating changes between +1% and -1% can no longer result in traits being lost or new negative traits being gained * Changed default settings to be more difficult (due to ruthless sector not being available): * More difficult to maintain good traits (baseRating reduced from 0.65 to 0.5) * Ratings are reduced more by damage taken (damageTakenMult increased from 0.65 to 0.85) * Chance for officers to improve loyalty reduced by 50% * Famous derelicts may be guarded by Remnant fleets * Integration: Mods that add hull-regenerating ships can now add entries to the merged file at data/config/starship_legends/hull_regen_ships.csv |