【0.9.1】Tahlan船包0.3.8 【更新】
本帖最后由 ZeroxeroX 于 2020-7-5 15:33 编辑https://i.imgur.com/xmr0Cos.png
This is a small ship pack mod I've been tinkering away at for a while now and I feel it's in a decent enough state now for a first release on the forums. It adds a couple new ships and weapon of different tech levels and styles, including some new themed content that's going to be expanded upon with more features in the future. The mod is still in its earlier stages and in some parts a bit experimental, but I hope you'll find something to enjoy in my little toybox here.这个小船包【指Tahlan shipworks】是我酝酿了好一阵子,觉得还行就在英文论坛发布了初版,它添加了一些新的风格各异科技水平不同的船和武器,包括一些新的特色内容,这些都将在未来扩展更多出更多有意思的玩意,这个mod仍处在早期阶段,部分内容还是试验性的,但我【Nia】希望能在我的小玩具里发现你所喜欢的东西。
Vayra's Sector - Required for custom bounties 一些赏金需要该mod来生成
Version Checker 版本检查器
Features: 特色
- A decent number of new ships, lovingly handcrafted by me without excessive use of purple paint for once -数十艘不同的新船,都是由我(Nia)用爱所手制,没有一次性用很多紫色啦【希尔芬研究所 Sylphon】
- A handful of new fancy weapons in a unique style linked to the Great Houses of Kassadar - 与卡瑟德尔的多元居相关联的很多种风格各异的武器
- A set of custom variant skins of vanilla and mod ships related to the same -一部分原版风格的船体涂装,mod船也是一样的.
- Cool new ship systems and fancy synergetic ship designs -酷炫的战术系统和如幻般协同作战船只设计
- In the future: Some new campaign features, also linked to the Great Houses and more -未来:更多的战役特色内容,都与多元局或其他有关联
Bonus - List of things that are in fact NOT in this mod:
- R2D2 Commodities
- The Shadowclaw
- Lightning Bombers
- Imhotep
- The Cathedral
Nicke535 - For helping me out with his scripting wizardry
MesoTroniK - For advice here and there and keeping me from overdoing it again
Sylva - For giving me bad ideas, even if he doesn't realize that
Passwalker - For some sprites I used as bases for some ships
The Discord folks - For feedback and keeping me motivated to keep working on this
Tahlan Shipworks Mod by Nia Tahl is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Any derivative work must also comply with Starsector's EULA
2019/6/30 汉化者ZeroXenon 涅普 参考Lawkey2019/8/15更新新版本汉化2019/8/31更新0.36c2019/10/7更新0.38
本帖最后由 MoonSun 于 2019-7-1 11:27 编辑
更新了?! 标准装配 Wk891112 发表于 2020-4-7 15:54
中间大槽扈从炮塔,两边大槽斯瑞克斯动能弹射装置,中间中槽(前)墨纪拉双联轨道炮,(后)卟啉重型加农炮,中间导弹中槽百手巨人级鱼雷发射器,其余中槽爆燃防空炮塔,其余小槽爆燃防空炮 感谢分享,下载一个耍耍。 好像更新到0.3.15a的版本了,看了下英文论坛 感谢分享,顺便想问楼主一个问题,就是这个MOD中的舰船无法在游戏界面那个游戏数据里看到吗?武器倒是在游戏数据里都有,但是卡德瑟尔的攻势,军团这些就看不到,请问这是正常的还是说是和别的MOD有冲突造成的?!::Q:dizzy: Wk891112 发表于 2020-4-7 15:54
这个装配方案点防溢出,动能偏少。不过这个攻势确实适合配合F技能打突进,导弹可以看着换别的 Wk891112 发表于 2020-4-7 15:54
新版可以去nep那个帖子,攻势装配好像是在装配预设里有 MoonSun 发表于 2019-7-1 11:21
另外明人不说暗话,我想要这gif里攻势的武器配装! MoonSun 发表于 2019-7-1 11:21
我敲,右上第一个什么鬼畜缝合?两个小精灵中间连了个啥?!!鬼畜鬼畜 mmssffwdd 发表于 2020-1-6 15:39
谢谢 很喜欢这种原版风格,感谢作者分享 感谢大佬分享 喵喵,能不能弱弱的催更 ohhhh好好看的贴图 太好看了吧 感谢分享
看着船改得不错嘛{:5_127:} 更新到3.10
多了任务跟几个新武器跟船 感谢分享 感谢分享~ 感谢分享 现在这个mod最主要的问题是找不到蓝图 0.39出了。 帅啊{:tieba_15:} 谢谢大佬 感谢分享 感谢分享! 船好帅,就是蓝图找不全啊,不知道藏哪里啦。。。 终于更新了呀,船还是一如既往的好看! Nia 发表于 2019-9-25 01:40
All the effects are my own work. No other mod involved.
Some new previews:
good job!!so cool!! 15027923076 发表于 2019-9-20 10:19
This m ...
All the effects are my own work. No other mod involved.
Some new previews:
本帖最后由 15027923076 于 2019-9-20 17:21 编辑
This mod's artillery effect is so handsome! Look at that smoke, click, is mod proprietary or is it enhanced with other mod plug-ins?
Dudewhat 发表于 2019-9-1 15:04
可能是我太菜了吧……但是除 ...
- Reduced DP of Hresvelgr variants to 45
small buff 支持 {:5_124:}虽然这个mod的船帅到爆炸但是为什么觉得谁都打不过呢???
那个正规军看了都流泪的海盗猩红战列航母明明都是4甲板比军团还要脆的鸭皮,说好的战列航妈呢{:5_124:} 50点的大鸟航妈比星体还贵,然而无论是打制空还是轰炸都打不过星体甚至脸比星体还大一个等级{:5_132:}
看来我太菜了……还是退群吧{:5_124:} 本帖最后由 ZeroxeroX 于 2019-8-31 18:48 编辑
Nia 发表于 2019-8-31 08:46
Unexpected release
good work,I have just finished the work for the 0.36c 更新更新!!!!! 本帖最后由 Nia 于 2019-8-31 01:48 编辑
Unexpected release 宽边
Nia 发表于 2019-8-21 09:22
I'm so sorry. I ended up adding 3 more ships and other new content and the update got delayed.
我 ...
It's ok,I will update the translate version soon.. ZeroxeroX 发表于 2019-8-20 16:44
I'm so sorry. I ended up adding 3 more ships and other new content and the update got delayed.
我很抱歉。 我最后增加了3艘船和其他新内容,更新延迟了。 wangstage 发表于 2019-8-20 21:35
楼主,mod又更新到0.3.6a了。这个模组好像都要开新当。所以等着楼主汉化新版 ...
原本计划是等到他更新再出汉化的,后面发现拖太久就发了 楼主,mod又更新到0.3.6a了。这个模组好像都要开新当。所以等着楼主汉化新版 这个涂装太帅了吧 感谢楼主分享! 感谢楼主分享! 感謝分享