Mod Bug汇报
游戏版本: |
0.95.1 |
Mod中文名: |
Mod版本: |
127 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.ModManager - 发现 mod: more_hullmods [D:downloadStarsectorstarsector-core..mods[C](扩充)更多的船体插件More HullMods 1.11.1]
129 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.ModManager - 发现 mod: HHE [D:downloadStarsectorstarsector-core..mods_HHE]
130 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.ModManager - 发现 mod: JYD [D:downloadStarsectorstarsector-core..mods【势力】鬣犬矿业 Junk Yard Dogs 2.7]
131 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils - Loading JSON from [..\mods/enabled_mods.json]
133 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings - Loading settings
133 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils - Loading JSON from [ABSOLUTE_AND_CWD: null (data/config/settings.json)]
181 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 320x240, 60Hz, 32bpp
181 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 320x200, 60Hz, 32bpp
181 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 400x300, 60Hz, 32bpp
181 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 512x384, 60Hz, 32bpp
181 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 640x480, 60Hz, 32bpp
181 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 640x400, 60Hz, 32bpp
181 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 800x600, 60Hz, 32bpp
181 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1024x768, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1152x864, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1280x800, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1280x1024, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1280x960, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1280x768, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1280x720, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1280x600, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1360x768, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1366x768, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1400x1050, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1440x900, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1600x900, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1680x1050, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 发现显示模式: 1920x1080, 60Hz, 32bpp
182 [main] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 假设本机显示器的分辨率为 1920x1080
357 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.o0oO - Using refresh rate:60
687 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.starfarer.launcher.opengl.GLLauncher - 最大抗锯齿采样: 16
789 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/launcher_bg.jpg (using cast)
850 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/launch_button_bg.png (using cast)
853 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/play_button0.png (using cast)
855 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/play_button1.png (using cast)
856 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/buttons/toggleA20x_on.png (using cast)
857 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/buttons/toggleA20x_off.png (using cast)
858 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/buttons/arrow_down.png (using cast)
859 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/fx/scanline11.png (using cast)
860 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/bgs/ui_border1b_e.png (using cast)
861 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/bgs/ui_border1b_e_bot.png (using cast)
862 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/bgs/ui_border1b_e_top.png (using cast)
863 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/bgs/ui_border1b_w.png (using cast)
864 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/bgs/ui_border1b_w_bot.png (using cast)
865 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/ui/bgs/ui_border1b_w_top.png (using cast)
1154 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/fonts/orbitron24aabold_0.png (using cast)
1378 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/fonts/orbitron20aa_0.png (using cast)
1539 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/fonts/insignia15LTaa_0.png (using cast)
1705 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.graphics.TextureLoader - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/fonts/orbitron12condensed_0.png (using cast)
3104 [Thread-2] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils - Loading JSON from [..\mods/enabled_mods.json]
### 游戏信息
游戏版本: 0.95.1a-RC6
### 系统信息
操作系统:Microsoft Windows 11 家庭中文版
版本:10.0.22631 暂缺 Build 22631
虚拟机参数:java.exe -XX:CompilerThreadPriority=1 -XX:+CompilerThreadHintNoPreempt -Djava.library.path=native\\windows -Xverify:none -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -Xmn2g -Xms4g -Xmx4g -Xss2m -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xloggc:jvm.log -classpath janino.jar;commons-compiler.jar;commons-compiler-jdk.jar;starfarer.api.jar;starfarer_obf.jar;jogg-0.0.7.jar;jorbis-0.0.15.jar;json.jar;lwjgl.jar;jinput.jar;log4j-1.2.9.jar;lwjgl_util.jar;fs.sound_obf.jar;fs.common_obf.jar;xstream-1.4.10.jar -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.saves=..\\saves -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.screenshots=..\\screenshots -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.mods=..\\mods -Dcom.fs.starfarer.settings.paths.logs=. com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher
### Mod信息
|Mod名称 |Mod版本 |已启用 |
|LazyLib |2.7b |是 |
|zz GraphicsLib |1.6.1 |是 |
|MagicLib |0.46.1-rc03|是 |
|[C](扩充)更多的船体插件More HullMods 1.11.1|1.11.1 |是 |
|[链戍集团军]Shackles Garrison - XXVIIBattleGroup |0.7.7 |是 |
|Amazigh铸船厂 |0.9 |是 |
|Apex设计集团 |1.1.0b |是 |
|Caymon船包 |1.2.1 |是 |
|cjy的玩具箱 |0.3.0p -fix6|是 |
|D插件修复禁用 [Stop Remove D-Mods] |1.04 |是 |
|Hostile Intercept (and Autopause!)|1.3.2 |是 |
|Hyperdrive 超空间跳跃 |2.3.1 |是 |
|J GEEK Federation |0.8.0 |是 |
|LunaLib |1.6.0 |是 |
|MOD溯源[WhichMod] |1.2.1 |是 |
|Officer Extension 军官扩展 |0.4.3 |是 |
|Scan Those Gates 人之领巨构扫描器 |1.5.0 |是 |
|Secrets of the Frontier 前线秘闻 |0.13.1 |是 |
|Seeker - 未知接触 |0.51 |是 |
|Slightly Better Tech-Mining 更好的技术挖掘|2.7.3 |是 |
|Special Hullmod Upgrades |1.3 |是 |
|SpeedUp |0.7.1 |是 |
|Take No Prisoners 战俘营地 |0.14.4 |是 |
|Transponder Off |1.2.2 |是 |
|URB-UNGP非官方规则扩展 |1.1.2a |是 |
|中微子公司:怀旧版 |1.87-RC3|是 |
|伊甸流亡舰队 [I.C.E.] |0.4.3 |是 |
|兽耳助手! |0.6 |是 |
|内置船插增益 [Better Deserved S-Mods] |1.53 |是 |
|凯尔捷夫技术官僚 |1.9 |是 |
|动态调整技能限制 |0.2.0 |是 |
|势力争霸 [Nexerelin] |0.10.6d |是 |
|北极星之首 [Polaris Prime] |0.3.2 |是 |
|博尔肯基金会 [Foundation Of Borken] |0.6.1 |是 |
|卢德拓展 [Luddic Enhancement] |1.2.5l |是 |
|地貌改造 & 空间站建设 |8.2.1 |是 |
|地质协会 [Kantech] |0.4.3 |是 |
|女武神组织 [Valkyrians] |3.1.0 |是 |
|导弹舰艇大修 |1.2.6-0.95.1a|是 |
|希尔芬研究所 |1.0 |是 |
|恶魔航电 [Diable Avionics] |2.7.0rc2|是 |
|战机扩展 - 平衡版 |1.1.1 |是 |
|星海集群 |1.11.1 |是 |
|星系检索网络 |2.6.1 |是 |
|星舰传奇 [Starship Legends] |2.1.2 |是 |
|智械黎明 美化包 |0.0.1 |是 |
|更大的殖民地 Grand Colonies |1.0.d |是 |
|机械虚空船厂 |0.53 |是 |
|标量科技解决方案 |0.8.7 |是 |
|沃尔科夫工业集团[VIC] |1.5.8a |是 |
|泰兰船包 |0.9RC3 |是 |
|海盗拓展 [Underworld] |1.7.1 |是 |
|海鲜船包 [Seafood Shipworks] |0.0.7f |是 |
|清理星域 [Clean Sector] |0.2.3-RC1|是 |
|羊头航务局[Goat_Aviation_Bureau] |1.4.5 |是 |
|自动指令 |1.1a |是 |
|舰船/武器拓展 [Ship/Weapon Pack] |1.13.0 |是 |
|蓝海渔业[BlueSeaFisher] |0.98b1.4|是 |
|趋光拓展 [ApproLightPlus] |0.6.3 |是 |
|趋光议会 [ApproLight] |1.2.0 |是 |
|达索-米高扬设计局 |1.6a |是 |
|重生[UNGP] |2.1.0 |是 |
|阿卡涅西斯之遗 |v1.9.11 |是 |
|雇主加成[Commissioned Crews] |1.999999ggg|是 |
|靶子[Practice Targets] |1.41rc2 |是 |
|骤雨军事公司 [Arma Armatura] |2.1.3 |是 |
|鬣犬矿业 |2.7.0 |是 |
|HMI反派势力 [HMI Supervillains] |0.0.4a |否 |
|Prasrity ScrapMaster1[P.S.M.] |0.5.3a |否 |
|Progressive S-Mods 更好的内置机制 |0.8.7 |否 |
|布莱顿联盟 [Brighton Federation] |0.0.2c |否 |
|星际帝国 [Interstellar Imperium] |2.5.2 |否 |
|玛雅苏兰海军 |8.3.9 RC2|否 |
|详细战斗报告[Detailed Combat Results] |5.3.0 |否 |
|风险矿业公司 [Hazard Mining Incorporated]|0.3.5f |否 |
(以上内容由 远行星号 报错信息收集工具 自动生成,生成工具版本 `1.1.2`).