[功能] [0.9a-0.91a] Skilledup 等级上限
本帖最后由 Terrabro 于 2021-2-14 00:02 编辑作者的话(引用@cjy4312 的翻译):
First of all a little disclaimer:首先是一点免责声明
I've been using this little tweak to the xp requirement formula for some time now and thought I'd put in the bit of extra effort to make a mod out of it and share it with all you lovely internet people! Considering it is my first (and probably last, but who knows?) mod for Starsector I might have overlooked something silly. If you are interested, please try it out and let me know your thoughts!
On the mod itself:
You could change the maximum player level in the Starsector settings file and call it day. However, the amount of xp required per level gets ridiculous around the 55-60 mark! Sad! This mod seeks to fix that by doing two things:
如果你通过并仅通过(call ita day 是到此为止的意思,从上下文来看应该是少写个a)设置文件修改了SS的最大玩家角色等级上限,那么在55-60级左右玩家升级所需经验会变的很奇葩,真令人悲伤,本mod通过以下两个手段修复这个问题:
It changes the max player level to 103, which is the level needed to cap all skills.
It gradually decreases the amount of experience required after level 35 for each level up.
It'll still take a tremendous amount of time to max out, but nowhere near the several lifetimes that it would when simply changing the settings file.
This can be added to a game in progress, even for maxed out characters. For characters level 36 and beyond, you'll have to gain xp once to trigger the game to give you levels.
Removing it from a game with a character level 51 and beyond will cause you to gain no more xp, but keep the levels and skills. I haven't invested a lot of time in testing this scenario, but it is logical considering the game handles xp, levels and skills as loosely coupled concepts.
In short - my advice is to use 'Save as copy' after enabling this mod on an existing save!
Below is a visual comparison of how the vanilla (red) xp requirements looks vs. those with the mod enabled (blue). As you can see, the difference in requirement for level 36 is negligible, while for level 103 the difference is ~ 90%:
::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol First of all a little disclaimer:首先是一点免责声明
I've been using this little tweak to the xp requirement formula for some time now and thought I'd put in the bit of extra effort to make a mod out of it and share it with all you lovely internet people! Considering it is my first (and probably last, but who knows?) mod for Starsector I might have overlooked something silly. If you are interested, please try it out and let me know your thoughts!
On the mod itself:
You could change the maximum player level in the Starsector settings file and call it day. However, the amount of xp required per level gets ridiculous around the 55-60 mark! Sad! This mod seeks to fix that by doing two things:
如果你通过并仅通过(call ita day 是到此为止的意思,从上下文来看应该是少写个a)设置文件修改了SS的最大玩家角色等级上限,那么在55-60级左右玩家升级所需经验会变的很奇葩,真令人悲伤,本mod通过以下两个手段修复这个问题:
[*]It changes the max player level to 103, which is the level needed to cap all skills.
[*]It gradually decreases the amount of experience required after level 35 for each level up.
It'll still take a tremendous amount of time to max out, but nowhere near the several lifetimes that it would when simply changing the settings file.
This can be added to a game in progress, even for maxed out characters. For characters level 36 and beyond, you'll have to gain xp once to trigger the game to give you levels.
Removing it from a game with a character level 51 and beyond will cause you to gain no more xp, but keep the levels and skills. I haven't invested a lot of time in testing this scenario, but it is logical considering the game handles xp, levels and skills as loosely coupled concepts.
In short - my advice is to use 'Save as copy' after enabling this mod on an existing save!
Below is a visual comparison of how the vanilla (red) xp requirements looks vs. those with the mod enabled (blue). As you can see, the difference in requirement for level 36 is negligible, while for level 103 the difference is ~ 90%:
cjy4312 发表于 2019-4-12 21:50
First of all a little disclaimer:首先是一点免责声明
I've been using this little tweak to the xp requ ...
感谢大佬帮忙翻译{:tieba_18:} 重复帖子已删除。
挺好的{:5_124:} 请问提示Fatal:JSONObject[“graphics”] not found 是什么意思?看不懂~~~ 支持,感谢分享! 这等级系统大爱, 原版实在太抠门了点完辅助技能一个战斗技能都点不了,打起架了被锤的跟狗一样 这个有0.91a 的版本吗? pronyou 发表于 2019-7-6 17:38
这个有0.91a 的版本吗?
0.91版本已更新,下载第二个附件即可 开森 多谢分享 這個正是我需要的, 謝謝大大分享::lol {:tieba_01:}{:tieba_01:}{:tieba_01:}{:tieba_01:}{:tieba_01:} wenguang499 发表于 2019-5-20 00:50
请问提示Fatal:JSONObject[“graphics”] not found 是什么意思?看不懂~~~
同问求大佬解答 多谢分享~~~~~
{:tieba_43:}感谢搬运! SkilledupMOD能不能跟 重生 MOD一起使用??? 这个东西有毛病啊,保存存档的时候 经常退出!!!!!! wqtxmjm 发表于 2019-12-29 09:31
这个东西有毛病啊,保存存档的时候 经常退出!!!!!!
???我没有问题呀,会不会是别的MOD出了问题或是不兼容? wqtxmjm 发表于 2019-12-29 09:31
这个东西有毛病啊,保存存档的时候 经常退出!!!!!!
是只开了这个MOD吗 大佬辛苦了谢谢 wenguang499 发表于 2019-5-20 00:50
请问提示Fatal:JSONObject[“graphics”] not found 是什么意思?看不懂~~~
看一下是不是版本错了{:5_124:} 支持,感谢分享! i了i了 安装之后,在加载mod的时候说不兼容,后来我删掉了,居然说我存档不兼容,怎么办啊
1121248189 发表于 2020-5-8 07:16
这就是作者为什么要叫你先备份存档的原因了 牛逼,这可视化对比图有那研究生论文的感觉 十年了 我终于满级了 本帖最后由 1121248189 于 2020-7-7 14:00 编辑
满级103后再在进入存档,居然说我mod不兼容,求解答::L 满级103后再在进入存档,居然说我mod不兼容,求解答 1121248189 发表于 2020-7-7 14:01
你先截个图吧,虽然这方面我也不是很懂,但你还是先截图吧 感谢。 我开着等级上限玩个鬼 S.H.I.T. 建议作者以类似修改器的方法去做等级上限就是减多少经验加一次点
感谢分享 原帖地址是错的,这个才是正确的原帖地址:https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=14293.0 本帖最后由 Terrabro 于 2021-2-14 00:01 编辑
传奇政委 发表于 2021-2-8 20:42
原帖地址是错的,这个才是正确的原帖地址:https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=14293.0 ...
谢谢提醒。原来我两个弄窜这么久了吗{:5_124:} 感谢楼主分享 感谢分享~ 插眼,谢谢分享 大佬666 0.95之后的版本能用吗? Terrabro 发表于 2019-7-7 13:09
南崖的水牛MK.II 发表于 2022-2-10 21:58
刚刚看了一眼,还没有更新呢。其实如果楼主没更新可以先看看原帖(发布地址)有没有更新再催{:tieba_18:} 大佬.求求更新一下0.95.1a版吧QAQ 作者好久没更新了,我也没办法{:tieba_19:}(不过我看到另一个,等会搬一下吧)
道可道.非恒道! 发表于 2022-2-20 00:26
如果需要0.95和0.95.1的提高等级上限的,可以看看https://www.fossic.org/thread-4241-1-1.html。不是一个作者的,但也都一样 Terrabro 发表于 2022-2-27 09:45
如果需要0.95和0.95.1的提高等级上限的,可以看看https://www.fossic.org/thread-4241-1-1.html。不是一 ...