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发表于 2019-3-1 15:37:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Changes as of January 31, 2019

REDACTED derelict now only appears in more interesting star systems with more potential for habitation
Adjusted price of (P) ships to account for their lack of built-in d-mods
Ships with "Militarized Subsystems" no longer get increased maintenance from capacity-increasing logistics hullmods
And can have Safety Overrides
Intel planet list: replaced "value" column with planet survey class
Added "free port" to several pirate colonies
Free port:
Stability penalty goes from 1 to 3 over time instead of being fixed at 3
Accessibility bonus goes from 5% to 25% (was: 10 to 50)
Fixed commodity tooltip issue in "market share" screen
Buffalo (A), Kite (A): replaced "Militarized Hegemony Auxiliary" with "Militarized Subsystems"
Officer picker dialog now shows personality for officers over current maximum
Changed item outline color in industry screen to better highlight installed items
Player faction should no longer use combat freighters instead of a portion of combat/freighter ships in patrols etc
May still use combat freighters in place of combat ships, if priority settings allow it
Orbital Works: added ship quality bonus to tooltip
Industries separated into "Industries" (Mining, Farming, etc) and "Structures" (Spaceport, Orbital Station, etc)
Type shown in tooltip and "add industry or structure" dialog
"Industry" type also highlighted in colony screen (solid background behind name)
Maximum number of industries limited to a value based on colony size
From 1 at size 3 to 4 at size 8 and above
Only one ongoing construction project (new industry or structure, NOT upgrades) per colony
Can queue more construction projects
Doubled population growth required to increase colony size
Doubled population growth incentive cost
A colony with no industries receives an additional growth penalty (unemployment etc)
Upkeep reduction from REDACTED core reduced to 25% (was: 50%)
Total upkeep for a colony is reduced by up to 25% based on demand filled by in-faction sources
Income from exports no longer counts demand at player colonies for total market value
Income at non-player-owned colonies no longer shown as it's no longer accurate
When the player establishes a new colony, it automatically begins construction of a Spaceport, free of extra cost
Significantly increased the build time for most industries, structures, and their upgrades
Some examples:
Farming: 30 -> 60
Heavy Industry: 60 -> 120
Megaport: 30 -> 150
No longer supplies economic units of commodities
Increased monthly drops for smaller ruin sizes
Added administrators to the larger core world colonies
Target of REDACTED mission no longer spawns right next to a black hole
Pirate and Pather bases should no longer spawn next to a black hole
Added "danger level" indicator to fleet tooltips
Added bar event to aid in locating Pather base
Luddic Path bases show up under "Colony threats" tag when targeting player colonies
Will no longer prevent play from docking when engaged in battle
Or more than 1000 units away
"Deserter" pirate bounty fleets now use faction-specific weapons/fighters, instead of drawing from the usually-inferior pirate set
Taking over or destroying a comm relay/nav buoy/sensor relay in a system where the owning faction has no colonies will no longer have any impact on your reputation
Removed stack size limit of 1000 from player cargo
Maximum quantity that can be picked up using slider increased to 5000
Can now see CR level of stored ships
Pirate bases:
Can no longer repeatedly spawn in the same system without some time passing
Reduced likelihood of player colonies being targeted by pirate bases that are very far away
Increased average interval between patrol spawns to 2 weeks (was: 1 week)
Also affects combat fleets from pirate and Pather bases
As before, the interval is reduced significantly when an existing patrol returns
Increased respawn delay for REDACTED fleets
Added unique icon for comm sniffer intel item
Industrial Planning: level one now reduces upkeep by 10% instead of reducing demand
Reduced time-scaling of person bounties
Intel UI (including map) now takes up more space if available
Jump-point dialog warning about fleets on the other side now only shown if there's enough fuel to jump
Raids/expeditions/etc that are being organized (i.e. not yet assembling) will be aborted if the colony is either destroyed or its military base is disrupted
Made "Missile Autoforge" hullmod visible on station modules and REDACTED
Navigation skill: now modifies individual fleet member fuel use (rather than fleetwide)
Effect shows up in ship tooltip
Added Prometheus Mk.II to Pather fleets
Added Atlas Mk.II to pirate fleets
Starting relationship with Luddic Path changed to -65 (was: -50)
Salvaging: +50% bonus for rare items will no longer result in a full re-roll and will simply result in "more stuff" compared to without the skill
Battelstations and Star Fortresses now have officers
Installing an Alpha Core on any level station still grants a level 20 officer with Gunnery Implants
Made a few performance improvements
Punitive expeditions:
Fixed issue with wrong reason being displayed sometimes
Reduced strength of initial punitive expeditions sent
Reduced high-end expedition space strength
Increased high-end expedition ground strength
More variety in which colonies are targeted
Will no longer be sent out by the faction the player is commissioned by, if any
Will result in a 5-point reputation penalty when/if the expedition fails
No reputation penalty for fighting the expedition's fleets
Reputation cost to avert reduced to 20 points
Takes roughly twice as long for factions to build up towards sending an expedition
After 2-3 expeditions are sent (total, by all factions), no expeditions will be sent for 6 to 12 months
This does not include pirate raids or inspections
Reduced the size of later-game pirate raids by half
Fleet spawning:
Will not produce fleets with more than 30 ships
Stronger fleets will have many more large ships
This increases both their ground-raiding strength and their effectiveness vs stations
Can now abandon colonies up to size 4
Fleet/station interactions:
Destroying/disabling/forcing enough enemy ships to retreat during an engagement allows your fleet to disengage without being pursued
Works when your fleet is over the disengage size limit, but not limited to this
Indicator in combat screen shows progress towards this
Currently set to 40% of enemy fleet or 100 deployment points, whichever is lower
When a fleet that's "too large to disengage" engages an enemy station supported by other fleets:
Can always disengage without being pursued
But, the enemy fleet will harass the retreat, causing a drop in CR
Stations will no longer try to disengage when outnumbered
When joining an ongoing battle, allied fleets will prefer to pursue instead of harry/let go when possible
When losing a battle: special items such as blueprints, AI cores, survey data, etc, no longer have a chance to be lost
Will no longer force the player to fight when weaker and stopping them for the transponder being off or for a cargo scan
Music will no longer switch to another track when passing near a star system, actually entering it is required
"Typical heavy patrol" on Doctrine & blueprints screen now more closely matches a typical heavy patrol
Uses best ship quality in player faction
Uses appropriate number of tankers/freighters

Total battle size in vs-station battles is increased by the deployment cost of the station
Ships should find it much harder to go outside the map boundary

Can now left-click outside the hullmod picker dialog to dismiss it
Weapon tooltip:
Now properly handles weapons with a very large interruptible burst
Moved flux/second to be under damage/second
Stripping a hull will now force weapon groups to be reassigned on deployment if there are unassigned weapons
"Escape" battles: ships deployed on the flanks will start 4000 units closer to the top of the map

Harbinger: changed 3 medium hardpoints to "energy" (was: "synergy")
Increased refit time for most bombers by somewhere around 3-5 seconds
Perdition: increased OP cost to 15 (was: 12), increased refit time to 15 (was: 10)
Phaeton, Starliner: reduced max burn by 1
Gemini: increased max burn by 1

Ship AI:
Reduced aggressiveness when facing a station but given an order that targets something other than the station
Will no longer use High Energy Focus or other weapon-boosting systems when all affected weapons are on cooldown
Fixed some broadside AI issues
Fixed autopilot issue when "invert turn-to-cursor behavior" setting was checked
Reacts more quickly to "primed" friendly mines
Burn Drive:
Should no longer be used when a ship has an assignment and is not facing towards the assignment target
One exception being when trying to get away from an enemy behind the ship
Will not burn towards targets that have the "Avoid" order
Improved behavior around borders
Ships with limited fighters wings (no bombers and <=1 for cruisers and below, <=2 for capital) are more conservative about using these to engage the enemy
Fixed issue where carriers would occasionally "engage" their fighters on targets under fog of war
Legion, Mora: will no longer hide behind combat ships
Improved command obedience
Fixed issue that could cause ship to back off from a target due to flanking - but insignificant - threats
Fixed several issues that could cause a ship with front shields to turn slightly away from the target, seemingly without a reason
Fixed an issue that could cause REDACTED ships to wander around the battle map instead of engaging the player
Non aggressive/reckless officers will be more careful about maintaining range from the enemy
Made some tweaks to evasion logic that should make ships less likely to try to "pivot" around an enemy at too close a range
Should improve survivability
Escort behavior overhauled
Does a better job positioning escorting ships to ward off flanking enemies
Does a better job not getting in the way of the parent ship's fire
Does a better job handling broadside ships
(Still more likely to get in their line of fire if escorting one)
Capital ships and cruisers with an escort assignment now only turn towards fighters if no other targets are in range
Should fix a number of cases where a ship appears to be over-aggressive and dies for "no reason"
Can more smoothly handle a larger number of frigates escorting the same ship
Much more consistent and predictable overall

Added FighterWingAPI.getReturning()
Added to ShipAPI:
Ships with modules can now retreat properly - that is, the modules aren't left behind
Fixed issue where "replace" files were not getting detected correctly depending on use of forward of back slashes in path
Can now successfully deactivate() abilitites that are not isUsable()
Viewing intel for systems that are not connected to hyperspace will no longer crash the game
Added NO_AUTO_ESCORT ship hint, makes carriers not hide behind nearby combat ships
Used by Mora and the Legion
A colony in hyperspace will no longer trigger a "transponder off" warning when jumping into hyperspace
Increased clarity of some of the thrown exceptions
Fixed crash caused by abandoning orbital-station-only colony
Made all fields in MarketCMD.TempData public
Added to CombatFleetManagerAPI:
float getEnemyCleanDisengageProgress();
float getEnemyCleanDisengageThreshold();
float getEnemyCleanDisengagePoints();
boolean canEnemyDisengageCleanly();
Player can no longer perform item right-click-actions in InteractionDialogAPI.showCargoPickerDialog()
Added to SettingsAPI:
FactionAPI createBaseFaction(String factionId);
Added to WeaponSpecAPI:
DamageType getDamageType();
cancelledCargoSelection() is now called when a CargoPickerDialog is closed using the Escape button
Added to beam weapon .wpn files: fringeScrollSpeedMult
tag_data.json: now properly reads in the "name" field
Added to FactionAPI:
Map<String, String> getMusicMap()
Added to LocationAPI:
MemoryAPI getMemoryWithoutUpdate();
Added MusicPlayerPlugin interface; implementation specified via "musicPlugin" in settings.json
Can create arbitrary number of campaign music states for different locations/conditions/etc
Method that picks music set for combat gets passed in a CombatEngineAPI
Can specify a $musicSetId for star systems, markets, and entities to override default plugin behavior

Ruins on a planet that's been bombarded are now properly flagged as "surveyed"
"Mild Climate" condition can now appear on certain habitable planets
Fixed issue with "Open Market" from Commerce fully regenerating on re-opening the tab
Fixed player being unable to join battle involving their faction's forces if the player's faction had a friendly reputation with the enemy fleet's faction
Fixed issue with d-mods being removed from ships for sale after saving and then loading
Ancyra now has a tariff and no longer has unusually low fuel (and other) prices
Autofit: fixed issue with not adding proper number of vents/capacitors based on target variant
Fixed possible slowdown issue
Added Wayfarer to base blueprint set
Berserker-class ship now properly shows up in REDACTED fleets
Recent Unrest condition now properly removed from colony when stability penalty reaches 0
Hopefully fixed issue loading UTF-8 text with multi-byte characters from mission descriptions etc
Fixed Custom Production screen crash caused by abandoning selected gathering point colony
Fixed a game-loading crash
Fixed slow memory leak caused by Commerce industry
Fixed issue where the main ship deployed in "run simulation" would not use the faction's doctrine for the autopilot personality
Fixed issue where pressing "S" without course widget showing would still adjust player fleet's destination
Ravelin-class drone: changed erroneous hardpoints to turrets in ship definition
Fixed issue that could cause pirate fleets to be on the other side of a jump-point without the player receiving a warning prior to the jump
Auto-assign officers will no longer assign officers above the current maximum
Fixed officer tooltip not updating when changing officer assignments until fleet screen was re-opened
Fixed issue with "auto-assign idle officers" over-valuing civilian ships
Fixed issue where hostile orbital stations could fight each other
Fixed issue where orbital stations could participate in battles very far from their visible location
Fleets issuing a distress call will now ask for correct amount of fuel
Fuel use/day indicator now properly accounts for "free" speed over burn level 20
Safety Procedures level 3 no longer reduces supply cost of Transverse Jump (affects tooltip only)
Industry picker dialog now shows correct upkeep values
Fixed issue where torpedoes and other AoE projectiles hitting a station's shield could damage other modules technically behind the shield.
Fixed an infinite credits exploit related to paying bribe
Impact Mitigation 1: now properly applies +150 armor instead of +150% armor
Centurion-class frigate now only spawns in larger fleets (as was intended), instead of only in smaller fleets
Upgrading an industry now takes the correct amount of time, instead of being equal the build time of the industry being upgraded
No longer possible to make the "Orders" button on the Command tab enabled
REDACTED mission: pilot will not show up at a colony with 0 stability
Fixed issue with Falcon (P) sometimes restoring to the base Falcon class
Level 3 Missile Specialization now applies to mines
Fixed rare ConcurrentModificationException crash
Fixed bug that could cause orbital stations to end up with very sub-par weaponry
Fixed issue with uninhabited planets in core systems not getting planetary conditions
Non-primary stars (and black holes etc) can no longer be colonized
Custom production now properly assumes maxed out doctrine ship quality
Fixed issue with player credits value for certain dialog interactions not being updated
Fixed issue where getting survey data for a planet w/o directly surveying it rendered the survey mission incompletable
Fixed issue where combat readiness of ships in storage could be reset to 50%
Undiscovered Luddic Path bases no longer show up in planet list
Fixed issue where planets or moons were appearing multiple times in binary/trinary/nebula star system overviews
Fixed issue with survey data occasionally and temporarily having a very low sell price (probably)
Fixed issue with pirate ambush fleets not being hostile when player is friendly with pirates
Fixed issue with comm sniffer count not updating properly on uninstalling (visual issue only)
Expeditions will no longer attempt to raid unraidable industries
Fixed issue where it was possible for a colony to decivilize without a warning being sent
Fixed issue where ship quality at a market with ship production and extremely low accessibility was incorrect
Tech-Mining no longer generates cargo before it's finished building
Fixed crash in custom production screen when gathering point colony has been destroyed
Can no longer "restore" ships at uncolonized planets
Fixed a few issues in ship deployment logic that caused capital-sized carriers to not be deployed as often as was appropriate
Fixed crash related to Derinkuyu becoming decivilized or destroyed in the first couple of months
Fixed Helmsmanship 5%/1% issue
Dismissing AI Core/Manage Installed Item dialogs with "enter" no longer eats the items in question
Fixed exploit allowing giving free assignments in combat
Cancelling an assignment will now only close the command frequency if it's appropriate to do so
Ships produced by the player's colonies will use the proper ship name prefix configured for the faction
Luddic Church will now properly use its ship skins
Fixed occasional days-remaining disparity between list and detail info for person bounties
Default battle size now properly set to 300
Abandoning a colony no longer removes the "Decivilized" condition
Fixed issue that caused expedition raid strength to be lower than what was stated in the intel item
Fixed issue with Defecitve Manufactory not applying the standard d-mod cost reduction
Fixed issue with large fleets full of civilian ships ordering a full retreat shortly after starting a battle
Fixed issue that could cause a fleeing fleet using Emergency Burn to stay within a certain range of what it was fleeing from
Fixed issue with Pather Cell attraction calculation of Heavy Industry
Fixed occasional music-related exceptions in the log when exiting the game
Fixed sell cost of ship weapons and fighter wing LPCs being incorrect (higher than the tooltip)
Converted Hangar can no longer be installed on a Colossus Mk.III


 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-1 15:38:36 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2019-3-2 16:17:25 | 显示全部楼层
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